My older sisiter is a bitch,always has been,and always will be.She used to torture me,unmercifally,like sticking my head in the toilet,and flushing,saying it would suck the hair off my head.I believed her. Bitch. One time my mom had just got a new car,a Chevy Impalla.My sister was 13,I was 9. My mom was gone,and my sister and her friend decided to take it for a ride.They went cruising around,and had no problems.But when they got home,she ran it into the house,knocked a bunch of bricks out of the kitchen wall,and pushed the wall of the storage shed so it looked like an automatic garage opening door.[it wasn't] She panicked,and talked me into saying I did it. "Mom likes you better,and you won't get in trouble." She made up a story,that as a treat,I had decided to wash the car for my mom,and accidentally crashed,while returning it to the garage. I didn't get in trouble.We have never told my mom the truth. Next time I'm home,I think I'll tell on her.Bitch. |
And J,heh heh heh. |
my mom and her younger sister are very close. my mom thinks nothing my aunt does is right and my aunt thinks my mom is a "bully." there's nothing wrong with anybody's life that a little less love can't fix |
You misssed out on ones of lifes best pleasures. Its the way of the world.If you want,you could torture my sister.I wouldn't mind,at all. |
There was this one fight my little sister and I got in, it was bad and got to the point we were on the ground beating the shit out of each other. Anyways she kicks me in the nuts, and I go down on the way down I catch her in the nose with my hand and so she goes down too all the while kicking me in the nuts. So I grabbed my truck (one of the oldschool TONKA trucks, that were made out of steel.) well anyway it was my DumpTruck, and I dumped it on her fuckin head... Didn't slam it or anything, just majestically dropped it on her head. Thank god it hit tires first because they were rubber and filled with air, so it just bounced off her head. But that was the point my father walked into the room, just in time to see me drop it. I was thrown out the back door into a semihard, snow drift...It fucking hurt. I was 4 give me a break... It didn't hurt her, just bounced. There are more, will recal more later. |
i once caught my brother masturbating .....when i was about 10. needless to say i got pounded repeatedly for that. my brother did some very sinister things to me. he used to pit me and my friends in boxing matches for him and his cronies to stand around and watch. he once made me and this older neighborhood girl "have sex". I was about 6 or so...she was about 10 or 11. Again he and his cronies just watched and laughed. he used to torture me quite a bit. pinning me down and tickling me until i started dry heaving because i was trying to scream but i was laughing so hard i couldnt. he used to tie me to the ceiling fan and then turn it on. when i fractured my ankle skating...i went to the hospital. my skateboard was left in the yard with my launch ramp. he had moved out at this point but drove by and saw my board out there and stole it to "teach me a lesson" my sister i have many more fond thoughts of. she was my protector until she moved out. |
I am picturing this in my mind.I'm sorry,but I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I think your brother and my sister would have gotten along very well. |
when we first got a ceiling fan, and i admit i was kind of into it at first, i would hang on to the struts and he'd flip the switch. when it got evil was when he wanted to push the envelope and used socks to tie my hands on the struts. you know to force test my endurance. of course when i finally got down....thats when the real fun started. |
I had two foster sisters, for a bout a year each. And, a foster brother for a lot less. One foster sister was a bit weird. She was a private placement. Her father needed help, so it was aranged for her to live with us. The other foster sister came from the county. Her family was very poor. She's the first girl who ever broke my heart. My foster brother was a real peice of work. I don't know about his father. But, at the time his mother was in jail. We had so much trouble that a judge released his mother from jail so she could take care of him. After that I stayed an only child. |
now i talk to her maybe once a month. it's difficult. i want to be there for her, but i have no way to see her but through my parents (who think apologies can be paid for by baked goods and new glasses). it's a listless excuse for not acting as her big sister. we used to fight alot, but we'd have wonderful games too. she hated my guts because i would cry at the drop of a hat and embarass her in front of her friends. i didn't have a lot of friends, never invited them home. i didn't care. but i miss my sister. |
I'm sleeping at her place tonight. Wish me luck. |
We were never very close. I hope it's not too late. |
Nice pic. |
i have five brothers and sisters. i'll have to write about them when i have an hour or two to spare. |
Sometimes,these are learned behaviors,that we unwittingly pass on to our own spawn :) |
He was one of the royalty nominees, but didnt' win. The whole family thinks he knocked my two front teeth out with a toy hammer, but he didn't. |
T.W.I.R.P. The Woman Is Responsible for Paying. |
I think everyone knows I don't get along with my sister and why. Things still haven't changed, though she is trying. My father spent Thanksgiving Day driving her to Texas for her husbands graduation from boot camp. At least she will be gone until Sunday. I may tickle my kids, but I never made them kiss the floor to get me to stop. Thanks for the idea!!! :) |
Neat concept. Whenever I went out with a girl I paid. Then never saw them again. Ah, the joys of my youth. |
about each other. For example, he just told us about the time he set his leg on fire with Aquanet and ran screaming down hall of the school. Then there was the time I made him cover himself with underwear and be "Underwear Man." There are other stories about how awful I was with him, as I took out all my frustrations being the lowest monkey in the tree at school with him. |