Please. Don't make me beg. |
Type 1 - 9 Type 2 - 24 Type 3 - 10 Type 4 - 26 Type 5 - 19 Type 6 - 15 Type 7 - 10 Type 8 - 6 Type 9 - 25 |
(like i did.) i asked joe what kind of "personality type" that makes me. answer: "drunken asshole" oh well. at least i didn't have to spend any time filling out HTML forms to get that conclusion. |
It's weird that both of you, Agatha and Gee, had three numbers as your highest ones. Usually what happens is that one number is significantly higher than the rest, and then the next highest number is a number right next to it (eg. 8 is highest, then 7 or 9 is next highest). As for your troubles, Gee, what you should have done is leave the questions that didn't apply to you blank, and if two answers to a question both applied to you, you could check them both. That would give you the most accurate results. The test is long, I agree, and not perfect. There are other formats, one being a true-false list of statements. I don't like that either. What's best is when you talk to someone who knows the system. I know the system. But I can't talk to you, so I thought taking a test would be best. Seeing as you each had three numbers as your highest, I can't really tell you what your results mean. From a scientific standpoint, the best thing you could do would be to take another version of the test and see how your second results compare to your first. But that's not going to happen. The enneagram is very very involved, and each type (each number) is very complicated, with different levels of development, different directions of integration and disintegration, different subtypes, and different "prime addictions," as they call them. I have to go to class in a few minutes, so I can't explain further, but if you're interested, ask me again or email me (if you want a *really* detailed response, which I'm too lazy to give now anyway, and I don't have the book with me either, so...). I don't want to bore you (even more :) ) if you don't want to hear it all. |
Type 1 21 Reformer 2 18 3 16 4 12 5 9 6 16 7 21 Generalist 8 23 Leader 9 8 wtf? i think the last half might have been skewed, i was cursing the damned test around question # 100 |
2 7 3 16 4 13 5 23 Thinker 6 9 7 24 Generalist 8 16 9 19 Peacemaker HAHAHAHA you can't choose more than one...i think that my personality is situational, and this test kind of proves that. |
but 5 was the highest (thinker) and 4 was the next (artist) but for some reason mine came out relatively even |
I like to call you Rhia, because it looks like Rhea. I just realized that. |
Hence, all explanations will have to wait until this weekend, when I'll be at my house, where my book explaining all this stuff is at. Oh, would you like to know what my results are? I'm a 4 at level 4 with a 5-wing (meaning, 5 is my next highest type). But I have strong 6 leanings, and I'm integrating toward type 1. Yep. |
Y'all can decide better than a test can. |
here i took your fucking test and now i'm slowly realizing that the alternative was a BEER. WHAT THE FUCK. |
daisy....daisy... |
2 - 11 3 - 15 4 - 22 5 - 22 6 - 23 7 - 3 8 - 7 9 - 21 see, i knew it. sixes are lame. |
but fours are lame. i'm telling you all: I AM LAME! DO NOT ARGUE WITH LAMENESS, IT IS A BOTTOMLESS PIT! |
anyways, can't i kick my own ass without all this interfering guilt-tripping from everybody else? i don't need this shit from you people. |
well, sort of. |
whew. That was good. |
Even though I am skeptical about these things, It does seem to be fairly accurate, at least for me. My highest scores were all in categroies I would have placed myself in anyway, although in a different order. I would still have put the Type 5 first, but followed by type four, then 6 and finally 9. This may be because I had teh same problem with the questions as everyone else, where I had to choose between tow that were not only not mutually excaptable but equally accurate in describing my motivations. And I did try to select both and it wouldn't let me. What's interesting is how a lot of us have high scores in a significant amount of the same types. Lots of romantic thinking peacemakers out there... |
#1 reformer 23 #2 helper 9 #3 motivator 20 #4 artist 14 #5 thinker 15 #6 skeptic 22 #7 generalist 10 #8 leader 20 #9 peacemaker 10 and one other thing, FUCK THE FRENCH! |
You har a lot of stuff lately on the news about relative percentages of the major ethnic groups in america being on line. I think someone should correlate that with how much of the population of that ethnic group is likely to be percieved as geeks and nerds. I bet there's a direct correlation. |
Type 2 18 Type 3 11 Type 4 22 Type 5 25 Type 6 8 Type 7 13 Type 8 14 Type 9 24 |
The page that I linked above (where you took the test) has a link to another shorter's the link at the very top of the page (of the test page). So if you're a masochist and would like to torture yourself further, try it. You'll see a difference in your scores, and it may help you better determine which type you fall into if you have more than one type as your highest score. For example, my scores, first on the long test that you all took, then my scores on the short test: Type 1: 13........ -4 Type 2: 5......... -4 Type 3: 14........ 1 Type 4: 29........ 13 Type 5: 21........ 6 Type 6: 16........ -7 Type 7: 20........ 1 Type 8: 4......... -10 Type 9: 22........ 4 you can see in my scores the alternative form reliability between the two tests. (I may do my final psychometrics research on this personality system....THAT'S why I'm bugging you about this so much. I'm interested in the data.) Here are the explanations-- Type 1: Type 2: Type 3: Type 4: Type 5: Type 6: Type 7: Type 8: Type 9: For some reason, the link to the further descriptions isn't working, so go here: and scroll down to whatever type you want to read about. If this does in fact interest you at all, please check out the section on Don Richard Riso. He's the best theorist of the lot, and all his work is seriously grounded in various valid psychological theories. The other people (especially Helen Palmer) take with a pillar of salt. If you have any questions about any of this (aside from why I have taken all the time to type all that out), you can always email me. |