Bought a little meat, vegetables, bread and other stuff - including a bag of apples. As much food as I could stuff into the wine box I picked up from the last time I went to the liquor store. Oustide, as I was rolling myself along the sidewalk with the box on my lap, I passed an old guy who asked me: "Can I be of assistance, sir?" He was short and stout, scruffy and dirty. His pants were baggy, sneakers falling apart. He had on an old flannel shirt, an old coat over that, and a wool cap. I said "no thanks" as I habitually do. He looked disconcerted. "Sure? No trouble." "I'm fine. Thanks, though." He nodded. "Could you spare a fella an apple?" he said. "Sure," I said, and opened up the bag from the box on my lap and gave him one. "Anything else?" He took the apple and said, "no sir, no sir...the apple'll be just the thing." He pulled a folding knife out of his pocket and opened it with shaking hands. He carefully cut out a wedge from the apple, like an orange wedge, and popped it in his mouth. Then he pulled out a handkerchief, wrapped the apple up in it, and put in his pocket "for later." "Sure you don't need anything else?" I asked. "All i needed, sir," he said. "Always make sure I have an apple a day. Couldn't do with out it. Helps the system, you know. Good for the stomach, too. I useta never be able to sleep at night. I'd have indigestion something terrible...have to sleep sitting up. Terrible. Then I started eating apples, fixed it right up. It's good for the digestion, has something in it that's good for the digestion. Bet you didn't know that." Actually, I did remember reading that somewhere. But I decided to let him be the keeper of apple-lore. "Good for the teeth too," he said. "Brushes your teeth for you." He smiled wide to show his teeth and tapped them to show me how sturdy they were. The looked pretty good, all things considered. I admired his teeth, and said I had to be getting home. "You have a good day," he said. "Can I leave you another apple," I said, "just in case that one doesn't last till tonight?" "Bless you," he said, and stuffed the 2nd apple in his pocket. |
what's a bit weird is that i also bought apples, a big bag of apples at costco on saturday. the thing is, i don't even eat apples. you get sucked into buying things there because they are a good deal. i guess i will eat apples this week. |
4 apples 1/4 lemon juice 'em. Very good lemonaide. Droop, you're a good soul. |
It tastes like really good lemonaide. The sugar from the apples evens out the lemon really well. If you like some really lemoney lemonaide, use a half lemon instead of a quarter. If you get a juicer at any time, do not try to juice a banana. |
banana in the juicer = badness There's a new place on campus that server smoothies and juices... They server hot juices. I've had the hot apple pie which is pretty tasty and the healthy toddy with just rocked with the goodness of lemons and limes. |
apple pie is my favorite pie. i seem to have a childhood memory of the apple cake j. posted. a good memory. i'm glad people liked the story, but i don't think that giving somebody two measly apples quite counts as being a good soul. maybe if i do it in volume. several months ago i gave a homeless guy at the very same winn-dixie a dollar something and an orange. my road to heaven will be paved with fruit. |
I felt like all I had done is given a guy some bread, but I bet you made that old man's day. |
couple of weeks ago 'drew and i went out drinkin. When we'd had enough we went to the Cats Pajamas. (the best fish and chip shop when you are drunk). Three fish, scoop of chips, chicken croquette and a chicken wing in two bags later, we're trying to find a taxi. drew is munchin on a piece of fish when this woman staggers over with her bag of glue. her 'got 40 cents' me: 'nope' her 'howbout 20' me: 'no' by now shes staring and practically drooling at 'drew and his piece of fish. she gets real close to him and says 'can i have a bite?' i turn to her and say 'look lady, i think you should just go away alright' real meanly. and she looks at me, turns around and staggers off. 'drew is staring at me. I never ever ever do stuff like that. I felt kinda guilty about it for the next couple of days, but then I figured that if i'd given her 40 cents she just would of bought more glue. The cops cant lock you up here for sniffing glue. If she had fallen over she would of stuck to the pavement. |
Wesley's Secret Eggplant Recipe * 2 eggplants * 1 liter Kentucky bourbon Directions: First take the eggplants and grind them up very finely in the kitchen sink garbage disposal. SAFETY TIP: watch out for finger tips and bourbon bottles. Next, take the Bourbon and mix it well with ice, or water, or soda. By this time, the odor and texture of the eggplant should be gone. Rinse out your sink, and drink the Bourbon mixture. Now, THERE's an eggplant recipe I can live with! Next time, we'll try it with a wine sauce! |
has anyone evermade apple cider? it's good! last year i boiled some and took it to school for a demonstration on canturbury tales. |
I used to live on a farm, and we would make apple cider once a year at this big town event called "Great Day in Elk." The kiddies would gather around and we'd make cider. Much fun. I think I'm going to get a new piercing. Where? |
what am i trying to say? you can't go into prisons with your lip pierced, so it had to go. maybe i'll get my tongue pierced. then i could tease boys, but damn it then they may expect something and the world would just be a mess. i feel kind of manic right now. racing thoughts. |
I'm eating a huge McIntosh apple now. Quite tasty. |
It was a little ring, so it kinda hid under my fringe. cute. i miss it. |
I have a scar in my eyebrow now. I think the weight of the ring was too much. Every man and his dog has some sort of piercing these days. My mum wants to get her first tattoo... of pooh bear. she went ape shit at my eyebrow ring. In fact she didnt talk to me for a week or two. wierd lady. |
it was supposed to be apple pie but i accidentally drank too many martinis and the crust didn't come out right at all. so i just dumped the cinnamon apple mixture in the pie plate, mixed up some brown sugar, oatmeal, butter, peanut butter, and nuts and sprinkled it on top. baked it like a pie. turned out just as good. the pot luck was at this couple's place, some friends of friends. they were FOB from Iceland. never met anyone from iceland before. we ate putrid shark meat and icelandic schnapps and vodka. everyone got really drunk and ate a lot of apple crisp and tried to be polite about eating the icelandic shark meat, which was just vile. |
I like apple crisp. I am not very found of shark meat, especially putrid Icelandic shark meat. I'm sorry.