I'm on vacation from paying attention. Do any of you guys still listen to Air America Radio? Rowlfe had it on for a month straight before the election, then the next day....i haven't heard it since. It is just 24/7 screaming and sobbing or what? I'm scared to even load it. We've got our own problems over here. The conservatives are using some scandal to call the Liberal government into question and call another eleciton and hope that they win control. And then the whole gay marriage thing will blow up because the conservative leader is so obviously a robot with his DEAD EYES. This puts me (and many) in a nasty position. If there's another election this year, do i vote Liberal- like i have to, or NDP- like i want to. At that point, why the fuck not? The government will be in chaos anyway. So fuckkit. gah. Anyway, there's a new pope now and he's got a cooler name than the last one. Let's all take heart in that. |
I've never listened to Air America. It's still propaganda. |
I made Mark Riley laugh and that made my day. Patrick, I love how you can say you've never heard something and completely dismiss it at the same time --how very spunky of you. Anyway...yeah, some of it's whining, some of it sounds more or less like a liberal "party line," but some of it is actually informed and intelligent. Imagine that! Personally, I like the way that Randi Rhodes lays out her analysis. I don't always agree with her, but I think she does a good job of setting up her argument and laying out evidence. She references a lot of *primary* sources, C-Span and actual legislation, rather than just rehashing news stories. I also like Mike Malloy because I love his voice--the mellow Mike and the aggro, psycho Mike. |
but not terribly entertaining. I find Jerry Springer's voice annoying and his analysis boring. It's all really about entertainment for me, which is why i like Morning Sedition. I get my news first from Yahoo! and then I hit the BBC and buzzflash. I read, The New Republic (sometimes), and the Rude Pundit for opinion and criticism. I don't have to be as well rounded as I used to be. |
Just because Im a whore, doesnt mean I like to be called one. |
rounded as I used to be." Speaking of Time...did anyone read the Time bit about Ann Coutler? I only read the Rude Pundit's rant, which was hilarious. |
being such. Especially when some of it can be really provocative and engaging. Though talk radio can be really annoying just because. i don't really see what the Time photographer did that was so would know better than I. To me, she looks the same as she always does, except leggier. Is that even a word? And her shoes are hideous. |
for those who havent seen it |
frankly, i don't care if it's biased. i like the bias. there's absolutely no hope that the mainstream media will do to this administration what they did to clinton, gore and kerry. they're fully in the pockets of the republicans, who are giving everything to the corporations as fast as they can before it all falls apart. so it's air america or nothing at all. |
looks like a boy buggerer. |
wisper, I think that if everyone who wanted to vote NDP just did, they'd probably end up winning. but nowadays people vote Against a party rather than For one, and who wants to chance the conservatives getting in? so even though I want to vote NDP, I will be voting liberal. |
heh. the comparison was all over. it's true too. |
I'm glad he's an old fart, so the Family Guy "Pope" routine still fits. |
looking. |
did anyone see the fear factor where they had to eat bull balls? |
I asked my friend "what the fuck is blip-hop" and he burned me the CD. |
i just had my first *acting* job. i got to play a researcher in Emory's archive studying original Flannery O'Connor type-scripts on how to be a writer. i'm awesome i'm also a big dork |
are you going to this? the secret is out. he's lee papa. english professor at the college of staten island. i kinda wish he stayed incognito. but, since my illusion was shattered, i'm gonna shatter some of yours. that is, if you didn't already know and/or couldn't care less. |
Mike and the aggro, psycho Mike. " i love it when he quacks over scott mclellan and when he impersonates bush, sounding like an irritating 6 year old. fucking cracks me up. gawd, i'm a dork. |
what were you googling to get sorabji? i only see it up top when i google stuff like "agatha fluffah" "rtc industries" "payphone" "iqbal khan" "witchfest shithead" "jack is fat and gay" "blindswine" "chosen one flatulence" etc. |
jack, you should bookmark the rude pundit. humor, insight, assfucking. it's a beautiful thing. |
i've never been able to habitually read blogs. i'll try to give it another shot. |
I think the funnest Google thing that happened here was Spider told a story about a boy she had a crush on in highschool. A few years after she posted it, the guy showed up in the thread and said hello, after he found his name in Google. I can't imagine how freaked she must have been. |
ie. dave agatha nate |
does droopy + your name return a sorabji page? |
shit the droopy principle? sounds as prolific as wwnd |
sorry jack. | naked pictures droopy,is it correct Lapis does nude snowboarding? if so,can you post the pics?...I mean,she posts that she thinks she is a bit boreing and dull,but I dont ... |
A distant cousin of mine has recently contacted me based on something I wrote here, I'm sure based on a google search. That's been cool, because she's created a family tree involving my mother's mother's mother's family, going back to the 1700s, and all that information is new to me. |
Um, you know what I mean. |
Yes. |
heartbreaker. |
You bitch! |
hey, dave: today's review |
| even reading between the lines of some of the favorable reviews, sounds like the show might have been a bit disappointing to me. i really, really like his political analysis. his conclusions are generally impeccable, even if and especially when he arrives at them through scatological and irreverent simile and metaphor. blow up dolls, to me, cheapen and diminish the effect of the message. too easy. too obvious. |
Plus, I was laughing at droopy's need for the parenthetical. How else would I have blown him off, huh? |
I just got off the phone with my car insurance people, and it turns out that because of my recent birthday, total lack of any tickets/fines/collisions, and because i finally got my full license years ago but forgot to tell them... my insurance is going down. DOWN down. When the guy punched it into the computer he started laughing: it used to be $120 a month, and now it's going to be 27. dollars a month I asked him to repeat that several times. Sometimes it's good to be a female i guess. |
When I move zip codes my car insurance changes. Seems to me, you pay according to where you live and local statistical data on traffic accidents, theft etc. |
well alright then. i should be the one apologizing then. sorry. |
But, insurance for people in urban areas, like PATRICK! would be even more expensive if it weren't for people like me in rural areas, who subsidize them. I think they passed that law around 1996. I wish I could remember what it was called so I could point you to it, in all it's unjust glory. They were going to raise premiums in the cities and the insurance companies had a hissy fit about it. As a result, everyone's premiums went up...and the premiums of those in rural areas went up even more to compensate for the money insurance agencies weren't getting from people in the city. It just pisses me off because I happen to think that you should pay prices based on your location. And should not be paying for idiots who live in other locations and apparently don't know how to drive. (That last wasn't aimed at you Patrick. Just your fellow city dwellers.) I think my car insurance is exorbitant, especially when one considers that I have a clean record and almost never drive. But you can still apologize if you want. |
There was also prop 103, which was hailed in urban areas because of skyrocketing insurance rates. Let us agree that some kind of insurance reform was needed, because rates were getting crazy statewide. However, the end result of the passage of the act was that since insurers were no longer allowed to "discriminate" against consumers in higher risk areas, they had to raise rates in others to make a profit. Take at look here and read this exact line on the first page: "RATES WILL INCREASE by an average 22% for two-thirds of the states drivers, according to the State Department of Insurance, because PROP 103 eliminates rating based on the driving safety record of your neighborhood and forces suburban and rural drivers to subsidize motorists in high-risk areas." Is your insurance more expensive than mine because of where you live? Yes, it probably is, but not excessively so, because of measures like 103. I would imagine that we drive different vehicles and carry different types of policies, so it would be difficult to compare ourselves directly. But is my insurance MORE EXPENSIVE THAN IT SHOULD BE because insurers are not allowed to charge city dwellers a rate which is deemed "excessive"? Also yes. I believe that people who live in high risk (i.e. urban) areas SHOULD pay more for their car insurace. The worst thing that could happen to me is a cow collision, not a freeway pileup, and I think that should be taken into account when issuing a policy, personally. So, uh, I humbly submit that's it's time for you to.... EAT HOT FUCK! |
do i get to eat more hot fuck because it could arguable that city dwellers eat more hot fuck in general? i think so. |
That's funny! I don't understand the whole "hot fuck" thing. |