By J-GURL on Tuesday, July 21, 1998 - 08:16 pm: |
What the hell are mucklucls,tooks, and loonys? Damn Canada! Damn You! Damn you all! USA should kick your ass for making up stupid words like that. Your money is worthless. Your country sucks. I'm glad you could relate now get a life you Canuck looser; 2 hours? damn get a hobby. |
jest. a little rude. but then again i don"t live in your part of the world so i don't follow your humor. |
"Tooks": Touk- a winter hat. Where I'm from, sometimes pronounced "Chouk" with a slightly hard "ch" as in "church". Loony: a canadian dollar coin. Americans aren't creative enough to have nicknames for our coins, apparently. Nothing wrong with word like that when we come up with crap like Post-traumatic stress disorder and collateral damage. |
she just borrowed it. |
Canadians are more friendly, more polite, and generally nicer than our American neighbours. Why do you think when Americans tour Europe many if not all put Canadian flags on their bags? Could it be because the world veiws Americans as pompous, arogant, and rude??? Damn right!!!! Speaking for Canadians, Don't come here, we don't want you screwing up our harmony. Like your mother told you, If you can't say any thing nice don't say anything at all! Christ I hope I never meet you, Gee. |
Just so you know, Gee isn't even from this hemisphere. Hope I didn't screw up your harmony. |
Anway/time for bed. Say g'nite Six. |
this simply is not true. not many american (or canadian, apparently) tourists put canadian flags on their backpacks. I live in ukraine and take frequent trips to touristy cities in western europe, and out of the zillions of jansports I've seen, only once in the last year have I seen a canadian flag. until I saw it, I thought it was an internet and guide book myth. I considered asking him if he was american or canadian but didn't. |
Personally, I'm hurting to get back to California, which will Always be my second most favorite place on Earth. |
no freakin' canucks! fuck the french! |
But I believe Cali has the best climate in the U.S. It's so damn big & varied. You can retreat to northern Cali when it's too hot in LA/then return there when the weather cools off. Plus/it's the only place I know of that has mountains/ desert &/beaches all in one locale. I'd like to move there/but I'm scared of earthquakes. My beef is/if you hate the cold/why live in Canada/then come bothering us for 6 mos. out of the damn year? Stay up there w/yr wonderful national health ins. & all that snow. And why must they all bring their huge cars w/their "Souviens Quebec" bumper stickers & their terrible driving? Why not fly down & leave their fucking cars in Canada? Better yet/why don't they go to Cali for the winter? |
Record winter this year. Sent the army in to shovel old people's driveways and everything. Kick-ass. I have no idea why my northern peers croud your poor little state, R.C. and I appologize for it, they're crazy. You couldn't pay me to go lower on the hemesphere than this. Pointless too, since it's gaining on 90 degrees here (that's farenhight that time) and I'm about to die. God I love winter. And health care. But I hate beer, and hockey, so perhaps I don't speak for the rest of the contry. To keep people from going to florida, they should build some godawfull Disney themepark here, with some godawfull name like 'CanaDisney'. You know what I did notice about the states though last time I was there? (I was 10) Bigger parking spaces! Yup. Those yellow lines have got to be at least a foot wider. My father told me at the time that it was because "if they find a dent in their car door, they shoot the guy next to them." or something like that. *sigh* |
Well, Eurodisney tanked. Becuz (Mickey Rourke fetish aside) the French are no fools. Maybe they'd have better look ripping off Canadians in their native land. |
and incidentaly Mike, there's a time/date on my last post so the rights to 'canadisney'(c)(tm) are mine as of right now. You hear me? MINE. I'll assume the cheque is in the mail...... |
Never been there. I think Jerry Lewis was kind of cute in the day. |
I'll never understand how a country with a foreign monarch on their money overseen by her Governor General can get all pissy about not being taken seriously as a sovereign country. And gad, I've got some cruel streak, picking on poor defenseless Canadians. I'm not proud of it. And you're thinking of Gary Lewis, the kid back in third grade who carried your books home that one day. |
RC - if I had millions of dollars, I'd spend my winters in Canada and my summers in California. I love Canadian winters. I'm a big fan of cold, and as long as there's always the option of pulling another blanket over me, I'm in Heaven. What I hate is the hot hot hot summer. California's hot, but at least it's no humid, and as long as I can feel like there's air to breath (even filthy air) I'm good. Not everyone in Canada's a crappy driver. You're probably just seeing a lot of yuppies (since us poor folks can't afford to migrate to Florida every year). In Canada yuppies think they own the freaking world. I have to walk through Vaughn and Richmond Hill every single day, and every single day at every single stop light I almost get run over by some freak who doesn't bother to look before they start driving, or thinks "Sure! I can just sneak by this pedestrian!" when they're turning. I've had to jump back to avoid some massive truck or jam packed mini-van with screaming kids more times that I can even Count. I freaking HATE Vaughn! "The City Above Toronto" for God's sake, get a real motto!! Wisper - The army. Please. Talk about overkill. I mean, it was a lot of snow (good God was it a lot of snow!) but the army??? I'd hate to think if I ever joined the army I'd end up shoveling snow and not even getting any warm coco for it. Canadian - for pete's sake, Relax. You're not fighting a frigging war here. OJ Simpson really two words? Wouldn't it be more like three words, or technically one word and two initials? |
As for O.J. and the postal ever heard of Paul Bernardo? bring back any fond memories of canadian pride now? Our psychos don't even get life sentences here...25 years....fuck. The thought that he'll be able to walk in the sun again before I hit 40, I'd trade in my health card to see him rot. So it's not so damn great here. Gee- the army, yeah I know! all that boot camp and training to finally end up shoveling driveways and subway tracks. That was too funny. Be All You Can Be no match for our Aurora golf course yuppies out on their golf carts. Now that makes for some fun driving indeed. |
RC- Cali weather is tops, the earthquake is nothing more to fear no more than the tornados and hurricanes. I grew up in Atlanta and frankly the violent thunderstorms and tornados in the summer are more of a threat than earthquakes. No matter where you go you will always have something to fear. I have felt several earthquakes in the last couple years I have been here. They happen daily but rarely break 3.0 on the scale, go here to see the most recent earthquakes. You rarely feel them. I miss Atlanta, I love those sultry summer nights with the crickets chirping and distant thunder and the heat lightning.....SoCal rarely gets thunderstorms, it just uneventfully rains. Where I live in LA, I can step out on my balcony and see the mountains and in the winter snowcaps about 30 miles away. I can look in the other direction and see the ocean. And if I want the desert I can drive an hour and be in Death Valley or three hours and be in Vegas. Not to mention the metropolis of LA/Hollywood which is where I live. California IS indeed beautiful but I miss the east coast, I wanna live in NYC to pursue my photography. |
Gee: I thought yuppies were banned in Canada ...? How can a country that had enuf foresight & compassion for the poor to vote for national healthcare allow yuppies? But admittedly/most of the idiot Canadian drivers in FL are in the 60+ age bracket. So I'm sure 'senior moments' have a lot more to do w/t than affluence. (Begging Sheila's pardon. But she's American.). And Canadian: If you had a famous Black person in Canada who went on trial for killing his ex-wife w/no witnesses/the O.J. thing wd happen there too. As long as there was at least one Black person who was pissed-off after a Rodney-King- Simi-Valley-type verdict/on the jury. And BTW Canadian: I never got that -- why so many Carribean people move to Canada/yet I've never heard of a single Black Canadian actor or singer or comedian crossing the border & making it big in the States. Like all those White actors & actresses & have done. Martin Short/John Candy (R.I.P)/the ubiquitous (that means he's in-yr-face everywhere) Mike Myers... Seems that their fellow Canadians didin't have the good common sense to appreciate their talents/or they wen't have come here in the 1st place. Hey Canadian: Is Canada so desperate for Blackfolks that they once you move there/they make you stay forever? Esp. if you already speak French? Look -- I don't own America. I'm not even a shareholder. But if you think most American's are Rednecks/you really need to get a clue. The South & it's various-&-sundry mentalities have very little to do w/what America is abt. Beyond the KKK/the NRA/& the Religious Right. So here's what you do, Canadian: From now one/don't buy any more CD's produced or recorded by acts w/record deals w/U.S. based music companies. Cancel yr cable t.v. subscription. And don't buy any more clothing or perfumes or housewares by The Gap/Tommy Hilfiger/Calvin Klein/Donna Karan/Ralph Lauren... Or any drugs or food products developed by American- headquartered companies. Or get on the Internet/which was an American invention. Or use any Windows or Macintosh computer platforms/since Americans invented those too. America may suck at Civil Rights. And healthcare. But this country does technology & culture & entertainment better than anyone on the planet. And our national parks/coastal regions/& the State of California/rank among the best places on Earth in terms of the splendors of natural beauty. So give all that shit up/then you can tell me how fucking great Canada is. You import a lot more of our shit/& come to gawk at & enjoy a lot more of our shit/than we do of yours. And our currency is coveted all over the world. So who's zooming who? |
that's it R.C., no free CanaDisney pass for you. ;) |
fuck the french |
Are we done dissing my country now? |
Historically/the term refers to poor Southerners who used to earn their living farming.They spent all day outdoors & got 'red necks' from sunburn. The contemporary term refers to Southerners w/particularly racist/homophobic/mysoginistic or zenophobic viewpoints. Guys who drive around in pick-up trucks w/a gun rack in the back & a Confederate flag bandana on their heads. Guys you see buying beer at the gas station at 6:00 a.m. With no shoes on & their pants hanging down to the crack of their asses. Guys who fuck their cousins & sleep w/their dogs. Guys who get drunk & shoot each other in the head 'to see what it feels like'. (True story. It's posted here somewhere/I think) Rednecks are the Southern variety of White trash/if you will. |
"You Might Be A Redneck If... -- More than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general. -- You think the stock market has a fence around it. -- Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years. -- Your front porch collapses and kills more than three dogs. -- You've ever used lard in bed. -- Your coffee table used to be a telephone cable spool. -- You've ever used a toilet seat as a picture frame. -- Your home has more miles on it than your car. -- You've ever been arrested for loitering. -- You think that potted meat on a saltine is an hors d'ouvre. -- There is a stuffed possum anywhere in your house. -- You own a homemade fur coat. -- Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat. -- Your momma has "ammo" on her Christmas list. -- You burn your front yard rather than mow it. -- Fewer than half of your cars run. -- You consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper high-quality entertainment. -- You've ever bathed with flea and tick soap. -- Your wheelbarrow breaks and it takes four relatives to figure out how to fix it. -- Your momma doesn't remove the Marlboro from her lips before telling the State Trooper to kiss her ass. -- You've ever been involved in a custody fight over a huntin' dog. -- The dog catcher calls for a backup unit when he visits your house. -- Your wife has ever said, "Come move this transmission so I can take a bath!" -- Your family tree does not fork. -- There is a gun rack on your bicycle. -- Your soap on a rope doubles as an air freshener. -- Your baby's first words are "Attention K-Mart shoppers." -- Your primary source of income is the pawn shop. -- You've ever financed a tattoo. -- Your brother-in-law is your uncle. Material stolen from: (It even plays the theme feom "Deliverance") |
When I moved out to Cali from the deep south, i got turned on to a new breed of white trash, DESERT TRASH, try driving from Atlanta all the waty to cali, and from Albuqurque on its feaks, trailers, dusty trucks, tumbleweed, UFOS and fat slack jawed women carrying their youngins like a sack of potatos. Also, I recommend a video someone once made a tape in the parking lot of Judas Priest/Dokken concert in the mid 80s in Maryland. All you see are mullets, cheap beer, underaged girls and bitchin cameros....the north has their own breed of rednecks as well, The video is made by an obviously sarcastic and cynical person its called HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT, i doubt your average blockbuster would have it but rather your more off beat video store would have it, forget the new Wesley Snipes bomb, check this one out for good laughs |
Obviously I'm Canadian. |
Don't be so uppity. Utah loves us. |
People just pay too much attention to geographical boundaries. I'm going to find a discussion that has nothing to do patriotism. |
We got Gretzky. |
Not all Canadians love hockey. As long as Callum Keith Rennie stays put, I'm happy. |
I've only been to Vancouver, Edmonton and around those areas, and if you're a pot extremist, Vancouver is the place for you. I went to Edgefest, and everyone and their grandma were toking it up, cops were around, treated it like nothing was new, and I had to take a drug test the next morning. Tottally have nothing against pot, in fact it's great, but when the cops where you live have nothing better to do then bust kids for having a good time, then this is definately a sight to see. Could not get a fucking breath of fresh air in that place. And Edmonton is cool, clubs all over the place, the West Ed mall is great, but instead of pot, it's alcohol, everyone and their grandma. Mostly because the drinking age is 18 I spose. Nearby to Edmonton in the town of Red Deer, there are 17 liquor stores, if not more. 17! What the hell you need with 17 liquor stores? It's not even a big town! I don't even want to KNOW how many are in Edmonton, that place is huge. As for Mr. Canadian, you just need to simmer down for God's sake, go stand in the corner, or something. The British have a real dry humor, I don't see why you can't take the Americans as well. What's the difference between America and yogurt? Yogurt has more culture. Haha, isn't that cute. Chris Rock is Canadian. And "took" is toque. |
he is all american...... and he's only dream that Canadians are that funny |
Everything else is just sour grapes. |
But why do I have to go to the States to get Canadian bacon? :-) You can have Gretzky ...we've got Sundin....opps ...he's a Swede. |
Nothing worse than being asked by east Indian customs officer...."and why do you want to come to our country?" Didn't go to PA last weekend to suck Mrs. Americas tit.........but she was American and single. :-) 3 of Canada's finest? far you have only included Gretzky. Rename the country..............hell no....the state of Canada works. |
Roy..not a bad goaltender....could be gay (no evidence)......but aging Belfour .....give me a break ....not worth wasting our time talking about. You are still stuck on 1....Gretzky. I've got a few suggestions if you wish. |
wishful thinking, I guess. Tom Green y'all Tom fucking Green that's all I wanted to say. |
Celine Dion Peter Jennings Doug Flutie (hehe.....sortof) |
Alex Trebek David James Elliott of J.A.G. Michael J Fox Jenny Jones Tom Petty Bare Naked Ladies Yes Waffles....pretty weak. btw....this is my favourite site on net but this is first time I posted a message. Have just been a reader. Cyst rules!!!!!!!! |
Only real Canadians are HOCKEY PLAYERS!!!! |
Apparently touched a couple of nerves with Ms. Jenny and talking head Alex. Rip them apart people.....they are only Canadian now to be cute in interviews. Cyst rules!!! |
Cyst is a living textbook example of womanhood. "May I drink your bathwater?" |
Neil Young !!!!!!!! |
Interestingly enough, according to local newspapers both Neil and Gretzky are in town this for the same thing. :-) |
He's from Gainesville, Florida. |
Since you knew Tom is from win a second gallon. hehe....we'll get rid of this shit somehow. Amazed this piece of misinformation sat out there unchallenged for almost 20 hours. Replacing 'Tom Petty' with 'Bryan Adams', OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! |
that wack-assed, no-soul-havin', aint-got-no-groove-in-the-pocket, triflin', spastic motherfucker is from seattle. maceo parker blows more soul when he farts than kenny g will ever blow in his life. damn sad excuse for a sax player. lock and load, baby. lock and load. |
seattle is pretty damn close to canada. |
And Waffles, did you ever find the Fred Wesley albums you were looking for? I know there was a brief series of records back in the early 70's that ran under the title "James Brown's Funky People" which featured Maceo, Fred and other instrumentalists from the band. Don't know about Bootsy, though. |
Honey, you must be really young. This IS kinky shit. |
A canoe tips. |
Simon the very important thing people in the United States services industry (as well as some in Canada)have forgotten over the years is that TIPS actually stands for something: To Insure Prompt Service If that service is not provided....then no tip. It is not automatic. Bottom line....serving Canadians.....earn it. |
After reading the posts you have made in the past 30 minutes................what is your excuse? pube in a hamburger...............eeeewwwwwww!!! good one!!!!!!!!!!! |
so......... REDEEM YOURSELF!!!!! |
i, of course, will pay for your flight and pay you $1000.00 for your time. |
Any thoughts? |
and as it is true that we all begin life as females, and then what remains the clitoris in females develops into the male penis, ...but have you ever heard of any male that had two...errr...peni? No, not unless he was a genetic mutant whose mother lived at ground zero in Chernobyl or some similar place... ergo, it's probably just another sensitive fold of vaginal tissue, rather than an honest-to-God second clitoris. But that's just my theory. We'd need that polaroid to know for sure. ;) |
It's a matter of time Miss TwoClit...just a matter of time |
is $1K not going to cut it? i'll talk to the board and see if we can up our offer. |
Thought I could get in without filling in all of those darned forms. Thinking maybe my unlimited Gold American Express card will do no good with this group. Jinofishes ....these people are scaring you? They just rejected me and I'm feeling relieved. By the you need an agent? |
if you happen to be rich and want to marry me, please send me a photo, resume, recent tax statement, list of major assets, etc., within the next two weeks. I'm thinking about getting a husband instead of a job when I go home next month. put me on your insurance and let me travel, and I'll let you fuck the maids. seriously. |
kate says that alex trebek told the contestants and the audience that he smokes pot to relieve his back pain. and johnny what's-his-name, the guy who talks about the prizes, told alex to tell the audience that he was just kidding. but then alex said, "but no. I DO." I have always had a crush on alex trebek. he's so cool. he's ukrainian canadian. |
I meant both the messages and the photos ...particularly the earlier have an air about you...high cheek bones...lovely shoulders....slim arms......long fingers ....sensuous do it for me!!!!! Marriage!?!?....but we hardly know one another :), I just want to drink your bath water. btw.....what do the maids look like? |
And you DO have nice tits. |
s mgisu,jsuw iwuqna rich akisim ajdudu jwkk hung. Posmsw nwwr isushw uwnm sndj insurance..wisn a heartbeat. S kwisms plqwysns ....musjs sjsushd ...mmmmm.*hack* *sputter*....there .. that's better ....I was tongue tied in your presence. Waffles.....find a room for yoursefl. |
maybe you need to refresh that france page? the dress photos should be at the end of the same page with the ones you mentioned. the thing is, the guy who did the page made the middle set of photos way too big, and when I tried to look, the connection timed out before the last set was loaded. anyway. how is the name of the new canadian province spelled? I know it sounds like "none of it." how come they didn't just name it "bob"? I heard that was the people's choice. |
Cyst, would you be so kind as to put a link to your site in this thread? |
I'm going to Quebec in a couple months for a conference. Expect a report. Tom Green: What's cool is to compare his early chows (shot in Canada) and the ones shot here. One major difference is that no one in Canada threatens to beat up Tom, whereas it seems like every other person he encounters here in America threatens him with Physical violence. Two words: Strange Brew, the greatest movie of all time. The first movie I ever saw that had me laughing so hard I ran out of air and started coughing. two penii: I once did a search for a band i like called Subincision. i didn't find much on the band, but one page ... oh my god. Some dumb fuck has actually split his dick down the middle (i cringe at the memory)! Fuck! I'm pretty good at understanding other points of view, but i cannot even begin to comprehend the chain of thought that led up to that. | |
If Montreal, visit Crescent Street If Quebec City, visit Grande Allee French Canadian night life at its finest.... guaranteed a good careful of the Brador. Cyst...........have a safe trip home. :). btw, I enjoyed your pictures again. |
or even 'coeurs de bois' ? |
Aging hockey players all walk the same little old crippled men... but put the skates on and we can skate like the wind.... it's something like never forget how. |
Actually, considering there are more professional hockey teams in Texas (NHL and AA/AAA level minor league teams) than in all of Canada, I'd say the whole sport is a bit fucked-up right now. |
At the grass roots level, the game still belongs to the people....the majority of which remains Canadian. And you are right...the Blues are in bad shape. |
Be sure to pack long underwear....some of those rinks can get pretty cold. If you need a guide.....let me know. |
You are blinded by your American dollars and mostly by your American ego. Step back and look at the big picture. There is a larger hockey fan base within 4 hours driving radius of Toronto than there is in the whole United States of America. The 6 year old girl starting to play hockey in Kitchener, Ontario knows nothing about American dollars ....all she knows is she starting to play a game which is a large part of the Canadian culture. |
Kingston Frontenacs Drummondville Voltigeurs Rimouski Oceanic Owen Sound Platers Halifax Mooseheads (I liked Citadels for their demised AHL affiliate, too) Beats the living hell out of the Minnesota Wild. By the way, MapleLeaf, what is a Forreur? |
Forreur......I believe it is something to do with deep sea oil well drilling .....possibly the driller, the rigger or maybe even the actual drill bit itself. Where did you see this word? In what context? BRADOR, the brown pop of champions!!! are entitled to your 'American way' as long as I can have my way.....agreed? If you agree,,,,then that will be 2 thjings we agree on. |
that wouldn't be very american (un-capitalized by author)....... surely my humor is is not taken literally.......i don't really accept the american way as much as I have led you to believe mr.leaf.....i think canada is a fine country with some great hockey's god damned cold there. nonetheless......i was hoping for some good international criticism......the news is boring these days........ |
I wouldn't classify my knowledge of the cities and teams as a product of "research," but I would chalk it up instead to a combination of my Hockey News subscription and a high-fiber diet, if you catch my drift. |
You are most welcome on the Forreurs/Oilers thing. This will be a result of the insane law in Quebec that everything must be in French and not in English. An example is the Sherbrooke Beavers had to become Les Castors de Sherbrooke. Waffles .....not all parts of Canada are cold ...unless you call anything less than 50 degrees cold ....winter temperatures in southern Ontario are bearable.....maybe only a couple of days each winter where it goes below zero :) |
And I didn't realize the Sherbrooke team changed from Faucons to Les Castors. I like the latter better anyway. |
Jokes or no jokes. You can only make fun of someone's home for so long before they start to take offense. I'm about near my limit. ~ I said "aboot" the entire time I was in California, and the only people who got it where other Canadians. hosers. |
Actually, i've heard a lot of good things about Quebec (city) and i am looking forward to going. My mom was just in Toronto and she loved it. Can you keep a secret? I like Canada. Of course, I'm from the U.P. of Michigan and have been mistaken for a Canadian a few times. |
Glad your Mom enjoyed our fair city. And J...I would like to get your ass....nevermind. |
--courtesy of the Washington City Paper |
Well no time to write, gotta go stick a gun up an ass! |
That person is not Canadian. I'm almost posative. |
1. You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines. 2. You're not offended by the term, "Homo Milk" 3, You understand the phrase, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine" 4. You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars. 5. You drink pop, not soda. 6. This doesn't bother you at all. 7. You know what it means to be on pogey. 8. You know that a mickey and 2-4's mean "Party at the camp, eh!!" 9. You can drink legally while still a 'teen. 10. You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike. 11. You don't care about the fuss with Cuba, it's a cheap place to travel with good cigars and no Americans. 12. You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs. 13. Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway. 14. You drive on a highway, not a freeway. 15. You know what a Robertson screwdriver is. 16. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers. 17. Canadian Tire on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas. 18. You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap". 19. You know that Mounties "don't always look like that" 20. You know that the Friendly Giant isn't a vegetable product line. 21. You know that Casey and Finnegan are not a Celtic musical group. 22. You are excited whenever an American television mentions Canada. 23. You can do all the hand actions to Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-ma-rinky-dinky-doo" 24. You were mad when "The Beachcombers" were taken off the air. 25. You know what a tuque is. 26. You admit Rich Little is Canadian and you're glad Jerry Lewis is not. 27. You know Toronto is not a province. 28. You never miss "Coach's Corner". 29. You know all the words to "If I Had a Million Dollars" 30. You know who Ernie Coombs is. 31. You remember when Alanis Morisette was "Too Hot To Hold". 32. You have memorised the Heritage Foundation's Heritage Moments, including your favourites, "I smell burnt toast, Doctor", "You all know I canna read a word..." and "Kanata". 33. You spend sleepless nights wondering if Peter Mansbridge and Wendy Mesley will ever find again the blissful love they once knew. 34. You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet, because you can really use more change (You are already wearing your pants halfway down your ass and the hair and three layers of skin is worn off the front of your thighs from carrying your pocket money a around. The new coin should have a picture of a musk-ox on it and be the size of a hamburger pattie and have fifteen different kinds of metals in it, including poutine. 35. You know Ashley MacIssac isn't Celtic enough. 36. Your backpack has only one Canadian flag sew-on. 37. You have been on Speaker's Corner. 38. You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color. 39. You remember "Jodie" from "Today's Special" and wonder why she reads news on CBC. 40. You wonder idly if there is some government cover-up of a covert operation behind shifting the shooting location of "X-Files" from British Columbia to California. 41. You know that a "Premier" isn't a baby born a few weeks early. 42. You design your Hallowe'en costume to fit over a snowsuit. 43. You live in a house that has no front step, yet the door is one metre above the ground. 44. The local paper covers national news on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for hockey. 45. You know 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, almost Winter and Construction. 46. You understand the Labatt Blue commercials. 47. You perk up when you hear the theme from "Hockey Night in Canada". 48. You actually get these jokes and forward them to all your Canadian friends. |
i don't know why. |
ha! This one really makes me laugh! My all-time favorite commercial is one of those. It's the one about Superman: "Honestly, Joe, a strong-man in tights..." |
In the UP of Michigan, it's pronounced "tchuk" but i thinkit's "tuk" in Canada. Long U for the canadian, short U for the UP version. |
"Hello, I would like to order some barbeck ribs, please." "Excuse me?" |
i knew most of that stuff (and we say 'pop') and watched mr. dress-up i like canada- not as much pressure i think and j- it's probably only because people around you didn't pronounce things correctly (or maybe used very few words) or maybe you're just an all around rebel |
you want more? |
and i saved your... oh shit... i think my heart just stopped. older women are bad for your health. |
My milk pitcher is light blue. What is yours? |
I never use it, though. I buy milk in 2lt cartons. |
I'm from Toronto - as for drivers - it's a product of suburban driving, or maybe more accurately, suburban living. No one walks to the store because it's too far. Ever been to Pickering? You can drive through almost everything! I've heard similar complaints about people with RVs or big cars in Florida. As far as tourists go, canadians pick up after themselves and don't want any trouble. What would Florida have if it didn't have tourism? California - no fucking canadians? Well, I can't say whether they're fucking or not, but most of the canadians who live in the US happen to live in California. Apparently there are so many in LA (entertainment industry, mainly) that there are support groups. There are a lot in the computer industy too. I have a friend who spent a year studying in Cambridge (UK) and she knew a lot of americans who put a canadian flag on their back packs, but this is second-hand info. When I was in Italy I was one of the few people I saw with any kind of flag on a bag. Granted, mine was small and sometimes hard to see - perhaps the others were the same? I live in Brooklyn right now. I'd say that I've had a lot of exposure to US culture first hand. Overall, I miss Canada because it's a bit more logical and a lot more comfortable... well, more comfortable than New York, anyway. And I know that americans don't think about Canada at all. That's the way we like it because we're slowly taking over from the inside... beware! |
i'm going back to canada next week for the first time in ten years and i'm gonna be so goddamn stupid they'll probably ban tourists for the next hundred years. i'll be like... "do i want to turn in here? gee let me just stop right here in the middle of the road and think about it." "there's garbage cans everywhere i look but i'll just leave my trash right here." "holy shit, i'm supposed to be in that lane. all these people behind me won't mind if i swerve across these five lanes to get there." "fuck tipping!" I think i'll also rent a pair of five year olds to take with me and just let them do whatever the fuck they want everywhere i go. |
Anyway - tourists do all sorts of silly things. It's better to laugh at them. |
How nice of you to 'miss' me. Still very busy and don't get much time to come on here but I do on occasion. things may change in the future to allow me more time for 'playtime'. I didn't realize there were so many Canadians in Sorabjiland. I knew about Gee but all of these others.....hhmmmm...maybe we are taking over from within. |
I like the pink. I'll go back to it later. but I have the urge to try blue. I'm going to do my whole head in blue. I think just doing the front in blue (as I did with pink) would look stupid with this color. |
But I am wondering what is in the water in Gee's town that is causing her to want to colour her hair blue? But then it wouldn't be difficult to pick her out in a crowd. |
| To log in go to your user name will be sorabji and your password will be sorabji. You can post pics to this website. |
the blue didn't work out. I tried to dye my hair blue and the front came out right, but the back was green. a really Ugly shade of green. I hated it so much I grabbed the spare box of red dye my mother keeps handy and went to town. my hair came out black. which I also hated. so I tried to bleach my hair with extra light blond color and it came out green and orange. GREEN AND ORANGE. luckily the fourth dye (brownish/red) came out alright and I am now an auburn-haired beauty. but oh, my poor hair. how it suffered. |
"hell, if i'd known you were working, i'd a come in even later." |
many more!!! so fuckin' get a life u stupid americans. At least our people don't kiss somebody on stage fur fun that is the same gender as them ( britney spears, madonna- me against the music)!!! ya so as u can see canadians are way better then americans. i mean if the name "america" sounds corny. Don't furget that hockey was invented in canada. we have great teams like:toronto maple leafs, edmonton oilers, calgary flames, ottawa senators and vancouver canucks. and Bball was invented here! so ha ha ha! |
Apparently, so did the notion of spelling correctly. |
So there you go, hose head. Take off eh? |
There's no Heritage Minute commercial about that, therefore, it never happened. Basketball-yes. Hockey-no. Nor is it our national sport. Lacross is. Why be proud of hockey? why not the discovery of insulin? Why be proud of Avril Lavigne? Why not Hard Core Logo? or Godspeed You! Black Emperor? |
I just found out that Tommy Chong is Canadian. Go figure. |
or Hot Hot Heat. and Leonard muthafuken' Cohen |
Great lady. |
Tea Party is great and they are from Canada |
Nathan Fillion. The Tragically Hip. Is Encyclopedia Brown from Canada? |
one of those "huge in Japan" guys. He's cool. "These Days Are Old" "Sex Traffic" "Running Away" | had some hype and hits in the states in the mid 90s with 'bad as they seem' and 'tree's lounge'... site has lots of new videos and other stuff. he was too good to stay mainstream |
I'm glad I don't live in a country that you have to hide from terrorists all the time, what is it like to live in fear for your life every day of the year, I wouldnt know I havent been afraid of anything in my life, exept for runnin out of weed, ha ha ya losers. Must be fun livin in a country where your all scared for your lives, no wonder ya all got guns, affraid of the world. Need to push your views on every other country in the world and then run and hide in your country. Well stay hidin down there, we dont want or need you in Canada, its nice and plesant and peacefull up here and we dont need a bunch of backword thinkin people from south of the boarder screwin it up. |
First of all the money you payed in taxes can be reclaimed if ya had half a brain in your head, the taxs are for canadains, and of course your food sucked, we didnt want you here and were tryin to get rid of you, and if ya cant afford a good hotel who the hell is the cheap one, think ya can speak engish, what did ya drop out of school before ya learned how to form proper sentances. Oh ya why is evrything expensive up here, because we actually get paid for the work we do and can afford it. Like I said before we dont want you here and as to screwin Canada, give it your best shot, ya cant even type. |
i ate a lot of fudge. hallucinating. |
It was the lake. |
Because I'm obsessed with Canada. No joke. Let me tell you about my new life's dream. See, for many years, my life's dream was to go to Glacier National Park. I finally got to go to Glacier a couple of weeks ago, and while I was there I honestly got a little depressed that I had fulfilled my life's dream already and now had nothing to live for. But for a while I've also been wanting to go to Alberta, since I've never been to any western provinces and it's the closest, and while I was at Glacier I could have had the chance to go had I not been one of the two of us (out of seven) who had brought his or her birth certificate (so as to cross the Canadian border).....and since all of us couldn't go, the group decided none of us could go. I was so mad. But anyway, also while I was in Glacier, I was filled with longing for an RV, because it rained or snowed (in June!) during all four days we were there. AND THEN....THE REVELATION. My new life's dream is to drive across Canada in an RV. I want to go not just across the Trans-Canadian highway, but, no, up north into each of the provinces, up where the town names in Quebec are no longer in French, up where the remaining 10% of the Canadian population lives. I figure renting an RV for several weeks, if not longer, will cost thousands of dollars, and I'll need to have a profession which will allow me not only to earn thousands of dollars but take several weeks in vacation, so it might be quite some time before I can fulfill this life's dream. But that is okay with me. For now I'm reading books like "Canada Coast to Coast" and "The Rough Guide to Canada" to fuel my fantasy. And it is good. |
Rowlfe: 6/23, 02:16 am Rowlfe: 6/23, 03:58 am Spider: 6/23, 09:12 am that's how the link to this thread appears on my computer. i cut and pasted it. i'm not crazy. it's not just me. i once invented a mnemonic device so i could remember all the provinces of canada: basm on cue for the newfound newbie prince nova. it probably doesn't look all that helpful written out like that, but i still have to say it in my head if i'm ever need to remember all the provinces. like when i'm pretending to be canadian. |
none uv ut? what do i want of canada? i want nunavut! |
oh Spider, i will come with you. |
FYI spunky is in Cali right now. |
however. i'd like to mention that i've heard many times that the idea that canadian beer is stronger than (has more alcohol than) american beer is a myth stemming from the fact that canadians measure alcohol content by volume instead of by weight, as americans do. so the same beer with the same amount of alcohol could be 5% in canada and 4% in the u.s. however. when i got off work this evening, at 6pm, i decided to buy myself a beer to cool myself while i waited for the bus. (it was about 99 degrees.) i saw this beer called "steel reserve 211". it was in a 24 ounce can. i bought it. i have a sense of adventure. so i'm drinking it at the bus stop. its taste was...acrid. but i've had worse. about halfway through i'm starting to feel it. i took a good look at the can and saw "8.1% alc/vol". that's strong beer. |
i tried the steel reserve once. that beer is all testosterone man. |
next time i'll just buy a bottle of mad dog 20/20 and be done with it. |
You guys know that Spunky and I are flag flying, patriotic freaks, who were flying our flags before it was "trendy" and had flags on our cars before then as well, so it probably isn't a suprise that we don't like flag burning, but at the same time I am so tired of EVERY LITTLE THING having to be legislated. It's driving me nuts. Don't know much about alcohol content and haven't tried any canadian beers. I just drink my wine from the box, or margaritas, or cheap beer and leave it at that. |
is anyone here from Oregon, hopefully the Portland area? I need someone to pick me up a copy of this upcoming weeks' Portland Mercury, if they dont send me one themselves... |
I might need you to keep an eye out for me, patty. |
it's Gay Day! it's Gay Day! it's Gay Day! it's Gay Day! |
just call their editorial office when its published, im sure they'll send you one. |