the nanny called in sick and the wife had to go to NYC for a meeting, so me and the shorty made some pics. Come on in! |
oh well. the entire gallery including a few halloween pics is here thank you dave. i hear that a lot. and well. Im a bit at awe as to how to deal with it. Is it rude to say "i know, i know, im blown away by it every day" because thats the rock bottom truth. Both the wife and i are totally messmerized by her beauty. And of course when you see it in motion, its 10 fold. Not a day, at least a day when we are in public, goes by that she doesnt get these kinds of compliments. Strangers stop on the sidewalk, as they did yesterday. Old Armenian women in the grocery store go nuts, such as yesterday. especially when she wears I usually just awkwardly laugh and smile and softly say thank you. But really, I feel I have little credit to take for this. I mean, Im no troll, but Im no Carey Grant either. She gets it all from her mother. |
I suppose that's not a bad thing. |
Cute as always, proud papa. Proud Papa Patrick. Patrick, Proud Papa I like that, maybe I will just start calling you pees for short. |
plus, eva is the closest thing I have to a babyfriend since I left my cousins back home and they don't send me pictures. |
if you heard her laugh, or talk (she and I have this thing now, where if im in another room she goes hayeeeeeeeee and i respond "hayyyyyyyyyyyy" and we go back and forth in kind) you'd melt. Or like last night, she was on the virge of crashing, and i was laying on the floor on some pillows watching Queer Eye, and she was next to me in her bouncey lounger. I had my hand on her, as she likes to take my hand and nuzzle and bury her face when's falling asleep. Though she wasnt quite ready to give in, so when a minute would pass, she would make a "eh?' sound to get my attention, Id look over and smile, and she would smile and giggle back (its all about cause and effect right now with her) and then she would slap and pat my hand with hers. Its so god damn sweet, i nearly cry. her sense of being content, secure and happy just hanging out with me, when falling asleep. |
that will ruin me. |
I can't wait until her hair comes in! |
mmmanyway, not important. |
What color is the bit of fuzz on her head? |
in back its more a concentrated brown, but up top is light red/brown. her head is like a peach |
That haircolor, the peachfuzz, it can change when her hair comes it....with both girls they got hair on the top of their heads first. Hayley's got darker and more red (strawberry blonde?) and Micki's is still blonde, but a little darker (except where the sun has bleached it). She is cute as hell Patrick.... |
I heard her coo once. There is something about baby pictures and stories that makes me feel connected to the world. I don't know what it is...being in school everything is all about me and getting work done in this isolated bubble...this is going to sound cheesy, but babies are kind of a reminder of bigger, more important things in the world. I mean, I know that there are things that are more important than schoolwork, but babies just affirm that in a very powerful and unique way. | dag, yo. guess where the gum accident occurred. |
In her hair. |
dave., agatha, she's lovely. right where that little piece of hair is sticking out on her forehead? |
While we are swapping kid pics: Hayley (Boo) Mikayla (Micki) |
last pic i *recall* seeing was this wild blondish pixie who looked like hell on wheels. she's going to have, like, boyfriends and stuff soon. |
lookit Cleo! lookit that tilted smile. She's gonna cause some shit! It'll be so fun. who's smile is that, dave or agatha? | where'd the cheek go? i don't know. shut up about boyfriends -- she's supposed to be a lesbian. trace and eri, you should hope for lezdom, too. this is where having a cute daughter gets difficult. |
like lesbian spawn create any less grief. oh right. you dont work at the advocate. HA! i'll beat a butch down from the doorstep as quickly as a i would a male suitor. |
I also like how you interrupted lucy's insanity with Cleo's adorableness i'm raising my daughters to be lesbians too. |
Look at her. So cute. So sweet. Ready to torch the building down and proclaim complete innocence. thats the first time ive seen a pic of you dave. you look kinda like my brother man. |
There is a quote around here of sem saying that he is adamantly opposed to reproducing. |
i expected facial hair. |
yeah, but adopting doesn't count as reproducing. right? |
but I'm less adamant about adopting. I still want to, but the idea of having at least one baby is becoming appealing to me, for a variety of reasons. Although, I'm still completely freaked out by the idea of having a human being inside me. |
-swine someone make this into someting i can wear. |
By Semillama on Saturday, October 16, 1999 - 11:35 pm As far as bio. urgs to reproduce, even I get them, and I am violently opposed to the idea, especially in an era where no marriage is certain to last. If I could afford it and if ic ould be seriously completely OUT when they did it, I'd get a vasectomy. semillama on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 01:00 pm This is my reasoning for not wanting kids: I'm letting people who rock like Agatha have them for me. The reality is that one needs to have sexual intercourse to have kids, so that's a big big reason why I don't have any nor am likely to have any within the next five-ten yaars as I can see (sorry mom! sorry dad!). The right lady could probably convince me to spawn. Not that such exists. |
I doubt he still holds the same views. You were not in his life then. |
We feel pretty much the same about it. In any case, babies aren't even an issue right now. His family is coming to Lowell to spend thanksgiving with my family. My soon-to-be sister-in-law asked my parents, and then my step-father asked me if Sem and I had an important "announcement" to make. |
my step-dad will bring it up though and ask Sem's parents if they want to chip in for the ladder he's going to give sem. |
j, i don't think i'll ever be able to really like any man in her life. i mean, how can i? more pics. the top one was taken last night. one of those "hey, cleo - *click* - knock it off, dad" shots. the others are from earlier this year. |
sem's got to use the ladder to come up to my bedroom window the night we elope. it's a running joke that no one but my step-father thinks is funny. |
You should make it like you ARE going to do the big announcement thing, have sem stand up all solem and everything, and then have him say.... something hillarious that i can't even imagine right now. GOLD. i can't think because i'm jealous as heck of Cleo's haircolour. |
"everybody, me and kazu have something to say..... this turkey is fuckin' GREAT!" |
they say (you know that non-descript group of whomever that propel common ideas and sense) red hair skips a generation. eva's hair is starting to grow a bit and its coming through as brown, for now. when did cleo's red hair really start to come through as red? |
My mother's hair is red, mine isn't, but there are definitely reddish highlights. And I have what my hairstylists refer to as red "undertones" whatever the hell that means. In any case, that's why my mom never flipped out when I dyed my hair as a teenager because it was usually some red color and I think she was flattered and happy I never tried to regain the blond of my early childhood. |
My hair is super dark brown, like my fathers, only it had red highlights, and now is dyed to hide the lovely grey highlights..... My mother used to complain that none of her kids looked at all like her, and I thought she was silly, and then I had kids..... My ex (Tom) had dark brown hair, shit brown eyes (maybe that's cuz he was always full of shit). But amazingly Hayley came out looking just like my mother, blue eyes, chameleon hair (red in this light, blonde in that light). When Hayley was born her hair was platinum blonde, and it just got darker and more color in it over the years. The red started showing up when she was about 4-5 years old. Micki came out with blonde hair and blue eyes and the only difference is that her blonde got a little darker and her hair highlights in the sun easy, with light blonde streaks all over. Hayley also got my mom's freckles and my mom's eyes (they kinda squint when she smiles). Micki got Trace's huge smile and his family's huge eyes and long eyelashes. Now I know what my Mom went through, cuz neither of my girls look anything like me. In our family, the red hair does skip a generation. |
There's an Irish saying -- the three hardest things to rid a family of are drinking, thieving, and red hair. My best friend's a redhead, and she gets it from her grandmother. Her mom is blonde and her dad has dark hair. Come to think of it, my best friend when I was little was also a red-head, with a blonde mother and dark-haired father. And she looked a bit like Cleo in that school picture. |
she just broke off half of a front tooth last night and stubbed the hell out of her toe. when it's dark out, she insists on running full speed between the house and garage because she's afraid of the dark. they're like 4 feet apart, maybe less. we tell her over and over to knock it off but she knows best and she's so stubborn. so, last night she wipes out and breaks her tooth. there's blood and screaming and snot and tears and i'm fighting back the urge to just call her a dumbshit and go back to working on the car. but i don't. i broke off my front teeth when i was about her age and i used to stub my toe all the time from running around barefoot. so i know how she felt. but it was all so avoidable last night. it's like we tell her not to do something and she does it with double gusto. i imagine what's gonna happen in 5 or so years when we tell her not to go out and fuck boys. |
And Dave, I can so sympathize with you right now. Hayley is in that same phase. You tell her not to do something and she either A. Does it immediately B. Does it and then lies about it or C. Asks 50 fucking million times if she can do it. It drives us up the wall. And her mouth is so outa control. She told her teacher that if she has to miss recess again her mommy is gonna call the principle on her......oy vey. She's even in the threatening to kick other kids asses on the playground phase. It drives me nuts. And once I get through this phase with Hayley, I have to go through it with Micki who is 50 times more strong willed and bullheaded as Hayley. She's so like her Daddy sometimes :) |
but we, as parents, don't know what the hell we're talking about so why should they listen? i know there are things they need to learn for themselves but when you try to pre-emptively spare them some of the most unnecessary lessons and they screw up anyway . . . it's just frustrating to watch. my chipped teeth had a big impact on my self esteem when i was her age through junior high and early high school. i never smiled naturally because i had these ugly metal caps and probably made it into a bigger deal in my mind than it was. i see cleo display a lot of the social anxieties that i had and now, she gets the teeth thing going on as well. it's like watching a train wreck. |
And you fall down and break your face. . Singing is much more effective than running. And a lot safer. . I hope she can get white caps instead of metal ones. I had a big ol' metal tooth when I was a kid too. They tried me on a white cap, but I broke that too. |
I drank too much coffee this morning and am still shaking and hyper from the caffeine. I rode the bus downtown and began to sing before I remembered myself. I also might be moving to SE in a month or so. It is crazy and I am crazed today. I will live with my precious kitty again. (She doesn't look like me at all, except for her eyes. I spoke to her over the phone yesterday and she ws confused, looking at the ceiling.) Chipped teeth are cool. I have one right up front from a cattle guard. |
me retarded. |
Back to back with another zoobomb house. |
not as in 'The Southeast' as a geographical region. it's hard to drink coffee the night after you burn your mouth on a pizza. |
Still, don't tease me like that pez. And come down here for your cousin's wedding. |
The house: top of a hill, southeast Portland, near Powell, about six miles from where I currently reside. I would be trading possible computering for the opportunity to set up the piano but I think it's worth it. Have to see it though, this is entirely based on spoken descriptions from friends. |
Patrick and Nico did not have a baby. they stole the gerber one |
she looks like a fun baby. |
she cracks us up constantly. she's becoming the crafty pick pocket and petty thief (gets that from her mother). she'll nab anything off your person or in your hands before you know it. she snag your hat, glasses, jewelry...whatever. and she knows what she's doing too. she'll often snag my knitted skull cap while we're playing on the floor. Immediately she knows she's got something of mine is going to run cuteness interference to delay my getting it back. or will immediately scuttlebtut across the floor making her escape. she's too smart, for our own good. just the other day she was sitting out front with the wife and a girl, maybe 12 or so rode by on her bike and eva spied her, yelled out hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and threw her hand up and offered a wave. at first i was skepticle, thinking it was just coincidence that she really hasnt grabbed the idea of 'waving' yet. no. she does. she knows. she may not perform on demand, but she knows. moreover, we are seeing what promises to be the most stubborn, strong-willed, vocal, outspoken kid thereever was. she will lead the revolution ala joan of arc or die trying. aries' determination for sure. she's had a cold lately and we've learned just how cross and dramatic she can be. its becoming ever apparent what kind of a ride we have ahead so we're trying to squeeze all the fun we can. |
My mom thinks Eva is adorable. I had to show her pictures of who I've caught the baby bug from. |
in a couple of days i'll have some images uploaded that will probably send you into a slobbering fit. |
anyone know of any free web based hosting, in which i could dump my videos on? i have image hosting. | |
I can't believe cleo is in fourth grade. how was agatha's art show? I got married. we have a lot of trays now. |
Patrick, I won't be able to tell you if it worked until I go to campus and use a computer there. Maybe tomorrow. |
nate was kind enough to set up a page in which i can dump small videos. i'll only send the link to those who want to see them, as i add them, in order to keep bandwidth low. thanks c. send me a email, im not sure if i have your addy anymore. the glasses are about to be tossed. One screw keeps coming out and they barely stay on my mugg. |
that's why i look at the pictures.:) |
How are you? How was your wedding? You're married! |
that's it. i'm done. kazu gone baby bye-bye. |
the weather was beautifully overcast, and my shoulders looked nice. |
patrick, do you pronounce your daughter's name like "eva braun" or like "deliver us from eva"? the couple I'm having dinner with tonight had a baby in the spring. for most of her gestation, she was supposed to be eva, but then they changed their minds. she's eleanor now. |
it rained for five minutes like 15 minutes before the ceremony was supposed to happen, and I was like SHIT, because we had no real back-up plan. (uh, crowd everyone into the living room? walk down the stairs unstead of down an aisle?) it was way too depressing a scenario to plan for, so we never did. we didn't have much time to plan, so we just made decisions and didn't look back. my dress was the first one I tried on, right off the rack, at the only shop I looked in, and I had no alterations done. groom bought his prada suit on ebay for like 75% off. we never shopped for a caterer, just used the one a friend used. picked the cake shop and florist closest to the site. looking back, I'm not sure whether to feel relieved or cheated that I didn't try a half-dozen caterers and cakes and a zillion dresses before deciding. of course, we left all ceremony plans to the last minute. I wrote my vows the day before, while getting ready for the "rehearsal dinner" (bbq in a friend's backyard), and my fiance wrote his on the 40-minute ferry ride to the wedding (in his father's backyard). the only thing I knew I wanted to say before that point was the first line: "I have not dreamed of this day my entire life." (I hadn't. I wasn't sure if I would ever get married, and if I did, I figured we would both want to elope.) so the day came, and then there was the rain scare, and then there was the ceremony, which an old friend of the groom's agreed to perform. she officiated at the first wedding I had attended with my fiance. we were supposed to have two identical-twin flower girls, 4-y-o nieces of the groom. but I predicted we would only get one, at best, but that was fine. I figured it was sort of like a tv show with little kids. the producers hire identical twins for the one part. we did get one. the other had said all along that she wanted no part in this flower-girl business. gramma and daddy had pushed her for weeks (because what could be cuter than identical 4-y-o flower girls?), but I knew she wouldn't do it. the day of, she said she was too tired and went to bed right before the ceremony. I think my mother had assumed I would put up a fight about walking down the aisle with my father. "you are going to walk down the aisle with your father, aren't you? you know he's given away two other girls who weren't even his daughters, right?" but I was all for it. I wore a veil, too. sometimes women would ask me about that in whispered tones, like it was a shameful thing, "are you going to wear a veil?" I happened to walk by a wedding dress store while carrying my dress from the lingerie shop (for the funky bra that wouldn't show with the low back of the dress) back to the car, and I went in and tried on a veil and thought it looked so goddamn good that I ended up getting one, and not just a shorty, either. I didn't think we would have a best man and a maid of honor, but because the people we would have chosen for the roles were with us the night that I met the groom--it was me, the groom, the maid of honor, the best man, and the officiant, who went out and got drunk on a sunday night in summer 2000--that we decided that was a good story we could use as ceremony filler and that it should be the five of us up there, together again. we never actually rehearsed the ceremony, and when the time came (after the one flower girl and the rest of the party got to the "altar"), I walked down the aisle and stood in the wrong place. I don't know what I was thinking. maybe it was some subconscious aversion to getting married? but it looked like the groom was going to marry the maid (actually, technically "matron," but I hate that word) of honor. I was totally embarrassed but managed to rally. then the next part I wasn't prepared for was who was supposed to say their vows first. I mean, I don't know shit about weddings. I know there are all these rules, like what side the audience stands on based on who they know, and who dances with whom first, and something about a penny in your shoe, but this is not something I ever studied, not even for my own wedding. I assumed I would go first. I certainly wanted to get them over with first. so the groom and I had a little argument during the ceremony about who was going to read first. he insisted and I relented. (maybe it was tradition for the groom to go first?) his vows, which I had not yet heard, were more personal and pointed and true and a little embarrassing and sweet and happy that I felt like crying, which was yet another eventuality I was not prepared for. there are photos of me at this point in the ceremony, and I am looking up to the sky, both asking god (?) how on earth I can follow this performance and making sure that the tears welling up in my eyes don't fall down my face. then I read my two little paragraphs about how I had never been interested in the idea of marriage until I met him, a how-do-I-love-thee-let-me-count-the-ways type of recitation about him, and my idea of what I wanted from our future wedded life: more of the same, more of the wonderful same. I think it went well. apparently at one point during the ceremony, two herons flew up from the water behind us, circling around each other and flying to a tree across the water. (I guess if the identical twins couldn't upstage us, then some of the local wildlife just had to step in.) then we got drunk. it was a sunday afternoon outside by the water, and there was no dancing, no bouquet throwing, no reception line--just eating and drinking and talking, these are a few of my favorite things. for our guestbook I took the cheesiest wedding graphics I could find on the internet and printed them on printer paper, for people to color, deface, and sign. since I just wore a comfortable gown with a pair of nice sandals, I ended up not changing after the wedding. I rode the ferry back in my dress, totally drunk and stumbling at that point. we checked into our hotel downtown and walked to a favorite bar, where we ordered dinner and drank margaritas. then we went to the bar next to that, and some guy in a jane's addiction t-shirt sat next to my husband and started talking him. (maybe the suit, gown, and veil didn't fully clue him into the fact that this was our wedding night?) but then it seemed wholly appropriate that he would end up talking to some geek about music at this bar. on the other side of us at the bar, one-half of a good-looking gay couple left. I started talking to the remaining guy, and he bought me tequila shots and we talked and talked for an hour or two. one of the things we had our officiant discuss in the ceremony was that we would not retreat from society once we were married. I am repulsed at the idea of nesting. we want to stay out in the world as individuals. I think it seemes right that we would spend time individually talking to strangers at a bar on our wedding night. for the ceremony we wanted to say all the things (that are true for us) that people don't normally say at weddings. like how I never really wanted this (until now), about how we're not going to shut ourselves off from everyone else like many couples do, and instead of "till death do us part" we had lines about how we don't know what the future will bring but goddamn it we're going to try. instead of a prepared list of readings, I had one chosen out of a hat, on the spot. we went back to the hotel and ate all the power bars I had intended to eat earlier in the day. we ate the king-size kit-kat bar, and the planters peanuts, from the honor fridge. we called domino's and had them bring a disgusting, rubbery extra-large pizza, which we devoured in minutes. I was super dehydrated from the pizza sodium and the dozen drinks I must have consumed and I felt like utter shit. we watched tv and slept badly in the room that I had bought on priceline but written to the hotel about, to make sure we got a view for our special night. |
I only have one fantasy about being a bride and that is, if I have to walk down the aisle, I want to play "The Imperial March" from the Empire Srikes Back. At first that was a joke, part of the star wars themed wedding idea that I tormented my mother with, but its becoming more and more appealing. Actually, the more I think about it, I could have something "prettier" for right before the ceremony, like Yoda's theme to give hints to those in the know. I can just see the look on my cousin's face right as he figures it out. |
for the procession, we had a friend arrange ravel's "bolero" for vibes, flute, cello, and whatever other instruments his and our friends ended up playing. I think there were five of them. each time the music repeated, a new instrument would join in, and another person/couple would start walking down the aisle. and then for the recession, our friend arranged and they played a satie piece I had never heard before. it was real nice. I want to think of a new name for here. |
Ardea herodias fannini The great blue heron is adapted for year round living along Puget Sound. It wades in shallow waters, forages in eelgrass meadows, hunts small mammals in fields, and nests in large shoreline trees. Great blue herons nest in groups called "heronries." Some heronry locations along the Sound include Samish Island, Camano Island, and Hartstene Island. |
p.s. congrats! |
heron (from Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary ) (Lev. 11:19; Deut. 14:18), ranked among the unclean birds. The Hebrew name is _'anaphah_, and indicates that the bird so named is remarkable for its angry disposition. "The herons are wading-birds, peculiarly irritable, remarkable for their voracity, frequenting marshes and oozy rivers, and spread over the regions of the East." |
and im not sure how eva braun is pronounced and your other reference is lost on me. but the E is long as in Adam and Eve EEEva, not EHva or AAAva. |
cyst, i want to see your wedding photos please. sounds like a great wedding. did you have a band play any music at the reception even if there wasn't dancing? when i get married, i want all of you to help me plan it. if i had such great ideas like the imperial march i wouldn't need your help. dave wants to rent the upstairs of Tipitinas in new orleans (where he worked for 5 years) for the reception. |
What was the name of the restaurant we had brunch or lunch at, Sarah? was it the Gumbo Shack or something like that? I'm sure it had gumbo in the name, but it sure wasn't a shack at all. it was GREAT. Gumbo hut? hell if i know. my advice is that live music is great but avoid "wedding bands" at all cost. AT ALL COST. |
music at the reception was the sad thing. we had a friend make us tons of wonderful mix CDs to play at the wedding. then we found out during the reception that the old stereo could not handle CD-Rs. music ended up getting played, records of the father of the groom, I think. I was unable to take charge of that situation. that sucked. I love the name eva! I was actually a big proponent of that name when my friends were waffling. this was just a silly movie earlier this year: I think hitler's wife was AY-va. I could be wrong. |
sarah's talking wedding! |
yeah, probably prematurely, but i don't care. and jack, i hope you know you'll always have a place in my heart. cyst, here's one of my email addresses. |
Apparently, after hearing him at his grandmother's, this little guy now asks for Bob Marley by name. Play Bob Marley! Play Bob Marley! Then one day he was playing with his animals and started making them dance and he started singing, "get up stand up stand up for your rights" and another day he was singing, "stolen from africa da da da da america" I thought it was adorable, but she was actually a little concerned about what kind of impression this might have on pre-school/kindergarten teachers. Or what parents would think if their kids came home singing "Buffalo Soldier" and asking what "dreadlock rasta" means. She's also sick of Bob Marley, so I suggested some p-funk, if nothing else, George Clinton kind of looks like a muppet. |
. Beautiful. So happy. |
i didn't wanna be a pest, but let me on this bandwagon? |
i love littlescreamer. i love that you wore dark red sandals more than i love that you probably wore them to compliment his dark red shirt. is that your brother in your family shot? he's a babe. |
thanks nate |
thanks, sarah and tbone. I bought the dress from a woman I know, who made it, and when I tried it on, she's the one who said I should wear red sandals and a red bead necklace with it. the red fabric for the shirt was chosen later. my brother used to be cuter. when we were little, he could talk anyone into anything. he was totally brash and charming and fearless. when he was like 5 he would ask counter girls for pastries, and they would just give them to him. you'll be a beautiful bride, sarah. I think you should wear a sleeveless dress to show off your hard-won yoga muscles. as my wedding approached (and I stepped up my weight-lifting), it was reassuring to think that, if nothing else, my arms would look great. |
helen and her dad live on that sailboat. they're going to be leaving town in a couple days, which is sad for us but happy for them. |
holy jeeezis christ! she got so old and so big!she's gorgeous! |
huh? what are you talking about sem? |
I was acting like you were talking about dave (in the background). They're not all winners! |
oh. sorry. so that's dave back there? neato! |
they start smoking so young... |