Please Help! I heard it on a damn commercial/but I don't know the name of the cut or the artist! What song or tune is going through your head right now?: Please Help! I heard it on a damn commercial/but I don't know the name of the cut or the artist!
By R.C. on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 07:53 pm:
    The vocalist sounded familiar/as in "I've heard her before but I don't own any of her music". I think it was a Hallmark commerical for Mother's Day cards. A young boy brings home a card for his Mom from the old neighbor woman across the street. And there's a very distinctive female vocalist in the background singing "And I can't let it go like that... I'll be there for you." (Which has nothing to do with the action in the commercial/but go figure.) The vocalist sounded so much like a girl I knew in college who had such an amazing voice... Now I can't get that jingle out of my mind! I'm hoping it was her & she finally got a record deal. (There oughta be a wdbsite for questions like that! ASCAP or somebody shd put up a page for music searches from commericals.) But in any case/if anyone knows the name of the artist or the album that curt is from/pls. post it here or E-mail me

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 08:28 pm:
    Oh goody. I love a good challenge!!!

By CarrieAnn on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 06:57 am:
    *bangs head on monitor* I know I know this... because I just read an article or heard something on tv about this very thing. Famous singer who also did/does Hallmark commercials! Oi, now this is gonna bug me til I remember...

By R.C. on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 11:36 am:
    Alright, real me if you must, Carrie. But if it turns out to be that same girl who used to sing at the club my boyfriend spun at back during schooldaze/& she's famous now/then it'll be a big fat raspberry for you!

By Harass6969 on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 03:36 pm:
    Michael Jackson. Hes desperate!

By CarrieWithTheCreamyCenterAnn on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 08:59 pm:
    Oooh raspberry? Speaking of which (hehe) I had this fabulous chocolate mousse last night for dessert (took my mother out to dinner for Mother's day). Velvety smooth chocolate mousse, a layer of toffee pieces in the middle, a dark chocolate cookie crust, little dallop of cream on top and sitting in a swirl of raspberry sauce. NUM! I had to bring home half of it though because it was extremely rich.

    Not that this has anything to do with your quest for Miss Hallmark, but just felt the need to share. :)

By WC on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 01:11 pm:
    Hey, does anybody know what that track is on the Gap commercial with the break dancers("Khakis groove")? It's a tight cut!

By Chordata on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 03:41 pm:
    I don't often enjoy commercials, but I have to say, that Gap one is pretty sweet. It makes me want to take a Ballroom Dance class.

By Christopher on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 08:41 pm:
    It's pretty neat the way they do that freeze frame, where the camera rotates around the frozen dancers for a couple seconds. They did it with high speed still cameras lined up in a semi circle, all connected to shoot at the same time.

    And the guy in the black Tee who dances first is a total stud.

    By the by, I think the music is by Joe Jackson. I'll confirm , next time I catch it.

By Pete on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 10:47 pm:
    You noticed that too, eh Christopher? Very hot looking, isn't he?

    Almost makes me wanna shop at the Gap.......

    (Joe Jackson??? Maybe....could it be something he wrote specifically for this commercial? The music didn't ring any bells for me, although I must admit I haven't bought any of his albums since Laughter & Lust in '91)

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, May 17, 1998 - 12:16 am:
    Ok, I've seen this commerical but have not taken notice of the first dancer. I will be sure to be alert next time. Also trying to visualize Joe Jackson. Unfortunately, the only image that comes to mind is that of Michael, and Tito's father. Somehow I don't think they are one in the same.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, May 17, 1998 - 12:17 am:
    Oh, and R.C.? I'm still trying to find out about the Hallmark thingy... I have an email out that I'm waiting for a reply on...

By WC on Sunday, May 17, 1998 - 03:15 am:
    Hey folks,
    I see you guys thought I was talking about the Gap commercial with the swing dancers. I was not! I meant the one with the BREAK dancers. Although I do like the one with the fancy camera work. I was just curious if anyone knew what that track was. To make sure we're on the same page. The comercial I'm talking about features a guy on one hand at the end. =)
    That reminds me, I need a new pair of khakis...

By R.C. on Sunday, May 17, 1998 - 03:46 pm:
    (Thanks for yr help Jim!)

    But I really thing the music from those GAP commercials was done on spec for the ads. I'm not the Queen of Housemusic or anything/but the track on the Breakdancing ad sounded pretty generic. And if they sampled someone else's work/whomever owned the cut wd've demanded mad $$ for the use of their music.

    I also really dog the one with the bladers & boarders (or whatever they're called). Break- dancing is kinda tired/except as a novelty thing.
    Or is it back in style at all the clubs now?

By Slacker on Monday, May 18, 1998 - 12:04 pm:
    clubs are still in style, sayeth i the caveman.

By R.C. on Wednesday, May 20, 1998 - 05:22 pm:
    Ta Daa! Jim came thru for me & found out the name of the charming chanteuse from the commercial. (Which just goes to show ya -- stereotypes are rooted in the truth. Becuz gay men really DO know everyone you'd ever want to meet.) Here's a copy of his missive:

    <<On May 12, 1998 10:22, Jim wrote:

    Wanda, darling,
    The mother's day commercial with the little boy bringing a card to the elderly woman accross the street from his Mom, who sings the song in the background and what is the name of the song? I simply MUST know.

    Toodles, Jim>>


    Hi Jim,

    I'm glad that you enjoy our commercials! Our products and advertising programs are sources of great pride for us, and we're always pleased to learn they've brought enjoyment to others as well.

    We recorded the music for that spot on our own and at our request. The song has no name and is not available to be purchased. The music
    was written by a man named Steve Mullen at Steve Ford Music in Chicago. It was recorded by a young lady named Susan Calloway.

    Your message will be shared among those who create our commercials so they can also enjoy your comments.

    It was good of you to write us.


    Jan Scott, Consumer Affairs>>

    (I mean/did she gush, or did she GUSH?)
    Thanks again Jim! In a better world/I wd be able fire up my private jet/pick you up from whevever you call home/& we'd fly to Chicago to locate Susan Calloway/where I wd offer her a lucrative contract with my hugely succesful record label.

    But all I can do is go in the kitchen/nuke some leftover chicken wings for dinner/& watch Sinatra's memorial service. *sigh*

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, May 20, 1998 - 06:25 pm:
    R.C. honey, you are a riot!!! Um, and, no Ranch dressing on my wings ok? Just extra salt...


By Pete on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 06:30 am:
    RANCH Dressing on chicken wings??? Now if these wings are of the Buffalo variety, everyone knows the only proper dressing is BLUE CHEESE....sounds gross maybe but try it.

    And btw.....shit! shit! shit! Someone won Powerball and it wasn't me. *SOB*

By R.C. on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 05:57 pm:
    Yes dah-lings -- only Marie's Blue Cheese dressing will do. But they weren't Buffalo Wings I was re-heating -- just plain old Mom's fried. However/the addition of Tabasco sauce is a MUST.

    And 5-will-get-you -0 that guy from Wisconsin who won the damn Powerball is a 66-yr-old dairy-farmer with a shriveled-up wife/& neither one of them cd spell Veuve Cliquot if their lives depended on it! Why can't sexy, young single things ever win the lottery?....

    (Gosh, I'm ugly when I'm jealous...)

By Pete on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 09:40 pm:
    Most of the big Powerball jackpots seem to be won by Wisconsin dairy farmers. Why is that?

By R.C. on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 10:27 pm:
    Becuz God loves dairy farmers.
    Without them/where wd Ben & Jerry's be?

    I heard on the news that they're retirees. Which is probably why they took the lump sum pymt. -- - they ain't bettin' on being around another 25 yrs. But I wd've taken the 80 mil. gross too. Even with a 34% tax hit/you still walk away with over 52+ mil.

    Oldsters get ALL the damn breaks! I agree that "Youth is wasted on the young"/but wealth is DEFINITELY wasted on the old.

By Markus on Friday, May 22, 1998 - 02:03 am:
    It's all part of a fix by the powerful, mysterious dairy farmer mafia. Don't screw around with those guys, man, or you might wake up some day to find that quart of 2% in your fridge has gone slightly off.

By R.C. on Saturday, May 23, 1998 - 12:25 am:
    I'll take that over BGH-riddled milk anyday. You can't even find non-hormonal milk in the reg. supermarkets now. And any US-made cheese is suspect too. Altho' B&J's ice cream proudly displays a "BGH-free" label. Which is why I've dropped Hagen Daaz & switched exclusively to B&J's.

    It infruriates me that in the freest nation on earth/you can't get additive-free foods w/out
    paying a fortune for organics in a specialty grocery.

    How'd we get on this topic anyway?

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 03:25 pm:
    Forget about Gap's ads, have you all seen Docker's Khaki ads with the guys and their ironing boards at the beach. Talk about WOW!!!

By Christopher on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 03:54 pm:
    I like lots of bovine growth hormone in my milk. It gives me the privelage of swelling up to 3 times my normal size when I get angry.

By Pete on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 04:00 pm:
    But think of the drawbacks....getting really angry (say at Oatmeal Boy) and getting ready to let loose with some choice 4 letter descriptives of said Oatmeal Boy and his genetic lineage, and all that comes out is "MOO".

    That would suck and really wouldn't convey the proper image, now would it? "Shut the hell up you stupid, *urp* Moo-er".

    No, not at all.

By Pete on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 04:01 pm:
    But think of the drawbacks....getting really angry (say at Oatmeal Boy) and getting ready to let loose with some choice 4 letter descriptives of said Oatmeal Boy and his genetic lineage, and all that comes out is "MOO".

    That would suck and really wouldn't convey the proper image, now would it? "Shut the hell up you stupid, *urp* Moo-er".

    No, not at all.

By Pete on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 04:03 pm:
    Oh shit.

    OK, I'm ready for my punishment for posting twice.

    Do I have to bend over?


By Jim aka SpankyBoy on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 04:14 pm:
    Ok, Pete, over my knees, pants down, while I pour milk all over your cute little butt.


By Pete on Friday, June 5, 1998 - 09:47 pm:
    The name of the song in the Gap Khakis Swing commericial is "Jump, Jive an' Wail" by Louis Prima (Christopher was probably thinking of Joe Jackson's Jumpin Jive album).

    The music in the Gap Khakis Rock commercial is by The Crystal Method.

    The music in the Gap Khakis Groove commericial is by Bill Mason.

    You can see them here.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 10:49 am:
    I think Gap oughta win the best commercial award for their commercials... what is it? the Obie?

By Szabo on Thursday, July 30, 1998 - 03:13 am:
    sorry to intrude on you guy's ever going thread but I was surfing the web looking for MP3 files of this song 'jump jive an wail' but it was just recently covered by The Brian Setzer Orchestra. pretty kick ass I think. oh well sorry to interrupt y'all..just surfed on in by accident looking for music.

    peace and chicken grease

Germy on Saturday, October 10, 1998 - 05:57 pm:

    Hi, I'm new, but came across this page on a search engine. The Gap websote lists the Khakis groove song as being by Bill Mason (as mentioned in an earlier post) but who the hell is this guy? He doesn't show up on any search engines, and I've heard the song sampled by some DJs (Fatboy Slim, for example). So complete information remains a mystery.

By R.C. on Saturday, October 10, 1998 - 06:56 pm:

    To the best of my knowledge/the "Jump, Jive & Wail" cut featured in the Gap ads is The Brian Setzer Orchestra's cover of a Louis Prima tune. (Setzer performed it an the MTV awards -- with 1 of the couples from the commercial.) But I dunno who the composer is.

    I am DEFINITELY all abt this swing/lindy hop craze. But however does one find a partner to take lessons with? My Mom's sister used to be a lindy hop feind/or so my Mom says. But auntie lives in Balto. now, so...

By L.P. on Saturday, October 10, 1998 - 08:40 pm:

    The version on the Gap commercials IS the Louis Prima version. L.P.'s music is being re-released, and is available everywhere.

By Wondering on Friday, June 25, 1999 - 08:47 pm:

    does anyone know the singer in the GAP soul commercial? or is soul the same thing as the GROOVE commercial? Then that would be the Mason guy.

By The Watcher on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 01:45 pm:

    Does anybody know what that haunting song is they used in the "Friends" commercials.

    I keep hearing it in the grocery stores and the radio. But, I've never heard the name of it.

    My wife would love a copy of it but I can't find out what it is or who did it.


By J on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 02:30 pm:

    Do you mean the theme song? I'll be there for you by the Rembrants.

By The Watcher on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 02:43 pm:

    I don't think so.

    My wife checked it out, we never got into Friends, and she said the song in the commercial is not the theme of the show.

    I've only heard it on the commercial and radio. And, I haven't been able to pick out any lerics. It sounds to me like women chanting. It has a very haunting melody whatever it is.

By Dougie on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 02:52 pm:

By Spider on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:03 pm:

By Dougie on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:10 pm:

    Nah, Watcher, don't believe her. It's my babes or the highway, babe.

By J on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:18 pm:

    Know I know who it is Watcher,it's Enya and the song is called Only Time,that's it for sure.She's Irish,I like that song too.

By J on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:19 pm:


By Spider on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:23 pm:

    Hmph. My babes are hotter.

By The Watcher on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:34 pm:

    J, you are absolutely correct!!!

    One of the ladies I work with knew it right away.

    And, she even played a clip of it for me from the Best Buy site.

By Dougie on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:35 pm:

    Hmph. Watcher didn't fall for my album.

By J on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 04:11 pm:

By J on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 05:47 pm:

By patrick on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 06:46 pm:

    are you kidding me J? that had me and some of my gay co-workers in stiches.

By J on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 02:10 am:

    Right on,maybe I can send it to Jimmy Sue,even my s/o was in tears and he thinks I'm immature.I laughed my ass off.

By The Watcher on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 02:27 am:

    J, you are immature.

    But, that is what we love about you.

    Don't ever grow up!!! :-)

By Dougie on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 09:33 am:

    That last one was great J!

By patrick on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 12:14 pm:

    J, you'd be surprised. gays have more a sense of humor of themselves than you realize. they have to in this day an age. something we opressing white males and uptight ultra-feminist should take note.

By J on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 01:19 pm:

    Oh I know that Patrick,Brucifer and I always swap gay jokes the dirtier the better,not limited to only gay jokes just all round tasteless. It's just that Jimmy Sue's s/o is rather reserved,when Czarina was out here last time we all got together at Jimmy's and his s/o was mortified when he caught us telling shit stories in the back yard and he was freaking that the neighbors would hear. I wouldn't want him to open it first.Also I notice that Brucifer like hetro-sexual men seems to be facinated with lesbians.

By eri on Friday, September 13, 2002 - 12:23 am:

    My best friend here is a lesbian/bisexual and her best friend who we hang out with is a gay man in the military. There are hillarious jokes and stories that go around. My gay friends are just blunt when it comes to discussing sex and it is not only hillarious but very informational. Besides, you should see us at the strip clubs. By the end of the night we all have audiences. You'd think it was something amazing but it is just a woman giving a woman a lap dance.

By KIM on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 11:49 am:



By D on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 09:56 pm:

    Kim, you might want to contact the Hallmark website, or just go to your local Hallmark store and ask for the Hallmark Telephone number. Hope this will help you?

By jinx on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 10:37 pm:

    you could check this site.

By D on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 10:24 pm:

    jinx, please e-mail this to kim...