NO! Do you have any regrets?: NO!
By Tiger on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 01:52 am:
    goodbye cruel world!

By Slacker on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 01:57 am:
    don't do it man. call me at the suicide prevention hot line tomorrow.

By Norman Bates on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 03:06 am:
    Yes, I have some. They're beautiful birds with a six-foot wingspan, and they... Oh, REGRETS! I thought you said EGRETS! Sorry! Never mind.

By Thats MR. Sinatra to you Dirtbag.... on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:18 am:
    Regrets? I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do. And saw it through without exemption. I've planned each chartered course, each careful step along the byway. But more, much more than this, I did it my way.

By Tarmac on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:25 am:
    Hurry up and die, Frank! I've got 20 bucks riding on you in a celebrity death pool!

By Mr. Sinatra and dont you forget it on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 10:52 pm:
    What!!! How dare you? Why, I oughta take you over my knee and smack your bare buttocks raw with my hand. Yes, your smooth, creamy, fleshy naked buttocks. Oh, that would be wonderful, just wonderful. Oooh, "Frank Jr." is getting a little chubby here....

By Megan on Friday, June 19, 1998 - 01:45 pm:
    No why should I have any regrets,I'm only 19 and enjoying life and guys way to much.

By Martin on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 04:39 pm:
    Hey Tarmac--did you get your payoff yet?

By Stoney on Thursday, November 19, 1998 - 01:15 am:

    I agree with regrets. You can't change the past!! And why would you want to? It's made you the person you are today and that's not so bad is it?

By Billygoat on Thursday, November 19, 1998 - 04:26 pm:

    Words to live by:

    It's better to have regrets for the things you have done,
    than for the things you have not done.

By Me............. on Thursday, November 19, 1998 - 05:18 pm:

    Wow, BillyGoat' - Such wise words !!!!

By Sock Monkey on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 02:12 pm:


By ANTIGONE IS A STALKER on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 03:45 pm:

    Threatening to take personal revenge on someone for a flamewar is WRONG!

By jack on Monday, July 21, 2003 - 08:09 pm:


By sarah on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 03:23 pm:

    you rang?

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 03:26 pm:

    just checking the connection, honey. thanks.

By sarah on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 03:58 pm:

    reading you loud n clear, sweets.

By heather on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 04:39 pm:

    should i have a better notion of who jack is?

By patrick on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 04:49 pm:

    jack, i suspect, is one of a few.

    the lowercase is a clue.

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 04:51 pm:

    no, i don't think so. that is, if i understand your question correctly.

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 04:51 pm:

    one of a few what? whoa.

By patrick on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 04:58 pm:

    i have an idea who you are, besides jack.

    as in, a sorabji persona who posted under another name for sometime.

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 05:08 pm:

    ah, one of a few personalities or screen names. i see.
    i did play "arnold ziffel" on the wayd board once.

By J on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 05:43 pm:

    Did you ever find your truffels?

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 05:49 pm:

    no, but fortunately there's another pig rooting around here, so they're sure to be found at some point.

By agatha on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 08:38 pm:

    I think he's Mark, some days. Other days, I think he's Hal. I thought he was Dave for a minute, but I changed my mind.

By dave. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 09:06 pm:


By Nate on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 09:14 pm:


    sorry i'm late. just got back online and all.

By jack on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 09:32 pm:

    you didn't miss a thing. thanks for showing up.

By J on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:43 pm:

    I was wondering where you were Nate,did things go good at Creative?

By patrick on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 01:09 pm:

    i was thinking droop.

    or dave.

By sarah on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:14 pm:

    i {heart} jack.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:23 pm:

    me too. smoochy smooch.

    i thought droop, too.

By agatha on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 09:43 pm:

    Too understated for Droop. And Swine, for that matter. I eliminate both of them as potential Jacks.

By blur on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 04:26 am:

    This is the Internet. Whether jack shares a body with somebody else is irrelevant.

    He's jack.

By patrick on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 12:58 pm:

    or blur

By J on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 04:57 pm:

    I thought Rowlf was Patrick.

By Spider on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 05:04 pm:

    No way is Jack Swine. Jack lacks Swine's palpable contempt for us all.

    Droopy is without internet access.

    I wonder how Margret's doing.

By Blur on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 05:59 pm:

    The cap on my Sobe says "Jack can stay".

    So I guess that's settled. I wonder how they knew?

By agatha on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 09:00 pm:

    Of course he can stay, this most likely is his domain.

    Inquiring minds want to know, but I enjoy not knowing slightly as well.

    I wish Smoke would start back up again.

By Yo Momma on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 03:09 pm:

    I regret CUMMING to this page.

By Me...........myself..and I on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 03:10 pm:

    hey,my birthday is July 24th. WOOHOO