i am the addiction...

sorabji.com: Who are you?: i am the addiction...
Kymical on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 02:51 pm:

    it started in high school this boy called me "kymical" and he said he couldn't help himself in hanging out with me. i was then dubbed his kymical addiction.

    i think i forced it to stick. it is probably the greatest play on words that has been directed to me.
    (and if anyone has ever talked to or knows a Mr. Damon Davies, thank him for me.)

    it has become my stage name. started a band called Chaos and the Addiction. and when people call me now they say "hey addiction." or "hey kymical"

    it is kind of like being a rock star...oh wait, am one of those too.

By Demon Davies on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 11:25 pm:

    That's right sonny! you can take your place in firepits of the malebolge and open up for Dio!


    you said 'Damon'.


By Kymical on Tuesday, November 30, 1999 - 06:54 pm:

    ahhh for a second you sounded like him...

    rumor has it that he went off to berkley.

    he was one smart cookie. but the things he said never made a lick of sense.

    he got me interested in the church of the sugenius and he was my parton saint when i married my cello. tho he doesn't know that.

    if anyone is at berkley (after all this is the world wide web?) please have a look out for mr. damon Davies.

By the rev. semillama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 08:25 pm:

    Praise "Connie!"

    Have you sent in your $30 yet?

    you never know when X-day is REALLY going to hit...