And someone to lick the syrup off my chin would be good to, so long as I'm asking. |
If only I had rose petals on the walls to go with the rose colored carpet; If only I had an old heartwood cherry plank for under the double medicine cabinets in the master bath; If only I had chinking for the third floor and someone for whom to make French toast; or more salt on the chex mix or more cayenne in the ionion soup; If only if only if only... WAHOO! and more grease on the railings, and saran wrap on all the urinals at work, and whoopie cushions for the depressed chicks on the eating disorder unit, and cherry flavored valium for the Republicans ...oh... I forget myself for a moment I forget I am happy with what I have ...but the vaseline on the copier glass would be nice. |
Nahh, but some pankakes do sound nice right about now. |
...and again...I flee... Cat, what's your addy, lovey, I can't find it. Silly me throwing things out... |
New goose down comforter. plus cats. plus flannel sheets. equals a hard time getting out of bed. |
buttery, hot, cold, sticky, large grooves, small's entirely up to you, just don't waffle on the matter. that makes me mad now come get some |
VODKA. (the chocolate and peanut butter cravings have been replaced) |
my birthday is later this month. i have decided it will involve vodka and caviar. and blinis. i missed a chance to have this years ago and i've never gotten over it. since i could never afford to buy enough caviar to last more than half an hour, i will fill it out with pickled herring, sardines, pickled eggs, etc. but i will still get blasted on vodka. |
my birthday is later this month, too. Seems like many of sorabjite folk were conceived in April...springtime lust and April Fools and all. The oddometer rolls over the big five-0. I want to have you all over for conscupiscent curds, to borrow from Stevens. To read aloud some passages from GUT Symmetries. To share loud noises in the bathrooms I have worked so diligently to repair to working order. To bring to your ears eloquent hammered dulcimer and chanter music. To languish on the pillows of dreams and feathered down of friendship. Aah, but there's no path to the door, and no one at home. |
But thats just me. |
i've liked aquarius-es and they, like me don't like me like me don't like me also i like tauruses, capricorns, and a scorpio but i don't trust pisces. i am one. i can tell my own love future- lots of it. cause i asked for it and it's free. i will celebrate my birthday in the summer. many times. i can come to each of your houses and celebrate. [but i probably won't because i can be shy] |
I have a feeling it'll be a doozy. Not sure what the plan for the birthday proper is, since it's a monday, though. It probably WON'T involve caviar. with any luck, it'll involve me going to work, because that'll be a sign that I'm employed. Which is the second best thing that could happen. The weekend before the birthday, though I am going to go gambling. I haven't been gambling once since I turned 21 last year. So this should be fun. I'm not sure where exactly I'm being taken for this little trip, though. I only have one birthday wish, though (that I will air publicly, at least): I want to celebrate my birthday with Trace. He wouldn't have me over for Xmas, so he can make it up to me by letting me lose his money for a hand or two. Deal? I can't tell anyone's love future. I always end up dating scorpios and cancers. I don't scorps anymore. been grilled over that fire one too many times. it's 4:02, so I can say whatever I want. |
---Stevens "Metamorphosis" It is just the season, just a seasonal remark. I thought at one time about swearing off Pisces entirely and forever. I may rethink that one, as I slough one skin for another. Cold and damp here, I would celebrate in summer too. In the bush where there are trees in the background and flowers and questioning beauty in the foreground. I would rethink it. I would rethink this isolation perhaps. |
I don't know anything about pisces? |
Means I'm two-faced. But that's not exactly accurate. I've got way more than two. |
I must apologuise for last night ya'll, I now remember why I never took up drinking. My friends caught me in a depressed state lastnight and decided to get me hammered. All I remember saying was "Ok, duh I'll have just one ok?" Then playing lots of soulblade and not being able to see straight. But I do still stand by my aquarius trip and the twix one... Peanutbutter twix are the best, and aquariuses, get screwed. I say that because well, those twix are the best, and throughout my life all the people I've seen just get brutally fucked in a relationship (methaphorically not litterally) have been aquariuses, male and female alike. And yet in the other hand when an aquarius give someone advice on a relation ship, take it, its probably the truth and will work. AHHHHHHHHHHH, need more asprin and coffee... Brain splitting in four different directions at once, or trying to anyway. |
come to hawaii to celebrate your birthday! |
I just read about a guy who claims to be able to tell things about your curretn health and personal problems by the location of moles on your body. Of course, he also claimed that moles move around, too. Not the animal, but the skin thingy. Pix, sarah, pix, hope you got a phot of those red boots, or you're just teasing us.... I am so ready to go home, except I have to clean. Yech. |
God I'm hungry, and all I can think about music wise is the "Rocket Man" remix done by Me First And the Gimmie Gimmies... God I'm sick. |
o sweet oblivion. how i long for thee. no longer in the delicate, tender folds of flaky crust surrounding light, fruity fillings that ooze between forkfuls nor the buttery, fanciful touch of so fairly sweet lady fingers, how i miss the complicated, unpredictable whimsy of truffles, elaborate, miniature packages of chocolatey magic, no more comfort from the warm, supple dimples of moist bread pudding, sweet cobbler gentility, and how lusty the melodious, milky mouthfuls of ice cream, every flavor and fashion, melting tenderly under the hot blooded secretions of treacherous, feral fudge sauce, all atop some silly benevolent pastry, submissive in her texture and simplistic flavor, and all combinations of eggs, butter, and flour, whipped and creamed and blended and baked, dusted and sprinkled and frosted and glazed o sweet oblivion so true, so deep, in these treats which still taunt me in my dreams. |
They also do Uptown Girl (billy joel), and Sweet Caroline (neil Diamond)... Ussually I'd refuse to listen to these songs but this band does them in a way that anyone my age can't help but listen... Has anyone here heard of Tenasious D??? |
I'll be flying in to Kansas City on the 19th. Wonder if he'll come pick me up. Hrm. If I have any cash at all, I'll buy one a disposable camera and take a picture of myself in the Kansas City Airport to prove that I was there. |
Add chocolate and sand: nice mouthfeel in your rant S. |