For example, if I found out that someone I really liked: 1. hated the Thin Red Line 2. hated the Simpsons and/or 3. hated Tom Waits they'd be out. (I'm talking about active, passionate hate. Nothing less.) Because to me, hating any of these three things says something about their personality, and, well, the something isn't good. It doesn't mean they are sick evil bastards who deserves a fiery death (well...nah), but I'd know that they and I are just not compatible on a fundamental level. So I'm wondering if you've got your own deal-breakers. Belief in astrology? Teetotalling? Love of rap? |
I'm trying to start a laid-back non-political conversation here....throw me a bone. |
1. cheating 2. listening to country music 3. checks out other chicks when with me Deal breakers in friendships 1. lying or repeated dishonesty 2. lack of courtesy 3. not dancing (when out at a club) 4. looking down your nose at me or other friends 5. listens to country music (I hate that shit) |
I am probably incapable of friendship with hardcore fundamentalists of any religion. I can be friends with Republicans. I have a hard time relating to people who don't really enjoy music. You know, people who listen to Meatloaf and Amy Grant. |
I can't think of any of the good ones, which goes to show how important they are. I never used to think I could be friends with someone who reads comic books constantly...then I fell into the L-hole with much for that. Like Sem, I have a hard time relating to people who don't like music. I'd probably get along better with someone who really loved music that I don't care for than someone who really didn't get excited about anything [or only owned a couple of beatles and rolling stones (like my father)]. I do not get along with feminists who only buy music by women (for political rather than aesthetic reasons) If that's what they want to do fine, but if that's what drives their passion about music I won't be able to talk to them about it. People who don't like the Simpsons really don't like me much. Same with Star Wars. They miss all the references. |
people who aren't funny. i mean they have no sense of humour. Or even people who try to be funny but fall real flat. Maybe that's realy obvious, but i find that most people who are REALLY funny are also really smart, because humour has a timing to it that takes brains and quick thinking. So if someone isn't funny at all or has no wit about them, i can't bother with them. I'm talking about Jay Leno fans, of course. |
2: prejudice (racial and sexuality, especially) 3: infidelity Three things that a friend of mine SHOULD have 1: love for The Simpsons 2: tolerance 3: be able to understand that calling someone Analog is tantamont to calling them Stupid. also if you can't laugh at yourself, you probably wont last very long in my company... |
I work with a lot of people who are this way. It's like, they never even have stopped for a moment to examine the fact that some people don't think the way that they do. I can get along with folks like that on a surface level, but I could never be tight with someone like that. |
yet no one wants to talk about sex. fuckin squares. |
also, men with a too-small penis. i'm sorry, but size does matter to an extent. i'm not saying just because it's a big one it's a good one, but pinky dicks just will not do. maybe this should go in the latest sex thread. |
Besides, Patrick was talking about dick size and perspective in a totally different thread from the sex one, too. |
| was weird and stuff.i couldnt get over the idea of it swinging should a mild breeze catch her between the legs. strange indeed. |
OK so you guys are freaking at women bitching about mens penises, but there has to be something about women that is a sexual requirement, other than having a vagina. |
meat curtains! fuck that's funny. my god i can't stop laughing! |
over the holidays my brother couldnt get over the fact that they have decoratively painted "Love Taco" outside the front door. In his Butthead-esq manner, we had to get a digital photo of it. Nico just realized, thanks to me, what he was gigglign about the whole time with the phrase "love taco". eri, if its wet and warm, it will do. |
and one i'm less fond of is 'axe wound' but like i said, stink wallet |
1) No anal sex on first date. 2) Constant watching of that show, Trading Spaces, and the HGTV channel. 3) No anal sex on second date. |
i don't like stink wallet, it's dumb. i was having sex last night and i somewhat inappropriately couldn't stop giggling because all i could think was "meat curtains". and he was like, what's so funny? but i couldn't say it, because he's pretty sensitive during the actual act of sex itself and might have been turned off just by the shock of what i was thinking about while we were doing it. i can't remember what i said. something about being ticklish i guess. meat curtains!! |
;) swine used to say 'ride the meat' or something like that. i forget. THATS what i used to say all the time, from him. |
hey fuck you margret! ok? fuck you you fuckin fuck. |
yeah, marge. eat hot fuck. |
fuck you cat. ok? you can suck a big fat one and fuckyourself all the way to fucksville because you suck you fucky suckface fuck! |
They are really missed, I will say that. Especially since Cat, Margret and R.C. were some of the most insightful people around here. Ditto for Markus. |
eat a big fat dick swine. hear me? heres to a big fat slugger down your esophogus you giagantic cockmouth. that goes for you too droop. |