sorabji.com: Do you have any regrets?: WE'VE GONE THE WRONG WAY, BABY

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:16 am:


    By: Resa LaRu Kirland
    I’m ashamed to be a woman. I feel less for it…like I don’t quite measure up. Now understand, men have never made me feel less. No, this inferiority complex began about 35 years ago with a little thing called Feminism. Feminism has made me ashamed of my sex-as a group and individually.

    There was a time when women deserved respect-because we are mothers, because of our natural softness and tender feelings, because we have been the ones who raised up righteous leaders of good nations for centuries now. We dropped the ball on that most vital role, not men. Consequently, we don’t deserve the respect that men-yes men!--have bestowed upon us any longer. It is the day care facility-institutions-that raises our children now, and the result has been the most horrific social experiment history has ever seen.
    In the sixties, women began taking the easy way out. Why? Because Motherhood is a damned hard thing to do. It is 24/7/365. There is no pay, no immediate gratification, little recognition, and more often than not, no appreciation until you yourself become a mother. When you go to work, you get to dress nicely. You have a schedule that you actually keep. People do what you tell them to do. You get to speak to and with adults, have conversations that have meaning. You get regular breaks, and no one is peeing or spitting up on you, throwing tantrums, breaking your things, or calling Grandma to get his way. And while there is truth to the fact that society has both revered and ridiculed that which comes naturally to women-tenderness-it is women-not men--who have inflicted the most damage. Let me explain why.

    Men have always been in awe of the female form-not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. While they may burst with pride over their strength and snicker at the physical "weakness" of women when compared to men, they hold in that realm of mystical and reverent those attributes of femininity that are not as comfortable within themselves, and they marvel about them in private moments. They reveal this wondering in ways that are at times misunderstood, but nevertheless bespeak of the awe they feel toward the female sex.

    My all time favorite saying about the power women possess was revealed by author Samuel Johnson in the 18th century: Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little. Now before feminists start ripping tendons and ligaments with their typical knee-jerk reaction to this example, look again. This is a statement and recognition of the power and strength men recognize within women-power they envy, strength they admire, and tenderness they crave. This is a statement of respect and recognition for women, not belittlement.

    Jump forward to the 20th century, and the advent of militant feminism that took hold of our culture. Now understand, there isn’t a person-male or female-that I know who doesn’t believe that women were mistreated in the past, or that they deserve rights of voting, work, etc. So let’s just toss that ridiculous argument from the get-go. No, this is about the fact that these Stalinistic Types who decided that women deserved better-not just equal-treatment than men have overtaken, destroyed, and even in the face of logic and reason-and their own case studies and evaluations--turned to typical female histrionics to bludgeon society into doing what they say.

    This was driven home with a resounding wham! when Bernard Goldberg-a man, no less--talked about the final straw that made him decide he could no longer play his part in the Liberal Lineup that has overtaken the media. In his best-selling book Bias, Goldberg states that there had been little things for years that had gnawed at his conscience, but it was when he saw what was happening to children-at the behest of women, no less-that he knew he could pretend no more.

    Goldberg only gave voice to what we’ve all seen for decades now, but have become too Politically Castrated to say. It is the horrifying trend in our children's feelings, lives, and behavior. You see, when we began giving into the bullying tactics of the feminist movement that used guilt and "Second Class Status" brainwashing to get women to leave the home, it resulted in our children going en masse to day cares or coming home alone. Suicide rates, sexual diseases, poor academics, increased violence and drug use, not to mention less formal criminal behavior such as arguing a great deal, deliberate and even gleeful cruelty, explosive behavior, too much talking, too much fighting have all been the result of the selfishness of the "Woman-Good-Man-Bad" mentality of those who pay lip service only to it being "for the children" when what they really intend to say is "Mine! Mine! Mine! Now! Now! Now!"

    The real kicker to this is that the Gloria Steinems of the world don’t even realize what they were saying by getting women to leave the home for the "man’s world." It was the women of the world-not the men-who force fed women the notion that what comes naturally to men-to conquer the outside world-was more important, better, more deserving than what comes naturally to women. They were actually demeaning femininity by their own words, and were too foolish to even realize it. The shame of my sex is that we bought into it. The shame of the male sex is that they did too.

    Society has paid a dear price for women choosing to listen to these wretched individuals. Women are now in a far worse position than they were 100 years ago; back then, they didn’t have many other choices than to be a wife and mother. Today, if they want to be a wife and mother, they can’t unless they marry a very rich man. Feminism has enslaved us into the "SuperWoman" role-an impossible place to live. But I have a sick feeling that that is exactly their goal. You see, being pro-abortion isn’t enough. They want motherhood and wife-dom to be so difficult, so back-breaking, so agonizing in modern living that women will choose not to marry and have children. For those who still don’t grasp it, let me say it in plain speech: Feminism is the party of the "anti-child."

    "Female Empowerment" was the shameful fantasy. Now for the harsh reality. Sisters, your babies are killing each other. They are having babies at younger ages and in record numbers in a desperate search for that unconditional love they couldn’t find in the myriad of minimum wage babysitters and daycares they had growing up. They are turning to gangs and drugs to ease the pain of loneliness and the longing for Mommy-a longing which is innate, necessary, and good-and it is our fault. Our children are suffering; their tender feelings have waxed cold and all signs of humanity are dying off in agonizing death throes, and we women are the cause. Women. The givers of life have turned against their own offspring in a vain quest for self-fulfillment. It is madness.

    Society became this way because we women allowed ourselves to feel ashamed for having children and raising them right, and that was wrong. It’s time for the New Feminist Revolution. No longer can our children-or society-abide the general female answer and shrug: "Well, it’s the day we live in…whatcha gonna do?"

    Here’s what you’re gonna do. Women, go home. Get rid of the huge mortgage and move into a trailer. It’s not the neighborhood-or village, idiot!-that raises a good child. Have two cars? Get rid of one and deal with the annoyance of having to drive more. It’s not the car that makes the family. Fancy clothes and vacations? Trivial and silly…those won’t be what your child remembers. Be the one who drops him off and picks him up from school. Those precious moments laughing and talking will always be remembered, I guarantee it. Be in the kitchen, filling a warm home with delicious smells, sounds, and memories, and bring the whole family in to make dinner again, cleaning up together afterwards and bonding over pot roast. It is simple, it is time tested, it is true. The hand that rocks the cradle did-at one time-rule the world. The cradle is silent because the hand is at work and the baby at an institution. Sisters, go home-too much is at stake. Your babies are dying and killing, and the only one who can stop this infanticide is you. The power is-and always has been-yours. Take it back now…it’s almost too late.

    Keep the faith, bros-and sis-and in all things courage

By TBone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:53 am:

    Don't be such a weenie, trace.

    If you're gonna post this stuff, start the discussion off with your thoughts on the matter.

    Or, for that matter, JUST post your thoughts on the matter and skip the article.

    Otherwise the assumption is that you fully and wholeheartedly agree with everything in the article. (Not that I'm making any particular judgement on that stance right now.)

    The more you practice formulating and communicating your own opinions in your own terms, the stronger and more well-thought-out they will be. Use your words, big boy.

    That said, I find the article to be naive, among other things. I also notice that there is absolutely no thought given to the father's role in raising children. None at all. What the shit?

By kazoo on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 09:37 am:

    Feminism may have made it more socially acceptable for women to pursue careers, but women have ALWAYS worked outside the home. Nostalgia for a past that never existed.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:22 am:

    i have no thoughts.
    i will not share thoughts.
    i just shared the article.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:33 am:

    Why? What is your purpose in sharing the article if not to discuss it?

    I agree with everything TBone said.

    When you post these ridiculously inflammatory articles and say nothing, it looks like you agree with the article. I mean, why else would you post it? And if you don't agree, well, then, why don't you say so? And if you really don't have any thoughts on the matter, which I think is unlikely, how about you say something like --

    "Hey, guys, I found this article -- what do you think about it?"

    so that it's clear to us what your intentions are?

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:40 am:

    That said, I think the article is either totally full of shit or purposely satirical.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:56 am:

    why do I not say anything?
    I want to see the reaction to the article versus my comments.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:59 am:

    Then, please, the next time you do this, state your intention in your first post and just link to the article.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:00 am:

    Resa LaRu Kirkland is an avid military historian, with her main focus being on the Korean War and its forgotten warriors. She has been given many names by her beloved Korean War Vets, her favorites being "The Pitbull," "Rambo Brockovich," "Hellraiser," "Tiger" and "D-Day." She is a new columnist for Ether Zone.

    We invite you to visit her website at: Forgotten War Project

    Dorothy Anne Seese can be reached at resalaru@hotmail.com

    "My all time favorite saying about the power women possess was revealed by author Samuel Johnson in the 18th century: Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little. Now before feminists start ripping tendons and ligaments with their typical knee-jerk reaction to this example, look again. This is a statement and recognition of the power and strength men recognize within women-power they envy, strength they admire, and tenderness they crave. This is a statement of respect and recognition for women, not belittlement."

    Sound satirical?

By semillama on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:14 am:

    nope, it sounds like she's full of grade- A horseshit. If it weren't for feminism, I doubt she'd be a military historian. What a hypocrite.

    So, spunky, do you agree with her that women should leave the workforce and go back to being baby factories?

    I also noted that she totally ignored the fact that today, it often takes a two-income family to support your children and keep above the poverty line. So even if they wanted too, many families can't afford to NOT have the woman work.

By semillama on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:20 am:

    "Nostalgia for an Age that Never Existed

    fake '50s clothes fake '50s food
    classic gas-guzzling dream cars in more ads on the tube
    fake home-made cookies like mommy used to make nostalgia for an age that never existed

    do you remember art-deco knick-knacks and flings the stars on the silver screen made you forget hooverville
    view the world through time-life and nick at nite
    nostalgia for an age that never existed
    all the stars had a pretty face
    children and negroes knew their place
    blocks of happy families with moms and dads all in love
    or are these wholesome memories really from reruns on tv and ads in old garage sale magazines

    fake sixities mask our leaders' sleaze i
    s it really a new beiginning with confederate kennedys?
    fake camelot before everything went wrong nostalgia for an age that never existed

    do you remember the summer of love vietnam, mini-skirts and drugs
    rebellion was so much fun
    tell your own kids just say no to that
    nostalgia for an age that never existed

    turn that mtv racket off so your folks can listen to "classic" rock mellow out to the same old songs again and again and again
    do you wonder or even care how you wound up such a square if ya can't stand the big chill get out of the freezer can't stand the big chill get out of the freezer

    everything old is new again it all comes back, jsut wait your turn but somehow the magic's always missing
    giving up on future dreams to dwell on rosy memories will make sure your best days are in the past
    nostalgia for an age that never existed nostalgia for an age that never existed

    do you remember being the first punk in your town outlaw #1 for the t-shirt you had on
    now you stay home mad at the whole scene for refusing to freeze in 1983
    why can't all the old bands reform stick to playing their old songs it ain't punk if it ain't just like the old days
    that was then, this is now suckling up to the sacred cow can leave ya stuck in the mud with its remains
    nostalgia for an age that never existed nostalgia for an age that never existed

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:41 am:

    Goddammit, I just lost my post.

    To sum up: TBone, Kazoo, and Sem have excellent points.

    The apparent point of her article -- that women have caused the rise in teenaged pregancy by working outside of the house -- is contentious at best and complete bullshit at worst. You would have to do a huge sociological study to determine the correlation between employed women and teenaged pregnant daughters to be able to make this claim with any validity, and even then you'd find only a correlation and not causality.

    The whole article is so full of stereotypic hyperbole that it makes me incredulous of her status as a respected historian. Oh, and a historian who's been bestowed with cute nicknames by her subjects of study, at that.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:55 am:

    "So, spunky, do you agree with her that women should leave the workforce and go back to being baby factories? "
    That's offensive. Honestly.
    Eri is no such thing. And she stays at home BY CHOICE.

    "I also noted that she totally ignored the fact that today, it often takes a two-income family to support your children and keep above the poverty line. So even if they wanted too, many families can't afford to NOT have the woman work. "

    Then allow me to cover that point:
    Full time day care for toddler: $600 a month
    Part Time day care for school aged child: $400 a month

    That's $1,000 a month. Add a second car with insurance, gas, and upkeep.
    Then add the personal cost.
    9 hours at work with an hour lunch. Plus 30 minutes to drop off, 30 minutes to pick up, plus travel time to work, and you are approaching 11 hours a day.
    Barely enough time to throw frozen dinners in the oven, get the kids fed and cleaned up and tucked into bed.
    You are exausted, no time to play with the kids or interact, etc.

    " it often takes a two-income family to support your children and keep above the poverty line."

    Like I said before, and this WAS pointed out in the oped. Depends on where your priorities are.

By semillama on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:14 pm:

    Christ, spunky, you should know all about gbeing offensive, except that you can be so clueslees as to when you are being offensive.

    Please try to comprehend what i post, ok? At no point did I even imply that Eri was a baby factory. I was implying that you were aligning yourself with the position that women in general should be, since you seem to agree with that article.
    and re: her covereing my point in the oped you posted, she's blaming this situation on FEMINISM. Not the ecomonic policies and practices of this nation, which have more to do with getting as rich as poccible and ignorign the consequences for other people than it has to do with female impowerment. Your military historian there does seem to imply that you are a very rich man, though.

    All in all, Grade a horseshit, and sexist to boot.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:33 pm:

    the economic policies are responsible for what now?


By kazoo on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:43 pm:

    Economic policies, such as how education is funded. If you want a good public education, you have to be able to afford to live in a town that can offer it. Most one-income families today cannot afford to live in Acton and/or Boxborough where the best schools are. Fuck, most one-income families can't even afford to live in Lowell, where the schools are pretty good, but not great.

By TBone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:45 pm:

    See? You do have thoughts on the matter. Of course you do.

    I do agree with her statements about not needing two cars or fancy clothes or a big house. I'm all for mothers or fathers staying home and raising children if they so choose and can manage it.

    But this whole "should" business gets my goat. And I've read no studies that showed daycare kids as turning out worse than kids with a mother at home. For what it's worth, I have heard of studies that say there's no appreciable difference.

    My half-brother loves his daycare. His parents are always in close contact with his daycare provider and have gotten to know her well. He's in very good hands, and is very close with both his parents. They both work, and often work long hours. They still manage to make healthy meals and spend time together.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:51 pm:



    you're so god damn silly trace.

    when will it end?

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:58 pm:

    <<Suicide rates, sexual diseases, poor academics, increased violence and drug use, not to mention less formal criminal behavior such as arguing a great deal, deliberate and even gleeful cruelty, explosive behavior, too much talking, too much fighting have all been the result of the selfishness of the "Woman-Good-Man-Bad" mentality of those who pay lip service only to it being "for the children" when what they really intend to say is "Mine! Mine! Mine! Now! Now! Now!">>

    This is the most outrageous thing in the article and flushes any credibility she may have had right into the sewer. The only possible response is one giant shouted, "CITE?" Where has it been proven that suicide rates are linked to the employment of women and/or the "woman good, man bad" mentality?? Drug use? Sadism? WTF?

    This woman is not in touch with reality.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:59 pm:

    so sad

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:07 pm:

    patrick, you raise your children, we'll raise ours.

    Hayley NEEDS erin to be home.
    She loves school and playing with her friends, but she needs to know eri will be there when she gets home. She is in NO WAY socially disfunctional. Her personality requires the stability of someone being there when she gets home. that is the attention she needs to function.
    She got into much worse trouble before eri started staying home with Mikayla. There is a statistic for you. The one that counts the most to us.
    Her grades have improved, her attitude has improved.
    Tbone you are right about the "should"s being too strong. the author has strong opinions.
    Take that part of it or leave it.

    As far as any other stats, the only ones out there are published by either one advocacy group or the other, so that makes in unreliable.

    When will what end?
    My sillines, my presence, or my opinions?

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:12 pm:

    Trace, you are going about this all wrong.

    First, you are posting inflammatory articles and refusing to state your own position, leaving the rest of us to infer your position and think the worst.

    Then, you are assuming others have a particular opinion when they have stated nothing of the kind. Where did Patrick say anything about the way you raise your children? Nowhere.

    "My sillines, my presence, or my opinions?"

    What opinions, Trace? You just said, "I have no thoughts."

    I'm going with silliness. Taking that 2-day break didn't teach you very much.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:19 pm:

    didn't teach me much????
    what was I being punished or something?

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:20 pm:

    "patrick, you raise your children, we'll raise ours."

    um. ok.

    wasnt that the plan all along?

    *looks around*

    Further, where did this comment come from? Left field?

    You're silly to post this shit. You advocate it by posting it.

    You don't post this shit to see what kind of reaction it will stir.

    You post it because you are so convinced that what you read in that this shit must be right, you think in someway you'll post the golden key of conversion.

    You so want someone other than your wife (and even her opinions are suspect as to whose team she's really on) to be on your side, to say "god trace, yes, what a brilliant post, lets go and mope about how them feminazi's and pansy liberals are ruining if for everyone."

    You're silly because you're so transparent and you continue to post this silly-assed, inflammatory, idiotic, irrelavent garbage and your tacit advocation of such ideologies.

    You cut yourself slack by saying "hey man, im just posting it to see what everyone thinks, i didnt say i support this way of thinking"

    Youre so confused and easily swayed that had we all had lobotomies for breakfast and upon reading this shit all chimed how damn right this woman was you'd be lapping it up, you're that thirsty. You only temper your response because you see how we react then act the moderate.

    You're full of shit and you're silly because you're just so damn confused trace.

    As to anything ending? well that was a moot comment on my part, because neither will you go away, nor will you get a clue, so...forget I said anything of that part.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:22 pm:

    Didn't you take a break because of the angry political threads you were participating in, and because of Nate's departure, which was due to the angry political threads?

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:34 pm:

    He took a break because he wasn't near a computer at work those days. It was me who said I didn't know what he was going to do. I didn't know if he would be back or not, but basically he was never gone, just didn't have access to a computer those days. Now I am going to go take a shower and do some yoga and then I will read this long ass thread in it's entirety and put in my two cents. hehehe.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 01:43 pm:

    "By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 10:22 am:

    i have no thoughts."

    Couldn't have said it any better myself.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 02:38 pm:


By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 02:48 pm:

    Ha! You're fuuuuny, Captain NoThought.

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 02:51 pm:

    "The givers of life have turned against their own offspring in a vain quest for self-fulfillment. It is madness."

    This makes me laugh. I wasn't always as stay-at-home mom. I worked full time and went to school full time and was a single parent trying to make a better life for my daughter. I have lived both sides of the spectrum, and I don't think it has anything to do with self-fulfillment but is actually about creating a better life for those very offspring.

    "Be in the kitchen, filling a warm home with delicious smells, sounds, and memories, and bring the whole family in to make dinner again, cleaning up together afterwards and bonding over pot roast. It is simple, it is time tested, it is true."

    This has NEVER been me. I am totally not some June Cleaver wannabe. There are times when we all want comfort foods and those are different for each of us, and there are times when I do try to fill a warm home iwth delicious smells, but we don't have a whole family cooking and cleaning together as some twisted way of bonding. That makes no sense to me.

    "You so want someone other than your wife (and even her opinions are suspect as to whose team she's really on) to be on your side, to say "god trace, yes, what a brilliant post, lets go and mope about how them feminazi's and pansy liberals are ruining if for everyone."

    I didn't know I was taking sides or on someone's team at all. Sorry, but I am just being me, no sides, no games, no teams, just my simple opinions. After all, I live in a cave.

    I have known quite a few feminazi's so to speak. Their views astound me, especially when it comes to politics (not I did not say feminists, but feminazi's and and referring to the latter and not the former). They are power hungry and sexist, but they are also NOT a majority of the women I have ever known. I don't think of them as a problem, just as weird and sexist and power hungry, but a minority with little power thus explaining a portion of why they are power hungry.

    I do think that "should" is used too much in the article. Staying home is much more difficult than going into an office and there are a lot of sacrifices that you make and you never ever get a break or a vacation. It isn't for everyone. I don't think everyone should do it, just like I don't think every woman should pro-create. Being a parent is tough, and if you don't want children, don't have them.

    I don't blame parents working for the problems with our children, but I do blame parents not making sure they children have what they emotionally need. I have seen good kids become major problems, not because both parents work, but because they are latch key kids desperate for attention they don't get and then the don't know where to turn. Not the fault of working, but the fault of not making sure your child is properly taken care of (I am not discussing teens here, really, cuz most teens are perfectly able to care for themselves after school, I am referring to pre-teen children).

    If we as parents are making sure that our children's emotional needs are met as well as the physical, then I don't see how working could be a problem. Every child is different and has different needs and as a parent you should be aware of your child's needs.

    That is not to say that all working parents do this. Most I know of don't, and have good day care centers for their kids and spend plenty of time with their kids and have happy full lives and their kids are happy and healthy. It's the ones who don't pay attention, or become self centered, or so wrapped up in trying to acheive the physical that they lose sight of the emotional that lead to the problems that our children face, as they have faced for many years.

    It is also very easy for a stay at home parent to make the same mistakes, being so wrapped up in whether the house is white glove clean that they let the television babysit their kids while they do other things.

    So to me the issue is not whether or not you stay at home (though I commend those who do), but rather, whether you are in touch with ALL of your children's needs and therefore meeting those needs.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:00 pm:

    oh. ok

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:19 pm:

    Sounds pretty good to me, eri. Go slap some sense into that husband of yours.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:24 pm:

    she just did....

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:31 pm:

    I wasn't trying to slap any sense into him. Stop it guys.

    I do think that more people should stay at home to give their kids what they need, but I think that woman was a bit too much. I don't think it should be like a required thing, and that there can be healthy families when both parents work. I think too many families put financial wants over the needs of their kids, and aren't willing to sacrifice to do this, but there are also families that work having duel incomes. It all depends.

    Not slapping sense into him. His views are older, and more "traditional" than mine are. He was raised very differently than I was. I don't disagree with what he wants, but only think there are other ways to get there, too and they shouldn't always be discredited, nor should his views. His heart is in the right place, always.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:35 pm:

    But his head's sometimes up his ass, and that's what causes problems.

    SO...older, more traditional views notwithstanding.... Trace, what do you think about the article you posted?

By dimlu on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:43 pm:

    dpttu o vsmy drr yjr lrud eoyj ,u jrsf p[ ,u sdd

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:50 pm:

    Cute. Do you never answer direct questions?

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:51 pm:

    Christ, spunk, I hope the encryption you're using for secure communication is better than that!

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 03:55 pm:

    dimlu. Methinks I'll call you dimlu from now on. It sounds "sorcerer's apprentice" like.

    "Dimlu! Bring me a bucket of water!"

    "Dimlu, you idiot! Can't you do anything right!?"

    It fits.

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:37 pm:

    I hate encryption shit. I don't get any of it. Whassa matter honey....don't want me to know what you said?

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:38 pm:

    What do I think?
    The lady that wrote that article has not been beat into submission by a BBS dominated by those who would see things quite differently.

    As far as my view on women working/staying at home, etc???

    Well, coming from my background and how I was raised, I loved it when my mom worked.
    All the way home on the bus after school I had this knot in my stomach that grew worse as the bus got closer. I would feel like a ton of bricks was taken off my chest when I saw that her vehicle was not in the driveway when the bus pulled up. Only to repeat the process while at home and anticipating her return.

    As all parents do, I hope, I want my girls to have a better relationship with their mom.
    I love pulling up and having the girls jumping up and down screaming DADDY! and come running for a hug.

    Traditional? Sure Ward Cleaver like? You bet.
    That does not mean to me that I need to change it.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:39 pm:

    go one to the right on the keyboard.
    Not meant to be hard, just a joke.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:44 pm:

    "The lady that wrote that article has not been beat into submission by a BBS dominated by those who would see things quite differently."

    yeah, but what does that mean?

    this says nothing.

    so this somehow makes her views valid?

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:47 pm:

    "Traditional? Sure Ward Cleaver like? You bet.
    That does not mean to me that I need to change it."

    Uh, no one has said that you should.

    But that doesn't seem to stop you from thinking that.

    Ah, dimlu. Always playing the victim.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:51 pm:

    who are you, patrick, to judge if her views are valid or not?
    is not entitled to her views?

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:52 pm:

    is SHE not entitled to her views

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:54 pm:

    She believes that feminism has caused an increase in teenaged pregnancies, suicide, drug use, and crime. This is never been shown to be true. Therefore, no, her views are not valid.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 04:59 pm:

    Spider believes that god exists. This is never been shown to be true. Therefore, no, her views are not valid.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:00 pm:

    its not about HER silly.

    and i wasnt judging HER views.

    we arent even talking to HER.

    we are talking TO YOU and you were directly asked about YOUR views.

    and you responded with : "The lady that wrote that article has not been beat into submission by a BBS dominated by those who would see things quite differently."

    Do you realize that you directly imply with that response that "i spunk support this womans point of view because she 'has not been beat (sic) into submission by a BBS........'"

    stop shifting the conversation to pointless alleys.

    god damn its like trying to get a game of ping pong going and you keep hitting the knocking fucking ball off the table in a deliberate or perhaps retarded fashion. Either your an ass to play with or completely inept.

    this all goes back to Jack's assessment a while back and its constantly proven correct and why i fail to learn it is beyond me.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:04 pm:

    Antigone, please don't be an ass. We need to be concentrating our efforts on beating Trace's opinion out of him.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:22 pm:

    I am an equal opportunity ass.

    And, weren't you sticking up for dimlu a while ago?

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:25 pm:

    You want it?
    You asked for it.

    We live in a sick, amoral, cynical, bastardizing era.
    Traditional values of faith, family, and country are now viewed as outdated and old fashioned, and those who claim to cling to these values are torn to pieces.
    Blades of grass are held in higher regard then unborn life.
    Marriage is seen something that can be dispatched as quickly as clothes.
    We are always looking for a quick fix for everything.

    We have become a whining, selfish country who feels we are entitled to something rather then going out to get it ourselves.
    And as soon as something goes wrong, instead of looking internally, we are quick to look for an escape goat, be it the "big nasty companies" or "the government".
    We have started to believe that the government is ultimately responsible for feeding us, clothing us, housing us, protecting us, and paying for our medicine.

    We have lost integrity, honor, and respect.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:25 pm:

    You want it?
    You asked for it.

    We live in a sick, amoral, cynical, bastardizing era.
    Traditional values of faith, family, and country are now viewed as outdated and old fashioned, and those who claim to cling to these values are torn to pieces.
    Blades of grass are held in higher regard then unborn life.
    Marriage is seen something that can be dispatched as quickly as clothes.
    We are always looking for a quick fix for everything.

    We have become a whining, selfish country who feels we are entitled to something rather then going out to get it ourselves.
    And as soon as something goes wrong, instead of looking internally, we are quick to look for an escape goat, be it the "big nasty companies" or "the government".
    We have started to believe that the government is ultimately responsible for feeding us, clothing us, housing us, protecting us, and paying for our medicine.

    We have lost integrity, honor, and respect.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:38 pm:

    and your views correlate with that woman's ridiculous and unfounded rant how?

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:39 pm:

    Trace, I didn't ask you for your Grand Central Unified Opinion on Life, I asked you for your opinion on the article you posted about feminism. Do you agree with it or not, and why or why not?

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:42 pm:

    I am still missing the message. One to the right is not working for me here.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:43 pm:


    long winded, over the top, core subject OK, title way overboard.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:46 pm:

    Antigone, I defended him before because I don't like to see anyone called retarded, mentally deficient, and other personally insulting terms, regardless of their opinions or political affiliations.

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:47 pm:

    Finally! Thank you, Trace.

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:51 pm:

    Honey, I love you, but you really need to learn your right from your left :)

    Now, honey on that last one we agree.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 05:55 pm:

    I dont agree point by point, no.
    And some of it is a little too...

    how do you say it...

    It has a stage show quality to it.
    Or a freak show quality.

    As far as feminism being the root cause for increased teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, etc, NO.
    I do not agree with that.
    There are two parents for every child.
    I can tell you from my juvi days that divorce does appear to have some impact on children's behavior.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:00 pm:

    as a sidenote....

    we should be concerned with this moreso than the morality of our neighbors.

    Does anyone find it alarming cops can just batter your door down, toss around stun grenades simply because a crooked snitch gave the wrong address?

    Also....when we talk about "values" which psuedo-conservatives love to rant on and on about (and legislate if they could) are we including your porn purchase last year spunk, the porn your kid stumbled upon...or does that fall outside the realm of "values".

    Just like that asshole William Bennett, i find most who rant about values and seek to spread the gospel of tradition to be some of the most morally corrupt.

    Most of the moral people I know are not those of the conservative christian right. In fact its quite the opposite.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:05 pm:

    love to point fingers, eh?

By Spider on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:05 pm:

    Hey, that's not fair, Patrick.

    Everyone makes mistakes, and most people (including me) fall short of their ideals much of the time.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:06 pm:

    love to point fingers, eh?
    Everyone loves to point at someone else.

    Did I say in post YOU or THEY or did I say us and we?

By semillama on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:15 pm:

    "As far as feminism being the root cause for increased teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, etc, NO." Isn't that the core of what she is saying?

    "We live in a sick, amoral, cynical, bastardizing era."
    well, it's hard to argue with that when you look at the administration's regular antics and the behavior of a lot of CEO's in this country.

    "Traditional values of faith, family, and country are now viewed as outdated and old fashioned, and those who claim to cling to these values are torn to pieces."
    Which traditional values are these again? The ones that say heathens don't have the same rights as Christians and can be exploited to the advantage of the Christian, women are inferior to men, whites are superior to everyone else, families can only be compromised of a man and a woman and their children, and American business interests are more important that human rights? Anyone who clings to those values deserves to be torn to pieces.

    However, if you are talking about the general value placed on the family, regardless of genders of the partners, a respect for people of all faiths, and a deep respect for the liberty of the people of this country and that this liberty should be our highest value, then i don't think you have much to worry about from LIBERALS. Conservatives, however....

    "Blades of grass are held in higher regard then unborn life."
    Huh. Did lawnmower sales suddenly drop when I wasn't looking?

    "Marriage is seen something that can be dispatched as quickly as clothes."
    How many people do you know that really think this way?

    "We are always looking for a quick fix for everything."
    Human nature. When hasn't it been this way? WHy should the "Fix" always be long and ardous.

    "We have become a whining, selfish country who feels we are entitled to something rather then going out to get it ourselves."
    Always been that way, except for I would include "feels we are entitled to everything AND going out and getting it for ourselves (regardless of who it actually belongs to).

    "And as soon as something goes wrong, instead of looking internally, we are quick to look for an escape goat, be it the "big nasty companies" or "the government"."
    Umm, that's scape goat. You seem to blame the government for a lot when it comes to public education, hmm? But I guess none of this applies to the STANDARD BEARER OF TRADITIONAL AMERICAN VALUES (trumpets blare Copland's "fanfare for the common man).

    "We have started to believe that the government is ultimately responsible for feeding us, clothing us, housing us, protecting us, and paying for our medicine."
    or maybe we think that a society should take care of its own? Of course, if the government isn;t repsonsible for protecting use, we can get rid of all those cops!

    "We have lost integrity, honor, and respect."
    That's what happens when you elect republicans.

    Boy, that was amusing.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:17 pm:

    Nope. As usual it's ME ME ME! :)

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:21 pm:

    Aw, sem! I was gonna have a quick and witty retort there and you got in my way. Wanna be my scapegoat?

By CHUPACABRA on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:22 pm:


By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:24 pm:


    dimlu points his finger at "amoral America" and uses it as a scapegoat.

    So much irony, so little time!

By patrick on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:25 pm:

    Yes spider, everyone does make mistakes, which is why anyone going off on a rant about other people's morality should shut the fuck up and mind their own business.

    We have learned over and over and over and over when the mighty morality finger starts point it always ends up the pointers own ass.

By CHUPACABRA on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:27 pm:


By Rowlf on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:28 pm:


    if eri made more money than you, would you stay home with the kids if she asked you to?

    follow ups

    how would that make you feel?

    would you clean and do housework or probably just gather dust and watch the Other Half?

    my one problem with feminism is that too many women think that means taking on some of the worst qualities of men, becoming cold hearted office types who walk over everyone, stabbing everyone in the back in the pursuit of money.

By eri on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:40 pm:

    You had a lot of fun with that one didn't you Sem? Hehe.

    "We have lost integrity, honor, and respect."
    Although I agree with this statement, probably for slightly different reasons that Spunk and similar reasons, too, it brings this mental picture to my mind........

    Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets......"We have a different idea of what is a disgrace to a wizard, Malfoy".

    Sorry, just a mental picture.

    "Marriage is seen something that can be dispatched as quickly as clothes."
    How many people do you know that really think this way?"

    Unfortunately too many. In the past year I have seen one woman throw away her marriage, because she decided she was too young when she had child and missed out on too much and wanted that youth back. She is starting a band, and leaves her son with her ex (not his biological child but he doesn't care he loves that boy) so that she can party and do ten tons of irresponsible things, and then begs her ex for money and free babysitting and all kinds of shit. I have seen another woman get tired of not getting enough time with her man and she partied more and more and more and started having sex with anonymous men in the house while her man and her son were sleeping in another room, only to leave and get ripped off of everything she owned by her "boyfriend" of the moment, to continue doing these things over and over, after investing 8 years of her life with this man. I have seen a man pack up and leave, leave the country because his wife got pregnant and he won't even answer an email from her. I have seen a woman leave her female partner (so I guess divorce isn't the right word since they can't legally get married here) because she wanted to buy a motorcycle and not get a job (still doesn't make much sense to me). I have seen a woman leave her husband because she decided (after marriage) that she didn't want to confine herself to one male lover and had a Pagan right to as many lovers as she wanted. I could probably go on for a while, but I don't really want to think about it. I just know that we have met too many people who think marriage is not something to take seriously and that you can discard with your old clothes if you like. Some of them have even tried to talk me into leaving Spunky or having other lovers on the side and just not telling him about it. They believe that instead of working out a problem, you leave and move on.

    OK, I am rambling now so I will stop.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:59 pm:

    "Unfortunately too many."

    That's odd. In my circle of married friends, none have divorced.

    Of course, they're all Unitarians. That's probably why.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 07:56 pm:

    "if eri made more money than you, would you stay home with the kids if she asked you to?"


    "how would that make you feel? "
    Honestly? Inadequete.

    "would you clean and do housework or probably just gather dust and watch the Other Half? "
    what's the other half?

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 07:58 pm:

    Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.
    Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:12 pm:

    "Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
    Definition Def`i*ni"tion, n. L. definitio: cf. F.
    1. The act of defining; determination of the limits; as, a telescope accurate in definition.

    2. Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of ``circle;'' the definition of ``wit;'' an exact definition; a loose definition.

    Definition being nothing but making another understand by words what the term defined stands for. --Locke.

    3. Description; sort. R. ``A new creature of another definition.'' --Jer. Taylor.

    4. (Logic) An exact enunciation of the constituents which make up the logical essence.

    5. (Opt.) Distinctness or clearness, as of an image formed by an optical instrument; precision in detail.

    Syn: Definition, Explanation, Description.

    Usage: A definition is designed to settle a thing in its compass and extent; an explanation is intended to remove some obscurity or misunderstanding, and is therefore more extended and minute; a description enters into striking particulars with a view to interest or impress by graphic effect. It is not therefore true, though often said, that description is only an extended definition. ``Logicians distinguish definitions into essential and accidental. An essential definition states what are regarded as the constituent parts of the essence of that which is to be defined; and an accidental definition lays down what are regarded as circumstances belonging to it, viz., properties or accidents, such as causes, effects, etc.'' --Whately.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:22 pm:

    I'm over it

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 09:20 pm:

    OK. Did we "get you"?

By Uncle tom on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 09:52 am:

    az pissed off waitin fo de cummin of de lord.

By spunky on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 11:09 am:


By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:16 pm:

    Run On

    Lord God Almighty let me tell the news
    My head got wet in midnight dew
    Great God i been down on my bended knees
    Talking to a man from galilee
    Michael spoke and he sound so sweet
    I thought i heard the shuffle of angels' feet
    He put one hand upon my head
    Great God Almighty let me tell you what He said

    Go tell that lonesome liar
    Go tell that midnight rider
    Tell the gamblin', ramblin' backslider
    Tell them God Almighty gonna cut 'em down

    You might run on for a long time
    Run on, ducking and dodging
    Run on, children, for a long time
    Let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

    you might throw your rock, hide your head
    work in the dark with your fellow men
    sure as God made you rich and poor
    you're gonna reap just what you sow

    You might run on for a long time
    Run on, ducking and dodging
    Run on, children, for a long time
    Let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

    You might run on for a long time
    Run on, ducking and dodging
    Run on, children, for a long time
    Let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

    some people go to church just to signify
    trying to make a date with a neighbor's wife
    brother let me tell you just as sure as you're born
    you better leave that woman alone

    Go tell that lonesome liar
    Go tell that midnight rider
    Tell the gamblin', ramblin' backslider
    Tell them God Almighty gonna cut 'em down

    You might run on for a long time
    Run on, ducking and dodging
    Run on, children, for a long time
    Let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

    You might run on for a long time
    Run on, ducking and dodging
    Run on, children, for a long time
    Let me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you down

By kazoo on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:22 pm:


By spunky on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:30 pm:

    can someone please point out to me where in the bible it says not to gamble?

By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:43 pm:

    can someone please point out to me where in the bible it says not to be homosexual?

By Spider on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:51 pm:

    Leviticus 18:22 -- "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

    O Sinnerman, where ya gonna run to?
    O Sinnerman, where ya gonna run to?
    O Sinnerman, where ya gonna run to?
    Along that day...

    I'm gonna run to the rock - rock won't ya hide me?
    I'm gonna run to the rock - rock won't ya hide me?
    I'm gonna run to the rock - rock won't ya hide me?
    Along that day...

    Well then I'll run to the stars - stars'll be a-fallin'
    Run to the moon - moon'll be a-fleetin'
    Run to the Lord - Lord'll be a-cryin'
    Along that day...

    Well the Lord said, "Sinnerman, you shoulda been a-prayin'"
    The Lord said, "Sinnerman, you shoulda been a-prayin'"
    The Lord said, "Sinnerman, you shoulda been a-prayin'"
    Along that day...
    along that day...

    Well then Satan, Satan - won't ya hide me?
    Satan, Satan - won't ya hide me?
    Satan, Satan - won't ya hide me...

    Satan said to Sinnerman, "Step right in"
    Satan said to Sinnerman, "Step right in"
    Satan said to Sinnerman, "Step right in"
    Along that day...

By Spider on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:53 pm:

    Trace, the bible has no direct prohibition against gambling, but it can be inferred. Link

By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:54 pm:

    "Leviticus 18:22"

    That applies only if you're Jewish.

    No non kosher fuckin' now, ya hear?

By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:56 pm:

    The Leviticus verse also leaves lesbians in the clear.

By spunky on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:01 pm:

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them
    Romans 1:26-27 & 32
    For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    1 Timothy 1:8-11
    But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;
    Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
    For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
    According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

By Spider on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:02 pm:

    You said Bible, not New Testament.

    Jesus revised many of the old covenant laws himself -- he said what you eat doesn't matter to your soul, for one.

By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:08 pm:

    Does that include eating dick?

    Of course, this is all moot for me. I could give a rats ass what the bible says.

By patrick on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:12 pm:

    i hate when you people start in with the bible quotes. its like a big neon sign flashing BOREDOM AHEAD BOREDOM AHEAD.

By eri on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:14 pm:

    I always thought of the bible as old and new testament and didn't realize there was some difference between the two when you refer to "the bible". This is a new thing for me.

By spunky on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:17 pm:

    jews consider the bible to be only the old testament, and some churches only preach out of the new testament.

By Spider on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:25 pm:

    Yeah, we tend to use only the Psalms and the prophetic books in my church. I read the Old Testament books in my high school religion classes, but I don't remember too much. (Except the story of David and Ammon and Absalom -- I love that story.)

    It's not so much the difference between the old and new testament as it is the difference between the old covenant (God - Moses) and the new covenant (God/Jesus - disciples).

By spunky on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:33 pm:

    the chronicles of the kings were very interesting

By Antigone on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 02:07 pm:

    as were the chronicles of Narnia


    the chronicles of Thomas Covenant

By Book worm on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 04:28 pm:

    i prefer lord of the rings myself,it tasts real good and contains no suger.

By Rowlf on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 06:33 pm:

    Leviticus also says you cant wear clothes made of two different materials, that women cant speak in church, being without perfect vision in a church (got glasses? are you blind? GO TO HELL!), lots of fun wonderful things. yes, we should all pay lots of attention to what the Levites are doing.

    Leviticus: Legitimately turning Jews and Christians into atheists for 2000 years.

By Leviticus on Friday, May 23, 2003 - 05:21 pm:

    go ahead,make my day.

By TBone on Saturday, May 24, 2003 - 08:50 am:

    Spider, that made me think of Sinnerman too. I was all ready to post it, but you beat me to it by a couple days.

    I'm way behind.

    At work they instituted a new Internet policy: Use it and die.

    It's 5:30AM and I have half an hour left on my shift at the job I do for free. But I can surf, if I have time. Weird night. No callers at all. Wednesday morning I had more callers than I could handle, and last Saturday morning I had at least one an hour.

    I'd post something relevant, but I went from wide awake to unable to tie my shoes in the time it took to read this thread.
    I want to go to bed now.

By TBone on Saturday, May 24, 2003 - 09:48 am:

    Scratch that. The next DJ didn't show up, so I'm here for another 2 hours at least.

By Pinky4life on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 - 07:07 pm:

    Ok people ya'll are writting a lil to much i mean my god i am not takeing 2 hours of my life just to read what ya'll had to say about the freakin long situation u know? well g2run bye

By Vilnius viper on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 - 07:39 pm:

    to recap,TIME FOR WOMAN TO GO HOME,it says at the top of the the thread,BULLSHIT i say.i love woman,they are wonderfull,[mostly SORABJI WOMAN]without them we men may as well not exist.

By Viper on Friday, October 1, 2004 - 10:40 pm:

    So you know, this person gave herself house nicknames and she and her family are living at her parents home because she refuses to work and take care of her children. She is infact terrible mother and her husband is worse. She cares nothing for her children is is too alzy to to anything. She has also been in jail for stealing perscriptions, and yes she is full of shit.


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