NO! Not olive oil! Olive skins seem to be the culprit. I have no problem with olive oil at all. Black olives are what I am really, REALLY allergic to, but I get effects from the green ones as well. The horror. Every time I get a sandwich from a fast food place like Quizno's, I have to double check to make sure an olive didn't fall into the lettuce tray, and subsequently end up on my sandwich. I didn't learn about my allergy until I was in my early 20's, when i was at a party, and dug into a tray of chips and bean dip. The bean dip wasn't bean dip, but rather ground up black olives. I developed breathing problems within 10 minutes, and broke out in hives that covered every inch of my body, including the bottoms of my feet. Fortunately, I've only experienced this twice in my life, and now you know about both times.