Just remember ol' Rev. semillama's sage advice: "When in doubt, eat pussy." |
describe any cunt I would be exited about doing anything with, let alone eat! "Ripe" is better used to desribe a *really* *nasty* fart. "Wow! THAT was RIPE!!!" Of course, if an old bag is YOUR bag, then have at it Je |
And I haven't had genitalia in a while, let alone ripe. |
Kind of makes you wonder... |
dinner was 2 pork chops and canned corn. lightning. thunder. supposed to rain all night. one of my kitchen cabinets has 5 cans of vienna sausages, 3 cans of corn, 1 can of creamed corn chowder, 5 cans of soup, 5 things of nissan cup-o-noodles, 4 boxes of spaghetti, 1 jar of spaghetti sauce, 2 cans of hormel chili, and a thing of mazola cooking spray. i can't remember the other cabinets. it's raining hard as ass. |
Does anything get under your skin? . |
something like 19 people in the past something like a month or something have caught salmonilla from cantalope in the bay area. you need to wash your hands after handling the rind. even if you've washed the rind. always. period. because in nature cantaloupe are shat from giant birds. |
You don't pronounce "vanilla" like "vanella," do you, by any chance, Nate? |
Main Entry: shat past and past participle of SHIT |
eatass. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/05/24/MN47115.DTL |
40-inch hips, 26-inch waist. 1.54 ratio. does that mean I'll live forever? |
Stacey Martin and Boris Palameta. Psychology 1995 Male Perceptions of Female Attractiveness: The Importance of Waist-to-Hip Ratio Presented at the Human Behavior and Evolution Conference, June, 1995, Santa Barbara, CA ----------------------------------------------- Human males may have been selected to evaluate potential mates on the basis of cues that honestly advertise health and fertility. One such cue may be low waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). 77 male university students rated the attractiveness of female figures with WHR's ranging from approximately 0.65 - 0.80. The figures were derived from photographs of three volunteers from different weight categories (normal weight, overweight, and underweight). A computer program was used to darken the photographs and to manipulate WHR's. Six different figures were produced for each volunteer model. Each participant rated all six figures from one randomly selected weight category. Normal-weight and underweight figures were rated as more attractive when weight was removed from the waist rather than the hips; the reverse was true for overweight figures. Despite their lower WHR's, figures with enlarged hips were not rated as more attractive than figures with enlarged waists. The importance of WHR as a criterion of mate choice may vary with local conditions. |
i get salmonella from grocery store salmon once. i ate the fish, then took the A train to the World Trade Center, where i thought i was going to die. now i have the hiccups. goddamit. holding my breath. not breathing, purging the hiccups. i can hear the upstairs neighbor moving things around, the cars whizzing past. now i'm yawning. now i'm breathing normal. i feel like belching. i need a glass of water, and a bowel movement. got rid of the hiccups. |
hey semillama... wanna come to hawaii? |
oh crapola. he's on vacation already. wah. |
9 spoonfuls of sugar |
I get rid of hiccups by focusing intently on something else. Unless they become painful. Which happens. |
I am considering going back out to the Pacific Northwest around the 4th of July, visit some old friends there, maybe get another tattoo. Where I'll be depends on if my best friend will still be in Portland. If I go, I will probably start out in Seattle and then maybe go down to Portland, then back to Wisconsin, hopefully with some new ink. If I do go to Portland, I can be found somewhere in Powell's Books. Or, you-all can just go to Albequirky Oct. 21. I'll be there, and I will be disappointed if there is a low Sorabjite turnout. Margret will be busy, and I'm going to need at least one other sorbjite to hang out with and enjoy the scenery. |
( I am really fucking hating this computer now - it has spontaneously reset itslef again!) So, i think I may go to Detroit, instead. |
i'll buy you a ticket to portland |