"Imagine men and women living as prisoners in an underground cave. These people have been here since birth, their bodies chained so that they cannot move. They can see only what is in front of them and can see no other prisoners. "Behind the prisoners is a series of fires. Between the prisoners and the fires is a screen, like that at a puppet show. Behind this are people carrying various artificial objects, such as the figures of men and animals. The prisoners see nothing but the shadows of the objects cast by the firelight onto the cave wall in front of them. The cave has an echo so that the when the people in back of them speak the prisoners believe the sounds come from the shadow figures on the cave wall. "Suppose one of the prisoners became free from his chains. The firelight would be painful to his eyes and the objects in back of him would so terrify him that he might desire to regain his former chained situation. "If this free person actually crept out of the cave into the sunlight, he would be completely dazed, unable to comprehend ordinary objects. Slowly this former prisoner might begin to understand that it is the sun which is the source of light and life. He would feel sorrow for his former fellow prisoners. If he did return to his chains and speak to his fellow prisoners, they would think he was insane. And if they could lay hands on him they would kill him." |
That's rich. I've essentially been asking you the same question since you started posting here. I've been showing you the flame all this time, but you've refused to see it. |
The United States Federal Government is not the only one who puts chains on you or blinders. |
That's why one must always question. Even question the need to question, when there is a need to act. Anyone who asks you to stop questioning (or demands it) has chains they want to put on you. |
See, you are still doing it. |
Keep dancing with them shadows, spunk. |
They called the police and testified But they're like the people chained up in the cave In the allegory of the people in the cave by the Greek guy No one understands No one knows my plan Why the dancing, shouting Why the shrieks of pain The lovely music Why the smell of burning autumn leaves In my prison cell I bide my time Always thinking, always busy cooking up an angle Working on the tiny blueprint of the angle Sketching out the burning autumn leaves No one understands No one knows my plan I must be silent, must contain my secret smile I want to tell you, you my mirror, you my iron bars No one understands No one knows my plan --They Might Be Giants |
darnnit. That and StrongBad just depres me. Why does Flash have to be such a bitch? I could be making cartoons every damn day if it wasn't so evil. It's the worst program i've ever learned. Fuck you Flash. Fuck you right in the ear. |