By Katie on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 09:47 pm: |
I'm stubborn I'm athletic I'm smart I'm silent on the outside I'm loud on the inside I'm depressed I'm happy Most of all......I'm independent. |
By The Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, March 28, 1998 - 10:53 pm: |
Venatrix = Huntress (Latin) Mirjen = It's a contraction of sorts of two words 1. Mirabilis (latin for weird or strange) and 2. Jen. (self-explanatory) I'm the leader of SETH. Website coming soon. Fastest explanation is atheistic straight-edgers. I hate my ability to read people...but I guess that's what happens when one is so outside of start to see it for what it really is. See people for who they really are. It's disturbing sometimes. I'm brutally honest. People hate me for that, and yet they say that being honest is something we ought to aim for. I can't bring myself to lie except to save myself. I turn people into the police for drug offenses, for darkness' sake. I like Anton LaVey's philosophies, for the most part. I'm willing to take crap for that, too. I get a lot of negative reaction to who I am and what I adhere to. I may be an atheist, a Satanist if you will, but I'm the purest of my peers. I'm devoted to particular things. It's better to know than to believe in things. I like justice. Brutal justice, like brutal honesty. But one word against the establishment, against the norms, and you'd think I'm a depraved sick freak. don't know me very well. |
By Puzzled on Sunday, March 29, 1998 - 12:04 am: |
By Chantrelle on Sunday, March 29, 1998 - 07:31 pm: |
By An Onion from Holden on Sunday, March 29, 1998 - 09:48 pm: |
By Venatrix Mirjen on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 07:49 pm: |
And I'm not defining myself outside of society. I got thrown out. And that whole 'define yourself outside of the norm' thing left with '95 or '96 or something. The new thing is to be a 'nice' person on the outside and bad-mouth people who aren't. |
By Dave on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 08:39 pm: |
By Venatrix Mirjen on Friday, April 3, 1998 - 05:37 pm: |
*one soul Eu. = apprx. 2.5 soul Am. |
By Dave on Friday, April 3, 1998 - 06:52 pm: |
By Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, April 4, 1998 - 08:51 pm: |
By Eyeball on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 08:01 pm: |
By Venatrix Mirjen on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 06:39 pm: |
So little you are knowing - who are you to ask an avatar of Nyarlathotep? |
By Blindswine on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 07:24 pm: |
pretty fucking scary, huh? so which is it... consumed by your own emptiness... or just self-absorped? and what's this i read about one european soul being worth 2.5 american? i'm not even gonna ask how asian and african souls rate in your little book... pffft... whatever. i don't even want to fuck with you. you sound like a pain in the ass. |
By Nate on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 07:49 pm: |
Huntress lady - Nyarlathotep IS an avatar. Dark souls are funny. They just don't get it. "It's better to know than to believe in things" Bad call. There is nothing you can "know". Everything you think you understand is bady perversed by your perception. You can get beyond that, but your attitude implies that you have not. Absence of perception = absence of self = joy & light. Darkness and this somber godless attitude is a clear indication of over realiance on your perceptions. I know. I used to be there. Believe me, the forces of light are backed by something much grander than the ignorance of humanity's limits. |
By Venatrix Mirjen on Thursday, May 14, 1998 - 07:05 pm: |
My soul joke before was not meant as a racist comment at all, although Blindswine seems to have twisted my remark into that. It was just said to be funny, and the units I used were chosen because I had read an article on the EU's currency a while before it was written and I have so little respect for the general American public. I rely on my perception because it seems to help in the real world. Idealism, and the selflessness of nihilistic ideologies is just that: Ideal. It can't possibly work. At the same time I know humanity has limits. Technology has limits. Knowledge may have limits -- it will in my lifetime, in all ours. We'll never come to a compleat understanding of everything. It's not worth trying that. It's worth trying to understand what we can. Why we are who we are, what causes such-and-such to happen, how something happens. These are the goals of the sciences. Who we are is also a valid point. Humans can't have absence of perception. It's not possible without...'escaping our humanity'. And I don't want to do that. I am a human. I recognize myself as a human animal. I don't try to think of myself as beyond human needs or wants because self-sacrifice isn't something I can do totally and retain my humanity and my being which has a survival instinct imprinted in its core. I'm really not a bad person. I'm not as limited as I seem here and through your ---could it be? Perceptions?--- but it's damn well not worth my time. |
By HEFTEFOLTOS on Friday, May 15, 1998 - 05:33 pm: |
they filter out the real people parts sensitive and insecure who bother checking spelling set by one guy with a printing press not by birth or vote you write the sounds you speak that's what writing our way is and standards make the land more sterile what's more I told some what would seem to them to make me much less strong unknown to them that what was truth was just a kernel of the corn now they don't know I'm now no less but more secure because I'M STILL ME AND I KNOW WHAT I CAN DO. How about you? sometimes it's better taking lumps that don't hurt waiting for the moment than to rabble in self righteous true or not self righteous rabble can't even prove it wasn't a mistake??????OH GOD NOT A MISTAKE//////////////////??????????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
The one thing that I object to in your behavior, Ms. Mirajen, and would like you to think about is the fact that turning people over to the cops for drug offenses is flat - out wrong. Drug addicts are hurting no one but themselves. The system of criminalizing drug use makes drugs a source of unnecessary violence and expense. There are only three reasons to outlaw drugs: 1. An attempt to enforce Christian values on the rest of us. 2. As an excuse to persecute dissidents, minorities, and the poor. 3. In the case of hemp, because the plant itself would make many very wealthy corporate interests obsolete if used. The only argument for criminalizing drugs is that it is "for their own good" Firstly, this would better be served by treating drugs as a public health problem. Secondly, Al-Anon and related drug-treatment programs always remind friends and family of drug addicts of the three C's: You didn't Cause it You can't Cure it You can't Change it (Of course, in some cases, the US government did contribute to drug addiction, but that's another issue for another thread) Forceful intervention in drug addiction is not the job of the addict's family and friends, let alone the government. The system of making drugs illegal is totally wrong. It causes thousands of deaths and costs billions of dollars each year. It costs a hell of a lot more than treating addicts would. When you turn people in for drug posession, you are helping the U.S. government to perpetuate a wrong system. If you want a philosophical argument that makes sense to you, here is the beginning of one and where you can find more: You read LeVey, now try the real stuff; read Crowley. "The word of sin is restriction" --Liber AL I,41 There is more, but I'll let you find it for yourself at Please consider this with an open mind. |
I don't think our straitedge satanist friend read it though (Does no one but me see a contradiction in that. I always thought Luciferianism was about freedom; ooh the Christians are gonna pummell me for that one) |
Speaking as an ex-hippie ("always a sad sight" as one thread puts it), I'd prefer the light. And who knows how much farther along I'd be if I hadn't wasted so many hours stoned? |
I guess as usual I'm not up on the behind the scenes soap opera around here. |
But enough of Lucy already, as Agatha was saying. She's with the others now. |
the kitten brought a newt into the house last night. that disturbed me. |
My little Six was declawed by whomever owned her previously/then abandoned by the same owner when the bitch moved. (And she didn't even spay her 1st!) So she was homeless. Apparently she cdn't hunt very well clawless/becuz she was all skin & bones when I found her. She looked to be abt 7 or 8 mos. old/certainly old enuf to hunt. But she seems to totally lack the killer instinct. Even now/if a gekko gets in the house/she won't really go after it. She'll chase it around for a while/but she never manages to catch anything. Af first/she was as indoor-outdoor cat. Then when I got her spayed/I kept her inside for a week afterwards -- which she did not like atall. But I did eventually allow her back outside. And man, is she an ornery little bitch! She had a run-in w/a big black longhair that had to be twice her size. I heard all this caterwauling & ran out to look for her & she was in front of the house/ snarling like a gator at this huge cat. Then she had the nerve to run after him! I finally managed to grab her & bring her in the house. She doesn't seem to like other cats. My neighbors (they have 2 cats) kept telling me I shdn't let her out/being clawless & all/& becuz she cd get exposed to Feline HIV or lukemia. So I relented & started keeping her indoors. But I have 3 lanais -- i.e. screened-in porches -- around my crib/so she does get to be outdoors & get fresh air. But she still goes to the front door & begs to be let out sometimes. And she will definitely make a mad dash for it if I leave the door ajar when I'm bringing in the groceries. And she's no threat to birds or squirrels/becuz she can't hunt worth a damn. (Ahto' she does engage me in a serious game of Tag every nite.) I feel bad abt not allowing her outside. I can see she misses it. But she's declawed. If a dog or a raccoon (& there are several 'coons around here) comes after her -- or that enormous owl I see sometimes at nite -- she'll be a goner for sure. If anything happened to her/I wd never forgive myself. Yet she managed to fend off whatever critters she must have encountered when she was homeless. And the development I live in is quiet -- I'm far from the main road & there isn't much traffic. And everyone w/a dog always keeps them leashed when they take them out. So what say you two? She's been an indoor cat for a while now. Shd I continue to keep her in/or start letting her out again? |
the kitten prose goes outside. nica doesn't seem to mind being inside all the time, prose gets a little too active if you keep him cooped up. i don't let prose out as much here at the new house, because of where i live. i don't want a bobcat to eat him or anything like that. or the neighbors pit bull. or the river. |
He's actually dropped weight. We think he's in the high 20s now. 35 was his heyday. He has a relatively small head, too, so he looks ridiculous. He is named Juices. |
Another reason I don't let cats out is to keep them from getting run over or eaten, plus there's the issue of domestic cats being a major factor in the dropoff of migratory songbird populations. |
Speaking of birds, i found out today why there are so many blue jays around the fort in the fall - they come en mass and take out the gypsy moth larva. It's amazing here, all you see in the fall are blue jays, you'll see like 50 a day. |
Six weighs 14 lbs. And the vet tech she saw last implied that she was fat. But I don't think so. And she's certainly not sluggish. Are these Main Coons or Persians or some breed that grows very large? What do you feed them to get them so big? |
Plus I found out that that annoying-ass bird that starts singing at the top of it's lungs at 4:30 a.m. isn't wild -- it lives in a cage on a neighbor's lanai. I wish I had a b-b gun... Actually/it's been cold here lately & I think they must have bought it in the house/becuz I haven't heard it all week. [Notices Sem sulking in the corner w/his Audubon book in his lap.] We appreciate you standing up for the migratory songbirds & all, Sem. But "Kill or Be Killed" is nature's way. Domestic felines shdn't get a bad rap for doing what comes naturally. Nobody bitches when they catch mice & rats & yucky vermin. |
Gee is a badass. She'll kick anyone's butt. Sometimes she goes and cuddles up to her son and starts licking him and being nice to him and when he gets all comfy she just starts smacking at him. That's just evil. My baby. She's good, though. If one of her brood is getting beaten outside, she'll run out and take care of them. Neelix (Gee's son) is pretty bad himself. He likes to bring mice home. Sometimes they're alive, though. He's small for his age, which I like, cuz it's like having a kitten forever. He sneers a lot. BummBumm (Neelix's father) used to be hot stuff, but when he got nuetered it was like he became a different cat. Ever since he fell into that pot of tomato soup he's been really wimpy. He never NEVER leaves the kitchen. Hardly ever. I saw him in the upstairs hall today and as soon as he saw me he ran for the kitchen. I'm done. |
Howinthehell did yr cat fall into a pot of tomato soup? And how did you get it out of his fur? I know some cats will tolerate a but/but not mine! |
Cats are so much cooler & friendlier & more entertaining than birds. A bird can't lick yr toes/or swish his tail across yr face becuz he's so happy yr brushing him/or cuddle up all warm & furry next to you on the pilow. A bird will shit all over yr pillow! And there are far too many birds out there for any single species to end up killed off by cats! And if cats are such a threat to the bird population/how come every major city in the western world is infested w/nasty-ass pigeons? |
Cat Predation Americans keep an estimated 60 million cats as pets. Let's say each cat kills only one bird a year. That would mean that cats kill over 60 million birds (minimum) each year - more wildlife than any oil spill. Scientific studies actually show that each year, cats kill hundreds of millions of migratory songbirds. In 1990, researchers estimated that "outdoor" house cats and feral cats were responsible for killing nearly 78 million small mammals and birds annually in the United Kingdom. University of Wisconsin ornithologist, Dr. Santley Temple estimates that 20-150 million songbirds are killed each year by rural cats in Wisconsin alone. Feline predation is not "natural." Cats were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians and taken throughout the world by the Romans. Cats were brought to North America in the 1800's to control rats. The "tabby" that sits curled up on your couch is not a natural predator and has never been in the natural food chain in the Western Hemisphere. Cats are a serious threat to fledglings, birds roosting at night and birds on a nest. Research shows that de-clawing cats and bell collars do not prevent them from killing birds and other small animals. For healthy cats and wild birds, cats should not be allowed to roam free. Work with your local humane society, veterinarians and state wildlife agency to enact and enforce free-roaming cat regulations. For more information: Free Roaming Cats. American Backyard Bird Society, PO Box 10046, Rockville, MD 20849. Cats: A Heavy Toll on Songbirds. by Rich Stallcup. Point Reyes Bird Observatory, 4990 Shoreline Hwy., Stinson Beach, CA 94924. Is there a Killer in Your House? by George Harrison, National Wildlife Magazine (October/November 1992). Beware of Well-Fed Felines. by Peter Churcher and John Lawton, Natural History Magazine (July 1989). |
As for BummBumm: he likes to sleep on top of the refrigerator where his food is, and the fridge is right next to the stove. There was a Big pot of tomato soup sitting on the stove for some reason or other and Bummie went to jump on the fridge one day and slipped and fell into the pot knocking it over and spilling soup Everywhere. Luckily the soup wasn't hot anymore, so he didn't get burnt. I tried to give him a bath but he wouldn't have it. This is the same cat who is terrified of the litter box. Finally I just wiped him off with a towel as best I could and let him clean himself off. It took a while. He used to be a really neat cat before that, but ever since he's just a big slob. |
Gee, are you like a serious night owl? I notice a lot of your posts are really early in the morning, even counting the fact that your're probably in the Central time zone. |
Tonight I will make an effort to go to bed at a normal time (11pm?), even though I know I'll just be lying there thinking about stuff for a couple hours. I'll make my best effort. |
I breed mutant cats,with little bitty short legs, [Munchkins],I thought they would have a hard time getting to my birds,but they just find something to jump on to get them closer to the bird cages. But most of my cats are afraid of my birds,cause the birds are bigger than them. |
no dear.......efficacy...... it's simple wrestling the feline into the tub (claws intact mind you)...splashing occurs. Leaning over to wash said kitty........drying a wet cat is the most fun.....right?.....wet sopping fur....nevermind the clothes, the hair..form a wet cat..i would take a shower afterwords regardless.... Might as well save step, spare your clothes. I bath, she drys......when the meow meows are done, we shower, no hair, no wet cords.... |
you ever read mean magazine? i guess it's based out in la-la land. what do you know about it? |
hmmmmmmm |
theoretically speaking, of course. |
that and an explanation of "fela media" a rock through the window? 1k |