By Past nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:39 am: |
This is one of those days. A guest or two, nothing more. The clear sky broke early with rain; clouds rolled and covered the dome from vista point to vista point. Craggy mountains outlining the valley like teeth. That puts us in the mouth somewhere. A relatively small stone lozenge on this great earthen tongue. Wishing to be spit. I inhaled smoke rather late in the day. So much sobriety to prelude this mellow melancholy. So much, I mean, sarcastically. I can’t break this chain, seems too thick. I vow to try, though. Almost daily I vow to try. Mostly in the mornings, before the day has taken its turn with the whip on my back. Then I come to now, and the smoke is much too enticing. Fill my lungs, pull away my cares. Bring me back to normalcy. Bring me back to my standard state. My off duty state. My back kick and my hair down. Bring me back to take me out. Today involved my weekday wander. It’s a Monday. Crossed the demon trail, the pits of steam. Made it safe again to the chambers, where they drone and fart. Slicked back grease hair and ill fitting pants. |
By Days after acids nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:41 am: |
The fog had cleared suddenly. The lock on my body let up slightly, then tightened until it was so cold it was hot. Then I was immobile and indifferent; I couldn’t move nor did I realize that at one time I could. It was far over and far from over. I was in, but what in was had been totally redefined. They fish for smelt, you know, but also they fish for me. Tight assed fishermen in yellow slickers. Long lines with rusty barbed hooks tied securely to the dolphin meat. Rusty barbed hooks tearing the veins from the fins, tail and soul. They knew everything about me, everything about anything. They knew I knew. Unfortunately I didn’t know what knowing would get me. Trouble, they once exclaimed. Trouble is the worst enemy of law, of order, of silence, of boredom. We live in the chaos of a troubled universe. If there was no trouble, there would be nothing. All matter would lie in a single frozen pile. Or degrade further, for all that we know. Return. It would return to the starting point, the base of all existence. God, then. That is what we all are. God is the sum of everything. God in perfect peace is lying prone beneath the infinity tree, the Godmind resting in perfect harmony with the cambium activity. In perfect empty. But we know this to be wrong, somehow. God is too dimensional to exist even slightly congruent to this perfect peace. This isn’t even a god known vision of perfect peace, it is a reflection of the Godmind distorted by our quadradimensionality. It is the ceiling of our perfection and the foundation of the God. Our box has a lid that cannot be removed; we can only see the underside of the lid, God can only see the top. God shakes the box and can hear the movements within. God can estimate our existence quite well, by these (audio?) examinations. The rumble we make when energy is added to our reality. That is when God knows we are here. All other time is marked by the unknowing God, and that which is not in the Godmind is Not. Which is not to say does not exist, but rather, in this reality and in Godmind there is no cause for existence, nor any applicable effect. Only that which is in the Godmind has any bearing on this reality, as this reality is a construct of the Godmind. A wild reflection that bears striking resemblance though no substantial similarity to the Godmind. A mirror reflects light but not matter, this reality reflects certain aspects but not others. We are the limited Godmind on the other side of the reality. We are the reflection on the other side of the glass. And then there is Not. Not is all that is not known to the Godmind. It is the rest when the Godmind is attentive to this reality, it is this reality when the Godmind is attentive to the rest. In the confines of time, however, there is no difference (in so far as when) between the two attentive behaviors. These are not translatable to concepts of just four dimensions, they exist purely in what is perpendicular to all of time and space. The best that can be understood is that there are two separate, essentially autonomous existences in this reality: that which is the reflection of the Godmind which is known to the Godmind through the actions and attentiveness of God, and that which is the reflection of the Godmind which is unobserved due to lack of actions or attentions by God and therefore not known to the Godmind. This is not easy to realize, I understand. I certainly understood then, when this sudden awareness pegged me to the floor and forced me to notice the Not. Not on the other side of the reality mirror, as opposed to Not on our side of reality. Not on the other side is where God is, but is outside of the knowledge of the Godmind. I pictured four basic existences in our perspective: two on either side of a construct known as the reality mirror. Envisioning the reality mirror that reflects like a glass mirror is relatively easy, envisioning what is reflected is not. What is reflected is not light, but rather an analog to energy in dimensions greater than our four. Energy is the force of movement of physical objects (three dimensions) over a period of time (fourth dimension.) What is reflected in the reality mirror is the force of movement of time-space (four dimensions) over a period of creation (fifth dimension.) Being gripped by the details of the mechanics of the reality mirror is like driving straight desert roads; one can drive for hours without a definite landmark to tell that distance has passed, yet enjoy every minute of the experience. But at this point I was not gripped, but rather I understood the most basic point of the reality mirror: that it reflected, and that what it reflected defined the Godmind with sufficient detail. So here we are, in an existence we call our own. This is the existence we anthropocentrically call Reality. It is the first existence and the easiest to comprehend. It is the reflection of the Godmind as known by the Godmind. It is God’s conscious thought about the Godself. It is God’s greatest love. It is God’s ego. The second existence is the existence we are taught to believe in. It is inherent to our existence because it is so intimately linked with what the Godmind is. If Reality is the conscious thought about the Godself, the second existence is the unconscious mind of God. It is the true Godmind, not just the reflection of it. It is the strength of God, the power of God. It is all that we are plus all that which does not reflect. It is the sum totality of all God’s perception, conception and ingestion. It is the Godself. Third is the Not. Paradoxically, the Godself is not all of God, God is everything, and yet God is only parts of God. This is what the Not is, it is the parts of God on the Godself side of the reality mirror that is not known to the Godmind. It is the parts of God on the Godself side of the reality mirror that are not perceived at all by the Godself. Not is parts of God not known in any way to God. If God lived in a house, and kept the reality mirror in one room, the Not would be all of the other rooms in the house. If God was looking in the reality mirror God would be oblivious to all that occurred in the other rooms (even though the whole house is actually God.) Ignore the parenthetical note if it confuses you, it was not important in my realizations. The final existence is the Not Reality. That which is reflected of the Godself yet not known to the Godmind. Furthering the analogy of rooms, the Not Reality is that which occurs when God is not in the room with the reality mirror. Or when God is in the room but not perceiving what is being reflected. It is the existence on our side of the reality mirror that is devoid of the attention of the Godmind. The presence of this final existence is all at once deathly scary and enormously enlightening. This is an existence that is aligned perfectly in our time and space. It is here all around us, we just can’t perceive it because it is not known. Mind blown, frozen and drooling. Strapped into a place foreign to my physical self I was being bombarded by the creation of thought. Being brought to the mountain peaks and shown the world as a map. Then the questions came. The questions that came from the subconscious of the Godmind to tempt and tease my mortal mind. Is this the only reality mirror? Does that matter to me? Simple, philosophical questions. Simple in that they didn’t scare me so much as stretch me. But that ended quickly when one question sparked a memory from the subconscious Godmind to filter up to reflect: What would happen if something else was reflected in the reality mirror? The Not is populated by more than just I. Polytheism? No, I wrestled with that one. I rolled it into little balls in my mind and flicked it towards the back of my skull. There is no room for the polytheistic in modern society. Just look at the Catholic Church. The last bastion of civilization-wide polytheism crumbling in its own stagnation. And then it occurred to me that regardless of how many entities gaze into the reality mirror, we would only ever know this reality. We would only ever know the reality created by the reflection of our God, and thus our God is the only God that exists for us. In this universe, this Reality, it is impossible for any god other than our God to be known to the Godmind as this reflection of this Godself. And then I wasn’t sure. And then I think I passed out. |
By Choosing to beat depression with a solo eighth of mushrooms instead of prozac nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:45 am: |
Everything when I write I put myself into some other mind. That’s where I write from, some other mind. I’m tired of being in this mind. Trying to put myself in this depressive state. I can choose to be outside of this. And everything is happy? I think so. Fractals are dancing in the screen. Amazing patterns everywhere I am not writing. I love this and at the same time it is keeping me from writing. I am so clumsy where I am writing. I don’t even think it is connected. I am writing in another part of this I am paying attention only to the screen. To the colors. To the music. If I pay attention to what I am writing I think I want to cry. If I pay attention to how badly I am spelling or the typos or the problems than this seems to be a burden. The song is over, it really seems like the world changes dependant on what is behind us in music. New song. This is incredibly insane, these writings. I don’t think they actually say anything. I should stop thinking about myself reading this all later. I am wresting with being crazy. I am not sure I want to be crazy, I am not sure if I am or not. Am I just lying to myselF? these hands are not my own. this is not real. I can’t decide on black or white day or night everything reverbs in my brain ignore them ignore them they are not what is going on they are not what is going on who am I afraid might read this? Myself? I should be writing. Forget the audience. Forget it doesn’t matter how much I’m writing. It doesn’t matter that I’[m writing. Leave. Nate leave. Concentrate elsewhere. I’m doing this now nate LEAVE now. I’m not sure I can type without paying attention to what I’m doing. I think that this is almost as if I am not doing it anyway, though. God. lyrics are just forgetting about the I ams and I cans and just writing what’s going on. I forgot about that somewhere. I have to stop trying so hard. I have to stop writing for audeinces. I’m not going to read this later. No one is going to read this later. I am writing to write. This is just the way it goes. I think that my only thinking is going on right now on the screen. I am reading this all for the first time? Funny that I would have to tell myself this? I guess I am not, I guess I am still writing to a writing with an audience in mind. I can’t believe that the spelling is still working. Jesus, it’s hard enough to believe I’m still typing. There is so much going on right now, so much on top of the typing. So much noise, so deep. The screen is falling through. I think that maybe later I will want to know what the screen looked like? Maybe it’s not that big of a deal. It is right now. It is my world. Do I spend too much time in front of the computer? I’ve never thought about that, really. I think maybe I have. It’s a good escape. I should be making music. Nobody laughs anymore? my eyes are burning. Too much to watch all this going on. I’m finally crying. Thank god. it’s been awhile. Its a lot this that’s going on. Enough that I haven’t been sure about handling it. I think I can do it, though. I think that my body is a bit confused right now. Crying a lot. It feels good. It feels good to be on a new page, too. Its hard to write what’s going on in the head. I want to edit, I want to censor. I should stop censoring what’s in my mind. I need to stop being afraid of who’s going to come in. I’m a fucking wreck. Do I need to get over this? I don’t know who’s even writing these words anymore. somewhere else I am typing. Somwhere else I am being logical. Soewhere else I am not thinking about what’sgoing on right now? Stop thinking about the typing. The typing is just what’s in my head, but I think somwhere else I am writing this all down. Yes? Does this makesense? To whom? To me? am I trying to make this all clear? Am I writing to myself? am I writing to someone else? B--? I--? M---? Where am I? A---? I love you A---. I love you more than anything and I wish you were here I wish you were in my mind with me. forever with me in my mind. Always someone to talk to. Someone who cares about me. I know you care about me that makes me feel good. Yes. I’m thinking about people reading this now, and I need to stop. A---. I can’t put how I feel down. I keep trying to write the words you want to hear. I keep trying to feel the way you want me to. I need to get away from that. I think maybe that isn’t totally the way things are, but it has a ring of truth. In our lives, I have to pee. Is this a thought or is this for an audience? It seems to have an audience. At the very least, the audience is ME, right now. And I need to stop paying attention. I’m getting lost. I’m getting afraid that I can’t think outside of the typewriting device? Maybe? Maybe this is all of me. no reality. No conversating. Can’tthinkthatfast. But boy can that kid write? Fuck that or maybe not I don’t know. I want to write I want to I want to b e? pee! |
By Drunk as fuck nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:47 am: |
Motherfucker do gooder motherfucker you Drunk as Hell I am I am Eat my fucking ass you mother fucker you shit. I think I’m the motherfucker alan ginsberg of the whiteblooded drunkass world. Connection connection my motherfucking connection. Lick my ass you cock eyed scum. Drink the blood of my ass you cum bubble son of a whore cootie shit fucker. It’s hard to force myself to write when I am drunk. Goddamn. What’s the magic signal? What’s the fucking magic signal? Oh, that magic signal. No, it was something different. I am eastern tides looking alive on the rest of my life the world is sneaking by looking alive on the rest of my time I am full of this the soul is aching the world is baking I am sneaking by the thousand eys I am crying each to other skies I’ve found wisdom hardly given. |
By Excerpt from a letter post-psychedelic insanity nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:52 am: |
I’ve been thinking a lot about thought-control. Mental suggestion. I’ve had many "coincidences" recently which make me believe that I might be able to influence people’s thoughts. Nothing big, mostly numbers. One time we were playing with a deck of cards. Ernie was picking cards and Sarah was trying to guess them. He picked a three of spades, which I saw but thought it was a five of spades. So, when I saw it, I thought in my head "Hmm, five of spades," or something to that effect. Turns out Sarah guesses five of spades. It was rather bizarre. Just today I was in class. The teacher was talking about binary search trees, and, without going into too much detail, was trying to come up with some random numbers to demonstrate how these trees work. I already know how to use binary search trees, so when he began the example, I came up with some numbers and began working out the example in my head (something I just do when I am in class.) The odd thing is that I was thinking the first number should be 15, and that’s the number he picked. The emphasis is the should, I think. It was almost as if it was important in my mind that the number be 15 (though what the number was made no difference, it just had to be larger than the numbers picked after it.) I tried to influence other number picks after that, but none of them worked. I think it was because I was trying to put numbers in his head, instead of thinking that the number should be something. I don’t know. I’m still working on this. Same thing with the cards. I kept trying to put the cards into Sarah’s head, instead of just thinking what the cards were. Didn’t work after the first time. A lot of what I consider magic is like this. It usually works by accident, and when I go back and try something it rarely does anything. The exception is when I was on mushrooms. Everything seemed rather easy then. That’s one of the reasons why I think I still have things to learn from psychedelics. I hope I’m not sounding crazy. |
By Too in love to care nate on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 12:54 am: |
when everything is one and the sun the sun is in your eyes casting rays in endless pools of amber anything anything I would do for this love And a breeze stirs the sand whispers toward the ocean a secret crazy bond between the seabirds strike the sea again anything anything I would do for this love Falling through tender times grasping at anyone we can in our hand our hand bleeds comfort bringing the world to perfect completion anything anything I would do for this love |
By Apologetic nate feels sorry if anyone was tricked into reading all that on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 01:02 am: |
By Chordata on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 02:30 am: |
By R.C. on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 02:52 am: |
Thanks for the buzz. Sleep well. |
By A fan on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 05:15 pm: |
By THE FALCON on Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 08:33 pm: |
By Voluptuous Violet on Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - 02:01 am: |
Well, Bye (also, if you've visited my "Terrifying Sleep Episodes" thing in the other board which I think you have, don't you think that all that frying and other anonymous partying could possibly have something to do with my absolute freak out periods of being posessed by what the hell ever in my sleep?) Bye for real now. *Violet* |
By Nate on Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - 03:08 am: |
bring it on god. BRING IT ON GOD. waves are crashing into me. something breathes behind my eyes. pressure comes like dry heaves. each burst throwing me deeper into the sea of static. clouds that pulse into existence, pulse out of existence. pulse. pulse. pulse. my pulse/idon'tknow. ride it? or i can concentrate it into my hands. my legs. i can make the body numb. i can make. the world shivers. my palms on the desktop shake the desk. i vibrate inside outside. it vibrates inside outside me. i rise but i'm not moving. i can't see often. i can't concentrate often. i can't motivate often. i wonder if i will sleep tonight. i wonder what will come for me. FUCK YOU. i can beat it tonight. i can tear these walls out i can fucking take it ON. BRING IT ON GOD. don't send no petty vision don't send no avatar don't send the heavydreams or the smoke and fires. come. tell me my damage. let me fight it. let me out. let me out of thisand back into the world again. fuck preception. fuck your preception fuck my preception fuck the way this is fuck the way i am fuck this i am i can be. ofuck. david on my wall he looks around and he closes his eyes and then they are empty skull holes and you know he is sad. and it goes. and i can think for a minute. i can breathe. and then it grips me and i suck in and all the muscles tense. it's not pain it's confusion. it's something else in me something that makes my skin tingle. especially the finger tips feel like static electricity is layered thickly. and the eyes water. the pressure forms behind them. they want to escape my head. i close my eyes and pictures come. not real pictures, but clouds of static forming objects. shapes. eyes. heads. pressure. i am underwater. i am afraid. pressure. everything is inside now. i can see an object. an obelisk of some sort, i think . i don't know. my mind tries to put meaning to the things i see. pencil. rocket. obelisk. who the fuck knows. who the fuck cares. light dark light dark. television static. my head is full of static. tiny ripples shoot through my torso. shiver. shiver. i amquivering . iam alone. no one can reach me in here because i have built these walls too high too much too fucking much. here it comes again. like waves of nausea but not nausea. fooof. everything tenses. tears. eyes bulge. pushing pushing.... trying to get out. i am trying to push it out. i try to put myself on the beach. i think god was there with me that night. on the beach. silver moon. waves rolling in on top of each other. six seven out white lines into the ocean. grey ocean. silver moon. grey sand. everything grey and blue and silver and right then i went from atheist to undeniable believer in creation and ther was god. but conscious? i don't know. but god. something. out there. bigger than i. a creater. i try to take myself there because i was overwhelmed with love from the universe. sounds cheesey. fuck. i can't explain these things. i am empty compared to what i felt that night on the beach. empty. alone. shiver. i can feel breath on my body. tiny breezes. i can see faces in the air. i can see i can feel something someone here. i am really freaking out. i am really afraid. my shoulders are so tense and my back. i can't shift in the chair. i can't relax. i want to look around but i can't. i can't see outside the glow of the screen. i don't want to see. iwanttobefreeofthis. i nothing can get me. nothing is in here. i tell myself that i am safe. i wish i could lie better. thoughts echo in empty head i am i am. i've been pressing so hard against the corner of the desk that deep purple lines cross my palms. sweaty. i can feel the weight of an odd energy about me. it's just shy of tangible. just outsideinside of perception. it goes it comes it goes. i think it is waning now. i need to sleep. if tomorrow starts like today, i am not getting out of bed. |
By Nate on Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - 12:51 pm: |
things have been sliding away from reality lately. i think it is a product of lack of sleep and stress. at least, in the past year and a half since i last tripped i think i've been considerably stressed when the haze has been at it's worst. what i call flashbacks are pretty rare, and much more extreme than the haze. to clarify: heavydreams is what i've been calling these dreams i have. they are super clear, super real dreams with exceptions of the physics of things. time,space,etc don't exist in them the way they exist in reality. they are really trippy dreams that i actually enjoy a lot, except that i always wake up from them in a deep haze that usually takes about an hour to wear off. the other things i talk about ('avatar', 'smoke and fire',) i think refer to night visions i have. i've had a lot of hallucinations where i'm in a relaxed but awake state and i see, plain as i see anything, something that cannot be there. the one that repeats the most are three people who i call the council (i don't know why, it just seems to be a name that fits.) two men and a woman who almost always tell me something. last time they wanted to take me somewhere, but i didn't want to make the effort so i told them i wasn't ready. i don't know. i don't want to talk about these right now. Violet: I don't recall ever having a bad trip. I was there for friends who got themselves into trouble, but i don't remember ever having one myself. maybe i should ask someone, though. i can't remember how many times i tripped. sometimes i come up with a number, but later i usually remember things i hadn't taken into account and realize that the number i came up with was a low estimate. i did it all in a three or four month period, though. i can't put things together in that period of my history. i remember major events, but not the order they occured in. i hate acid. i hate shrooms. they fucked me over. at the same time i feel like i wouldn't take back any trip i had. if i had to, i would do it all again. |
By Blindswine on Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - 06:08 pm: |
I took acid for the first time in an upscale-suburban community in northeastern pennsylvania that was still in the process of being built. Sprawling houses in various states of completion stretched across the landscape like a living dali painting… it was pretty fucking surreal. I remember seeing neon fish floating in and out of… well, everything. That was sometime in the summer of '87 or '88… I took acid for the last time on New Year's Eve, 1992 in Goa. Goa sits on the western coast of the indian subcontinent overlooking the arabian sea. Back in the '60s, Goa was a hangout for hippies and drifters… in the early '90's, the hippies had been replaced (or rather updated) with techno/trance-revelers… and the drifters (me included) were still in force. Some german production company hosted parties on the plateau of this mountain overlooking the beach; techno boomed across the hillsides all night long and well past 10:00am… by then I was seeing computer chips in the sky and would've killed for a little p-funk or hendrix or zeppelin; anything but the mindless repetition of techno/trance beats. But all in all, after living with a brahmin family for four months and then traveling along the coast from madras, to madurai, to kovalom, and up to goa-tripping my face off with a bunch of european vacationers and goan locals was wildly surreal… (almost as surreal as getting off the plane at JFK and being spewed into the lunacy of manhattan after 10 months in the subcontinent…) In between the 1987/88 and 1992 I probably ingested the "syd" somewhere between 70-200 times… sometimes taking as many as five or six tabs a trip. I stopped because the trips became predictable and being fried for 12 hours at a time became tedious. I don't know what kind of chromosomal/neurological/emotional/psychological damage I inflicted on myself through partaking in such activities, but I do know that I had a hell of a lot of fun on a lot of those trips. I know that on many of them I would have been far better off staying home with a clear head and a good book. I also know that (according to the latest "studies") I display "classic" symptoms of acid use: cyclical mild depression, moodiness, general feelings of detachment, etc, etc... but I've felt these feelings for as long as I can remember-ever since I was a kid. Is it live or is it memorex? Is it just me or the acid? It's impossible to tell. It's also impossible to tell what long-term effects I'll experience… I've experienced the kind of strange perception shifts that nate writes about, but never with the intensity he conveys. The only experience I could classify as a full-blown "flashback" was in my freshman dorm room back in '89; I was lying on the floor talking to my roommate and smoking a joint when I looked up and saw this bizarre alien creature standing above me swinging a club at my head… it was as if it were rendered on 3-D celluloid-like a film missing frames. The closer the club came to my head, the farther apart the frames were, and then it was gone. But it was the clearest, most vivid thing I've ever seen that wasn't really there. Everybody that's ever tripped has heard of the guy who never came down. I know three of those guys. Well, one actually-the other two eventually found there shit after thoroughly losing it. Miguel for a few weeks, Jeff for a whole summer. I can't remember the other guy's name because I didn't know him personally, I just knew him by sight. I remember seeing him for the last time at this shitty frat party. He was wandering around, randomly stopping people and asking them a barrage of questions as if he were hoping that doing so would help him sew his reality back together… this wasn't my perception at the time; when he was talking to the group of people next to me I thought he was just trying to be amusing or something. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. The next day he was found by security wandering around campus in a state of severe disorientation. Apparently he was on the sixth day of an acid trip that possibly would never end. I haven't really spoken to anyone from college since '94, but his friends told me that he was still fucked up then after 3 years; I imagine he could very well be just as lost today. I wonder if he listens to much Syd Barrett… The closest I ever came to fully losing my mind was the end of freshman year '89… it was morning and I had just come back to my dorm room after running around all night long on a head full of acid. I was lying down on my bed when everything just went blank. I was completely disoriented; I didn't know where I was, why I was, who I was-nothing. I started to get scared. There was a knock on my door and someone was telling me that my mother was on the payphone and to get off my ass and go talk to her. I'd lived on that hall all year, but in the state I was in I had to ask him for directions. The more I talked to my mom, the more it all came back and eventually everything was cool again. My mom never noticed. Would I do as much acid as I have if I could live my life over? I would hope not. I have a bad habit of pushing things to the extreme-during a three month period betweem '89 and '90 I was popping tabs like most people drink coffee. I think I wouldn't have as many synaptic misfires if I hadn't been so damned adamant about sticking my head in the psychedelic blender. My vocabulary has certainly suffered; sometimes I can't bring my memory to retrieve the most basic words when trying to communicate a concept. But it's all water under the bridge, now. I think acid is like anything else in this life-- the more you fuck with it, the greater chance there is of it fucking you right back. It's not always fun to get fucked. Especially when the damage is permanent, and to an irreplaceable resource. Like they say, A mind is a terrible thing. Er… To waste. |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - 08:42 pm: |
By Chordata on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 - 01:28 am: |
I recall thinking for a few minutes that I was dying, and I was going to hell. I lifted my head to see my housemate's glasses reflecting light in such a way that he appeared to have bright red eyes. His head seemed infinitely large and looming closer. For that moment, I knew I was looking straight at Satan. After a few moments of horror, I stared at the apparition and started to laugh. I said, "Come and get me, bastard." and the illusion faded. I decided it was time for bed after that. |
By J-GURL on Tuesday, July 21, 1998 - 08:01 pm: |
I don't do psychedelics. Never have. It's not that I think that they're bad, it's that I know I'm nuts. There was about a nine-month period there when I could have, but the shithole of a town (Never live in B-More, whatever you do) that I was living in was bone-dry for the whole year. That was the only time in my life when I was that stable. There are other things I'd like to say, but I can't get them out untoasted (The other reason I don't trip is that I hallucinate very heavily from pot anyway. Fucked up body chemistry, ritalin from the age of 6 and all that) |
i think this was my first post: By Nate on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:23 pm: I squeal. This is like masturbation for smart people. Well, no, I assume masturbation is like masturbation for smart people. damnit. Decrepitatus, crescendo, lyceum, TRINITROTOULENE, blizzity-blaugh, pickle, mandingo-dongo, antelope. I must return here discombobulated. (note - allen wrenches are good for cleaning your ears. and when your sigO says 'what the HELL are you doing?' you can say 'Winding up my brain.' and then you get that -look-.) and hey, what the hell happend to spiiiiiine? |
just checkin of course |
How many times do I have to remind you people who I'm Really fascinated with?? |
every woman here secretly wants to mount the swine. |
Rhi - Here's my favorite picture of Callum Keith Rennie. I love that evil little smile. And I would have to say I'm more Obsessed than anything else, when it comes to my dearest Callum. |
A friend of mine, Cecil, he used to live in Matlock. That was right before they sent him away for 13 and 1\2 years. Cecil's crop was stolen. Cecil got caught 'cuz the car got stuck when he was trying to get rid of the body. It doesn't grow wild there. Everybody grows, but you "mind your own" if ya know what's good for ya. Then there's the helicopters flying over every season. Fly too close. One day was hollering rather loudly at the kid couldn't hear myself. He was so close. Now that really pissed me off turned around flipped him off for all the good it did. Another time they were back behind the property. It was hot; I decided to give 'em a tit shot. They liked that. FBI's probably got a copy of my tits on file. |
this provided some insight into the insanity of a demon exercised from this site (especially the part about ritalin since 6): "There are other things I'd like to say, but I can't get them out untoasted (The other reason I don't trip is that I hallucinate very heavily from pot anyway. Fucked up body chemistry, ritalin from the age of 6 and all that)" |
Oh,except the meter reader prick man. He turned in my best friends.They had 37 acres.not all of pot.just a few plants,for themselves,here and there.Cost them a small fucking fortune.Plus a little jail time.Plus,they almost lost their business. They called and warned any friends who had similiar enterprises,and we had a very short growing season,that year. People don't mind their own business,when they can be minding yours. |