I keep midgets as pets.

sorabji.com: Who are you?: I keep midgets as pets.
Edgy on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 05:07 am:

    When I'm not training to be an olympic yarn-chewer, I practice throwing dead birds at lamp-posts. I enjoy counting, teasing people in wheel chairs, and tickling the bits that comatose people don't know that they have when they don't know that I'm doing it.

    For a living, I make turny-buttons.
    I make sure that each one lies ( want three toast? Fuck you. You get four toast ).

    When you look in the mirror, how come it doesn't look like you? At what point did I decide to become fruit-based? And since when does a Tit constitute compensation for a dirt-bedraggled Tat? (answer - 1837 )
    You have to make your own fun. Three is the magic number. When life hands you a lemon, shove a lemon up life's ass and make it sing " The Facts of Life " theme. There are only seven colors. Monkeys are funny. Pass the Haggis.

    P.S. - Eargasm - Don't lie.
    P.P.S - Too drunk - more beer.

By droopy on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 12:41 pm:

    Quiet and unassuming, Droopy is always off in the background. He always appears to be stoned though we never actually see him getting high. Droopy almost never says anything... he just exists. His look, walk, and talk are all slow and droopy. He will get laughs just by the way he looks and dresses. Droopy is one of the favorite toy characters and doesn't need much personality to endear him to the viewers. Droopy is one of the first Homies created and is also based on a guy that is in every Chicano neighborhood

    Edgy likes to tease Droopy by wearing his special outfit made of turny-buttons. When he does his sexy dance to South Park Mexican tunes, they drop off one by one.

    (gracias, agatha)

By J on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 - 01:26 am:

    I love you droopy,you are my kind