the world is my oyster Who are you?: the world is my oyster
Zulu on Friday, January 22, 1999 - 08:38 pm:

    at 18 years old, so far i have quit school to travel the world. i have been in bands, i have slept w/ men, i have had fun, i have played music, i have worked out what i love and what i dont, i have pretty much decided to dedicate my life (or at least this next year) to music. i am moving 1000kms from home with no money to study at a college in a big, bad city. luckily i have friends there. as my mum put this when we were working out the logisitics, 'you are 18 years old, the world is your oyster' and it is. its mine to have, so long as i know what i want i am sure i will get it.

By Pink Eye on Saturday, January 23, 1999 - 09:11 am:

    Best wishes Zulu:) Ahhhhh to be 18 again. Shit, just to be 28 again.

By Nemesis on Sunday, January 24, 1999 - 01:32 pm:

    Just don't suck to much dick to get your McDonald's money and always wipe your ass with your left hand. Your right should be kept clean to shake with all the big record execs you will meet in the bus terminal.
    Make sure mom and dad know where to wire the money.

By Mama roz on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 02:24 pm:

    dump your oyster world,girl,cuz one day you'll end up as a slut infested dizzzzzzzzzz......and no man would want to sit on your pretty face no more........