Goddamit. |
I was on the news a while back stammering about whatever dumb question they were asking that perticular day. It wasn't good. |
I was on the news when my family was in a boat accident years ago. I was also one of those "people on the street" oppinions during a talk show. What was the question, moonit?? |
It's a Shaker village site, so it's a great oppurtunity to test how rigidly they adhered to their concepts of order and restraint. |
I just had all my hair cut off. The Pandyr is going to kill me. |
My hair is now down to the small of my back, and I'm dying to cut it all off, and I'm also dying to grow it down to my knees. What to do? |
Spider, we miss you. And grow it to your knees. You can always hack it off later if you want to. |
Things are going fairly well for me. I am exhausted right now from school, but I have a restful weekend ahead of me. One exiting thing I've done recently is camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota (last month...I ended up getting sick again there, and I'm sure the temp. getting down to 18 degrees by the morning didn't help any) and hike Bear Butte, a very sacred area for many of the Plains Indians tribes. I hiked to the top with a fever. It was very frightening because the very narrow trails had ice on them, and if you slip, you fall right off the side of the butte. And it snowed on the descent. But it was very moving and serene up there. From the summit, you could see all the way to the curve of the horizon. It was wonderful. Before that, we had a retreat in Spokane, and we had to travel from Billings to Spokane and back via Greyhound. Our bus left Billings at 1 in the morning, and I got to eavesdrop on the most educational conversation between a veteran trucker and a 46-year-old junkie on the way to rehab. I'm serious, it was fascinating. They talked about *everything*, and I felt priviledged to be able to hear a kind of conversation in which I could never take part. It was awesome. I'm applying for a second year in JVC....I might live in Portland or the wilds of Alaska next year, depending on where they send me. Write me! |
Oh, and my best friend Rainey is getting married in June and I'm going to be a bridesmaid, so I wanted to keep my long hair for the wedding. |
Just woundering... :P |
its nice ta look through some of the old ones... but would be nice ta know where the new ones are too :P thanx. |
April 18, 2011 Toshiba Consumer Electronics Division P.O. Box 3900 Peoria, IL 61612-3900 Re: Toshiba LCD-TV Model # 40RF350U Serial # AM384010829 To whom it may concern, In January 2008 my husband and I paid $1,575.75 for the above referenced television at A&B TV in Austin, Texas. After a year the LCD display started giving us problems. About 1/4 of the screen on the left had a line through it and that portion of the display was lighter than the rest of the screen. A few months later the same thing line and color distortion appeared in equal proportions on the right side of the screen. A few months later the entire left half of the display would flicker off and on for about 5-10 minutes when the TV was first turned on, then the picture would come in again. However, the lines and distorted color panels on the right and left side remained. Since the beginning of 2011, when the TV initially was turned on, it displayed vertical rainbow colored lines which cover the left side of the display (see photo enclosed). For a few weeks those lines eventually flickered off and on, and then would disappear after the TV had been on for 5-10 minutes. However, as of late March the vertical rainbow lines will not go away at all and the TV is unwatchable. We have asked every electronic service person who has come to the house if it can be fixed, and nobody has been able to help. We called Toshiba customer service about these problems and have a documented account open under telephone #512-XXX-XXXX. Every time we called, Toshiba said that there were no known issues. We have taken the TV to several authorized TV repair shops, and we were told that the only way to fix the problem is to replace the LCD panel. This would cost us more than it would cost to purchase a brand new TV. In addition to a photo of the problem we currently are experiencing, I also have enclosed reviews of the exact same model TV, which are published at Amazon.com – a reputable retailer of Toshiba products. As you can see, at least 20 other consumers have documented experiencing the exact same problem as we are experiencing. Furthermore, Toshiba recognizes this problem with the 46” version of the exact same TV, but will not acknowledge the problem in the 40” version. I understand that our TV is outside of the warranty window. However, I’m sure you would agree that when you spend $1,500+ for an electronic product, anyone would expect it to last more than a year, and even more than three years. Because this problem not only is due to faulty mechanics in the television, but also a documented recurring problem for other consumers, I request that Toshiba pay the cost to have the LCD panel in our TV replaced. If that is not possible then I request that Toshiba replace our entire television with a new one free of charge. If Toshiba agrees to do so, I will continue to hold the company in high regard; I would continue to purchase and recommend Toshiba products. However, if Toshiba does not agree to repair or replace the TV free of charge, I will state for the record that I would rather shit razorblades and then administer myself a lemon juice enema than have to pay Toshiba another dime for any product ever again. If you do not fix or replace the above mentioned television, I will file fraud charges against Toshiba with the Better Business Bureau, and I will file a law suit against Toshiba. I will not tolerate any further denial of responsibility. How would you like to proceed? Please respond in writing to the following: ... Sincerely, me |
Also this letter is a clear sign of all the newfound time i have on my hands. Otherwise i would have chucked the stupid thing in a random dumpster. Turns out Not having a tv is kinda cool. I forgot how quiet it is. |
Yes. I'm surprised you even asked. |