Romainian Lounge Music Worst music you've ever heard: Romainian Lounge Music
Fluff on Friday, November 27, 1998 - 04:37 am:

    The worst music I ever heard was my bud's band that played at his wedding. They were this cheezy-ass Romainian polka band that tried to play grunge covers all night long. It sounded like Soundgarden and Weird Al Yankovic had a fight, and Soundgarden was murdering Weird Al with a blunt rusty steak knife.

    To top it all off, they all had crummy polyester suits, greasy hair, and they left fuckin' grease stains on everything they touched.

    If Romania ever wants to secede from the US, I will be the first one voting yes.

By Mel on Friday, November 27, 1998 - 11:41 am:

    I'm with ya Fluff! Fuckin' Romania...worst state in the Union.

By Swine on Friday, November 27, 1998 - 04:43 pm:



By R.C. on Friday, November 27, 1998 - 08:50 pm:

    Sounds like the treatment for an indy film: Gen-X -America-meets-20-something-Romanian-illegals sleeper. All you gotta do is set it in Baltimore or Pittsburgh/find the Romanian version of Adam Sandler to cast as the dissolute Eastern Bloc Slacker/& you'll be the next hot-young-thing in Hollywood. Esp. if you finance yr film w/money earned by taking exhorbitant fees from poor Eastern Europeans to smuggle them into the country/then pay them all twice the Union rate once you sign a 3-picture deal w/Miramax. (And be sure yr contract states that Bob & Harvey buy you the reception hall where the band used to play.)