George, show some backbone. We do not need to apologize for leading the world. Do not let the world become a bucket of crabs. We, as Americans, are entitled to BE Americans. We do not need Europe. We do not need Asia. We do not need the Middle East. What we DO need is to stand up and be proud of who we are and what we represent. If the Arabs or the French or the Germans don't like it, well, tough. Think about your friends. Are they like you? Or are they completely different? Do they have similar values as you? Who are they? Who are America's friends? Email your Congressman and Senator and tell them who are friends are. And who they aren't. No one can doubt that on September 12th everyone in America, and most in the world, had changed. We were hurt, angry and confused. We loved our country and what it stands for. The question I have is this: When did it change back? Why are we fighting about whether or not Iraq is an enemy and a threat? Who is so blind that they can't see it? I think no one. I think that the problem is not blindness, but cowardness. We are great because we are brave and free, determined and resourceful. Let's act like it. |
hey! michael reagan... fuck you, you ass |
Did you give up your talk show? Or, are you just slumming? |
Mike Reagan: We are great because we are brave and free, determined and resourceful. Let's act like it. Patrick: what a bucket of shit. hey! michael reagan... fuck you, you ass Perfect |
and what up with that retarded logic that somehow equivocates individual uniqueness to unilateralism. My god I about spewed my coffee when i read that. |