
sorabji.com: Who are you?: spunky
By spunky on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 01:00 am:

    This is who I am:

    1. A devoted Husband
    2. A devoted (and doting) Father
    3. A PROUD American.
    4. Fiscally Conservative (I do not believe in a socialist, hand out, economic system)
    5. Morally centrist (you have the right to do what you want, government should have no say, but I have the right to think you are nasty for doing it, and would prefer if you kept it in your bedroom)
    6. It does not take a village to raise a kid. Keep your hands off of mine.
    7. Taking personal responsibility for your own actions will resolve and invalidate most oppressive and invasive laws.
    8. I support the President of the United States.
    9. I am a staunch "America First" activist.
    10. National Security is a primary role of the Executive Branch.

    What I beleive about 9/11, Iraq, and other conflicts:

    1. Capatilism did NOT, and does NOT cause anyone to kill anyone else.
    2. "Western Culture" is not to blame. Oppresive, religious governments who deny freedom of choice to it's charges are to blame.
    3. President Bush did know that terrorism was a threat to the US, but is not to blame for 9/11.
    He did NOT know the Airlines, the flight numbers, the names of the terrorists, or the dates of the attacks.
    4. Iraq WAS a known threat to the world before Bush was in office. Iraq WAS a threat to the US and the world on 9/10/2001, and Iraq's threat did not INCREASE on 9/11/01. Rather, our focus became more clear on the danger it posed.
    5. Terrorism MUST be fought BEFORE another 9/11 strike occurs.
    6. We MUST NOT ever bargain with terrorist groups or countries.
    7. "Might" does NOT make "right".
    8. The US Military is NOT the bad guys.
    9. Members of the military, fallen, injured or alive, are all heros.
    10. It is far from over.

    These are some of my most important beliefs.

By dave. on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 03:17 am:

    sieg heil!

    so, uhh, how do you treat people who interpret the sitch in a different way? do they get a voice? y'know, the burden of democracy is dissent. it's a real pickle. i mean, it really messes a lot of shit up, makes problem solving a royal bitch, and basically "solves" issues too little, too late.

    fascism is the solution to those niggling little details. guns before butter. that'll learn 'em.

    dude, i applaud your commitment to your family.

    did your support for the president of the us include clinton? didja know, he just came out saying the bush administration's mistakes are understandable? you gonna all of a sudden trust him now?

    'cause i don't. he's got something up his sleeve.

    i still prefer his admin to the current one.

By dave. on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 03:26 am:

By dave. on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 03:33 am:

    so, what? is clinton now spunkified? is he such an inept, liberal monster? seems like he's all up in your back yard, trace.

By dave. on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 03:36 am:

    clinton fertilizing trace's back yard. truly bizarre times.

    grass gettin' greener?

By dave on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 03:57 am:


    i can wait until rush or hannity formalizes a response for you to post.

    wait for your marching orders or you'll come off all liberal and self-thinking and shit.

By TBone on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 04:21 am:

    Trace: Please read carefully. I don't intend to repeat myself in order to make my point. I don't even read most of the political threads here, so if I've missed something, forgive me.

    Capitalism doesn't cause people to kill other people?

    Is that like the guns don't kill people thing?

    Capitalism is about scarcity. That will always cause fighting.

    If socialism was just a hand-out, then nobody would work. That would obviously fail. Socialists are not complete morons. Do your homework. That doesn't mean you can't still be against it. Just understand it first.

    Military is always the bad guys. Both sides. Realize this. There are matters of degrees, yes. Sometimes we can only choose the lesser of two evils. But I will not call a killer my hero.

    "America First" is why the U.S. is not the exactly most popular kid on the playground. It hurts us. Not that I think we should strive for popularity. Compassion is the word I'm looking for. We don't need more enemies.

    Spunk, I know you mean well. I really do. You're a family guy, and that's cool. But climb out of the box decorated in Red, White, and Blue. Just take a look around. Just because people live outside that box doesn't make them any different.

    You contradict yourself. Others will point it out better than I can. I think this is because you do have compassion, but you only apply it to those who share the box of stars and stripes.

    I have more, but I don't like these threads. I also don't like arguing with you. You obviously started this thread to clash with the usuals while starting on the moral upper ground. You're the family-loving, patriotic, conservative, supportive American. But why limit yourself based on imaginary borders?

    It's late, and I'm losing my train of thought.
    Despite our differences of opinion, you're a good guy in my book. You just get lathered up rather too often for your own good.
    I wish you peace and happiness. Be well.

By Rowlf on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 09:00 am:

    dave: Clinton must be using reverse psychology...

By spunky on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 09:38 am:

    Rowlf: No, Clinton realized that to dispute what Bush is doing is to dispute what he did in 98, giving creedance to the Wag The Dog accusations.

By spunky on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 09:55 am:


    "Is that like the guns don't kill people thing? "

    You going to keep giving murderers a pass and convicting guns?

    "If socialism was just a hand-out, then nobody would work. That would obviously fail."
    I understand it, I just do not believe it will work here in the US. We already have too many that have the "I deserve it" attitude.

    But I will not call a killer my hero."
    I will. I will call the man who kills a murderer, a torturer, and rapist a hero. If somebody went and put a bullet between the eyes of Charles Taylor, he would be a hero to thousands that were saved.

    This thread is not to clash with anyone.

    Poke all the holes you want.
    I will still be here, believing in the freedom of personal choices, national defense, and personal responsibility.

By TBone on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 10:15 am:

    "This thread is not to clash with anyone. "

    Whatever, dude.

By Spider on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 11:37 am:

    Spunky, what attracted you to Mark's website and this message board?

By Antigone on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 12:20 pm:

    You forgot:

    11. I like to start silly combative web threads because I crave attention.

By patrick on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 12:53 pm:

    "I will. I will call the man who kills a murderer, a torturer, and rapist a hero."

    I love when it this psuedo-neo-cons toss justice right out the fucking window in the name of.....uh...justice?

    trace you're so full hypocrisy and contradictions its absurd.

    when you say THIS IS WHO I AM....all i read is I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM.

    a man conflicted and confused.

By Antigone on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 01:28 pm:

    "Poke all the holes you want.
    I will still be here, believing in the freedom of personal choices, national defense, and personal responsibility."

    Read: I will stand here, nobly, above it all, while all of you people debase yourselves trying to discredit me. I am sooooooooooo right and righteous.

By patrick on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 01:46 pm:

    like dave said....

    sieg heil spunk!

    have you learned to goose step yet?

By patrick on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 02:40 pm:

By dave. on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 02:49 pm:

    "5. Morally centrist (you have the right to do what you want, government should have no say, but I have the right to think you are nasty for doing it, and would prefer if you kept it in your bedroom)"

    so, morality only applies to sexual preferences or is sexual morality the only morality you're hung up on? what are the right and wrong ways to handle penises and vaginas and why treat them differently than heads, shoulders, knees and toes? i'd get a real kick out of your list of genital dos and don'ts. i'm serious. could you indulge me?


    n 1: concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct [ant: immorality] 2: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong [syn: ethical motive, ethics, morals]

    there's no mention of bedrooms anywhere in the definition.

By Rowlf on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 05:55 pm:

    spunkdungeon: I was joking.

    12 on spunkys list:

    "i never answer questions Rush Limbaugh hasn't dealt with yet"

    thats a joke too, so you know. You know me. I like jokes. Got any jokes?

By spunky on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 01:19 am:

    "when you say THIS IS WHO I AM....all i read is I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM.

    a man conflicted and confused. "

    I doubt you have the guts to set your beliefs to words.

By spunky on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 01:23 am:

    "By Spider on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 11:37 am:
    Spunky, what attracted you to Mark's website and this message board? "

    I picked it up by accident.

    I think it was through the hell.com portal, I think........

By Rowlf on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 09:15 am:

    spunk, I'd have to a agree you are conflicted and confused.

    we all are.

    you really want to stand by your strict definition and admit you are stubborn and wont change?

By Spider on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 09:37 am:

    So, what made you stay?

By spunky on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 10:24 am:

    Spider, I don't know..........

By spunky on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 10:26 am:

    my "strict definition" is not all that strict.

    Work hard, take responsibility for your own actions, choose your own path and let others do what ever they want, as long as it does not harm me or mine...

    What's wrong with that?

By eri on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 11:05 am:

    Spunky's NEVER stubborn *sarcasm*

By patrick on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:35 pm:

    "I doubt you have the guts to set your beliefs to words."

    are you fucking kidding me?

    have you NOT been paying attention all this time?

    i set my beliefs to words almost daily man.

    i also eat my words and change my mind quite often.

    what the hell is wrong with you?

    sometimes its like you spit out the words of stern preacherman because you feel a desperate need to stand tall without even understanding what you mean. i understand that, but stop and think what you're staying.

    i realize you're on the defensive but you kind of asked for it.

    i dont feel the need to lay myself out like you have here. thats just a bit silly. and frankly sets you up. my beliefs are right there in front of you. make no mistake that everyone here knows where i stand on almost everything.

By Spider on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:45 pm:

    This is who I am:

    1. An Italian-Irish Catholic
    2. Female
    3. Someone who reads a lot
    4. Someone who appreciates art in all its media (except spoken word, but that's not art in my book)
    5. Someone who loves learning for learning's sake

    Those are the first things that come to mind when I think about my identity. Politics doesn't enter my picture.

By patrick on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:56 pm:

    thats the other thing spunk...you spouted off all kinds of shit that have nothing to do with identity and if they do...its kinda...i dunno...weird.

    what the fuck does your take on the executive branch have to do with who you are?

By Antigone on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 03:31 pm:

    This is who I am:

    1. If you're not one of a few people I let into my life, you're just going to have to figure it out for yourself, if you give a shit.
    2. If you give a shit, I'll probably let you in.
    3. If not, why do you give a shit?

By semillama on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 04:10 pm:

    Just to start.

    "1. Capatilism did NOT, and does NOT cause anyone to kill anyone else."

    False. You need to check the history of the last one hundred years, especially in regards to US Fruit companies and USMC action in Central and South America prior to WWII.

    Plus there's that whole slave trade deal.

    "2. "Western Culture" is not to blame. Oppresive, religious governments who deny freedom of choice to it's charges are to blame."

    This is exactly why many conservative American politicians worry the hell out of me. And of course, a government does not need to be religious in order to be repressive. Again, America has some history of doing this (ethnic minorities, women), but I will say that things have been getting much better since folks started taking action (hint: the majority of these people were not conservatives).

    I agree with you on 3.

    "6. We MUST NOT ever bargain with terrorist groups or countries."

    What do you mean by bargain? Do you mean negotiate? What if negotiation is the most effective way of resolving a conflict without the loss of human life? What about the Bush administration and it's negotiation with terrorist groups or countries? How does that fit with the support of your president?

    "7. "Might" does NOT make "right"."

    Agreed. Hence, my moral belief that we should not be in the business of pre-emptive war without the most ironclad evidence of threat.

    "8. The US Military is NOT the bad guys."

    Matter of perspective. I imagine there are several Iraqi and Afghan families that have a different perspective based on experience. I generally agree with you, but realize that any military needs close watching. For example, developing "battlefield nukes" is NOT something the "Good guys" do in my book.

    ""9. Members of the military, fallen, injured or alive, are all heros.""

    Does this include the dude who fragged his fellow soldiers in Kuwait? What about Lt. William Calley? Don't EVEN get me started on the late 1800's.

    "10. It is far from over."

    Damn straight, on many levels.

    Essentially, Spunky, I think my major disagreements with you come down to this "Hollywood movie plot", black and white world view you hold. I used to be the liberal version of you back in the early 90's, but I came to realize that sometimes, the liberals don't have all the answers. Basically, I found out that if I held black and white beliefs, I was going to get burned majorly. So, now I have core ethics that I apply with a "Shades of gray" vision to various things. The ol' 2 sides to ever story. Except I think there are way more than just 2. I think that maybe you'd be a much happier person if you realized that too.

By heather on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 04:26 pm:

    not to mention that "terrorist" is a title and
    definition from the "non-terrorist" side. they
    aren't making their plans and acting simply
    because they are crazy. they may be
    over-zealous but they are people with a stance
    and a plan and they have their reasons for
    taking the actions they do. they may seem
    wrong or cruel, and there may be no
    comfortable solution for the situation but
    taking the position that they are crazy dogs
    who have nothing worth hearing and deserve
    no respect is wrong.

    i would say that those reasons are similar to
    why apparently normal people go back to a
    past place of work and shoot it up.

By Rowlf on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 06:03 pm:

    13. I don't acknowledge facts, no matter how absolute, that come into conflict with my pre-set beliefs.

By dave. on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 02:26 pm:

    spunk, mull this stuff over for a few days.


    it's quite long but is another article that sums up how i, and perhaps others here, feel about what we observe today in comparison with what has happened in the past and why we continuously protest the guv'mint. it's not so much the actions as it is the mentality.

    personally, i think the folks who contribute to that site are a fair bit too "pat buchanan-isolationist" for my tastes, but the rest of it rings true to me.

By patrick on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 05:55 pm:

    i love it.

    "If a violent confrontation occurs between two governments, the moral accountability for any wrongdoing must lie with the other government"

    Spunk how many times have you stated it was Saddam's fault we invaded his country?

    "Does it not offend you that the operatives of political systems have so little regard for your intelligence or integrity that they can count on you to keep participating in these deadly games? That these moral slugs can lie to you, deceive you, tax and regulate you, and ask that your children be offered up as sacrifices for such deadly purposes; and then expect you not to respond with disgust, but to intensify your displays of "loyalty," ought to be enough to catch the attention of any thoughtful person."

    I say damn now.

    Nice one dave.