the fact that this easy, calm, centered, sane period has lasted so long is miraculous. i expected the cycle to run in lengths of 14 days or so. yesterday i had the first inkling of the beginning of a new round of pms. i felt like crying during a meeting for no reason at all. i got all teary, thinking about going to detroit for the holidays. the meeting was actually going really well. things were being accomplished. today i felt hungrier than usual. thought about food a lot more than i have in the last 20-30 days. i even craved sweets after lunch today. i haven't craved anything sweet since the last time i hit the cycle. i've decided to do everything in my power to ride this cycle out without eating sweets and starting the horrendous and uncontrollable blood sugar swings which exacerbates *all* of the PMS symtoms, from the mood swings to the uncontrollable appetite and the self loathing. i will let myself eat more, but no sugar. i hope i can do it. i'm not taking the bill, despite doctor recommendation. even so, i'm hoping it's not going to be as bad this time around. the other thing i'm going to do is not overtrain at the gym, which also makes everything worse. in fact, i will rest *more* during this part of the cycle. i went to the gym yesterday and today, but will take off tomorrow, saturday, and sunday. my endocrine systems needs to be in tip top shape if i'm going to get through this. i took 10 mg of valium about 20 minutes ago. so, i was granted leave for the holidays. if i wasn't granted leave i decided i would just quit my job. but it turns out i won't need to do that after all. i'm going to detroit for the december holidays. this will be my first trip back there in over six years. six years since i've seen the majority of my family. it will be the first time i've seen my mother in four years. it's Time To Go Home and even though i'll be there in the dead of winter - which scares the holy living shit out of me as i could barely stand the cold in mexico - i can't imagine being more excited about going back. anyone sorabjiites going to be in the detroit metro area for the holidays? sem? heather? |
If you're hungry, EAT. Don't get caught up in all this business abt cycles & cravings. Just eat what you want (nothing's *really* bad for you/in moderation) until the hunger is sated. Having no appetite for a month is NOT healthy. Esp.for someone who works out as much as you. (I sincerely hope you chowed down good for Thanksgiving!) And pack some serious cold-weather gear for Detriot. Seems like winter's coming in early this year in the the middle states. At least you'll prolly get to roll arond in the snow. And Be sure to take lots of pix & post them @ yr site. |
How long has it been since you've seen snow? |
get lost,and get on the wrong plane,and end up arriving at a totally different destination?]{sans my skis,as that would be too obvious}I'll have to give this some thought. |
dec 21 till....i don't know yet. although i have to admit screwing up when i tried to meet sem before... |
Besides Agatha and dave. or other people who picked each other up in gutters before they started posting. |
I almost met Patrick, but I'm an idiot, so I didn't. A trip to austrailia is next in the works for me, I think, so maybe I'll get to meet you. That would be exciting. Anyhow. Mavis and Sem... I know there are more. Anyway. |
fuck, i'm drunk. i an't type. |
write, we can trade numbers |
in particular, i would be happy to meet the following (no offense to any others) nate, heather, wine, j, isolde, dave & agatha and their reportedly charming little one, margret, sarah (surprise?), cat, antigone, sem, mavis and tbone. id add sorabji, but his silence makes me think he could I wont bother him with it. |
i love them alcohol. |
so.....there was some romantics going on with this other sorabjite? |
I've met Rhiannon, and of course I knew Mavis and Skooter before here. As stated above, I almost met Heather, but at least talked to her on the phone. I almost met T-Bone, too. Lot of almosts, actually. I was in the same town as pez. If I happen to have to interview and/or job search near anyone, I'll definitely drop by. I also sort of think that if we're ever going to have Sorabjicon, it'll have to be at Burning Man. |
everybody hates me i'm going down the garden to eat worms |
i almost met chordata. i asked mark to meet me at the top of the empire state building in december 1997 but he didn't show up. i keep talking about going to olympia but i never do. i'm all talk. |
briefly met t-bone. weird, also. not bad, just weird. |
I am going to meet Pez sometime this week, when I get around to finding her place of work, and utterly disgusting her in some manner. Indeed, I think I'll have much more opportunity to Sorabji-mingle now that I'm in a larger city. I may have had the chance to meet Patrick, back when Isolde had her chance, but we didn't, and that's that. Can't say I'm surprised to not be on that list. I have asked my magic 8-ball about meeting sorabjites, and it seems to think that there's another encounter imminent within the next 30 days.... so we'll see. Sem: I think that burning man is an excellent and wonderful idea. I haven't ever had a chance to go yet, and I'd love to, regardless of all you fine peoples. Doubly, blessed, then. Honestly, the people I want to meet (in no particular order): The Good Rev. Semillama; His High Holiness Patrick; Their Royal Lightnesses Dave and Agatha; The Munificent Droopy; Bell_Jar, High Priestess of my Pineal Gland; Her Ladyship Pez; The Honorable Judge Cat (only if they're in the same room at the same time, though); Supreme Agent Provocatuer Trace; and The Mighty and Sublimely Untitled Antigone. oh. And Skooter Lee Roth. And Kymical. fuck. this is going to be a long road trip, huh? Well, Skooter and Kym, y'all just haul yer bands along and make us some perty music while the rest of us get drunk. Those of us who can legally do so, at least. I have a feeling I would be distinctly uncomfortable around many of those people, though. Almost as if I would be embarrased. I've made such an ass of myself here, and, while I revel in my ass-ish-ness, I think I would probably feel guilty for not being such a punk in "real life." |
I will point out that my home town is designed for good bar crawling though. |
Dicks, despite promising "peanuts on every table," whichin variably cracked me up at the movies, does not, in fact, have peanuts on every table. Pattersons was the place we all went after shows...either that or the Golden West, which was the seediest, greatest bar imgainable. But you can smoke inside, so I don't like it very much. But Pattersons was neat. I'm a fan of pubs that offer edible foods. I'm also fond of pubs that call themselves pubs. Although Dicks has the major style point of being the only business in Mendo with a neon sign, because they were founded before the hysterical review board, who try unsuccessfully every year to get the sign removed. I like the boys at Dicks. I seem to remember also that Dicks was the last bar your former roommate drank at on his 21 birthday, before puking _all_ over Ashley and Max's house. |
"i love them alcohol" is that a brautigan line.....sounds like something he'd say. |
canonized by the recognition of nate and most well used by agatha i love them alcohol |
i would meet just about anyone, but droopy is at the top of my list. we've got history, and he tells the best stories ever. |
i was going there anyway. no matter what city i visit, i always go to the top of the highest point or the tallest building. views from up high fascinate me. i paged mark and told him when and where i would be there. i waited, with little hope that he would show up, but fuck, you never know, right? that was back then. now i would know better. Camp Sorabji at Burning Man might be the most bizarre possible Official Sorabjiite Gathering imaginable. i think that is one fucking fabulous idea. we'd somehow have to get a piano out there. i'm with sem. i'd so dig meeting all of you people. every single one of you. i'm most curious about the folks here who i perceive to be the most judgmental, Tom and whomever the coward Jane was, once upon a scathing post. just to see how things change when one is forced to deal with the real person, the human. Christop, would you come to burning man for a sorabjiite gathering? would it be worth your trip? |
does ticketmaster sell the tickets for burning man now? |
no, but it's probably going to be sponsored by Pepsi next year. |
How can Pepsi sponser Burning Man? That's not ok. Give me proof, sarah, proof of this travesty. |
i have no proof, other than historic inevitability of commercialism and capitalism. |
it was bound to happen. this town's been going downhill ever since the doghouse shut down. |
Burning man. Always wanted to. Yes. I'd go. |
yes tom, you surprised me. the whole walking up to the counter and saying "i'm sorry, but i have to shop for groceries" sortof scared me. then again i scare easily. c'est etrange. je sais pas. j'oublie. the only other time i had someone in the department, towering over me was when david found out that i work there. and the rest of my name is similar to a name dropped earlier. yes, it was in this thread. that's it, that's all, i'm tired and i need to write at least one essay tomorrow. goodnight. |
judgemental ones, Sarah? That's incredible. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, right? But I really am curious about how I showed up on your radar that way. Damn. I'm a puppydog in real life. It's pathetic. I'm all about the free loving, and fuck anyone who disagrees. Er. Right. I was scared nervous of meeting Pez, mostly, I think, because of the reasons Dougie listed. So I only got a slightly scared. It was the first thing that popped into my head. Next time, I'll get it right. Pez was the first of three people I have to look up in this town. The other two are old friends from High School. I've changed alot since then... four years. One was my arch enemy throughout junior high and most of high school. Out of the blue, we went on two dates our senior year. Weirdness. The other one is one of my muses. She's the one I'm REALLY nervous about. Well, that and new years. Oh, god. How long 'till new years? 25 days? 25 days to get a life and turn cool. damn. It's hard, living a lie. *laugh* *cackle* |
another city (he was based there) and his mum turns up to pick him up and ITS YOUR OLD SEX ED TEACHER. *big deep breath* *big deep breath* fuck i nearly died. It was a truly wierd experience. i would meet anyone... mainly because i like to see if people would look like I imagine... or act like I think they would in real life |
I've done my duty. I'll wait in my little Tom-reality until I can sabotage the next unsuspecting sorabjite. g'bye! |
moonit, are you still training? oh, what the hell happened to Mapleleaf? anyone know? |