Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs (Yellow Sweat) What song or tune is going through your head right now?: Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs (Yellow Sweat)
By One of the Truckdrivin Neighbors on Saturday, June 20, 1998 - 10:55 pm:
    by beck
    off mellow gold
    released 1994
    good song
    "vietnam vet playin air guitar . . ."

By Frau on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 02:12 am:
    when i left slo a friend was figuring it out so that his band might cover it.


By OotTN on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 08:57 pm:
    what's slo? and btw, i have the tab for it, so if your friend still needs it, i could give it to him.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 1, 1998 - 02:43 am:
    san luis obispo.

    no. they just figured it out from the song. they're cover turned out really coo.

By Weeble on Sunday, February 14, 1999 - 07:22 pm:

    are you bellyflopping naked in a pool of yellow sweat?

By Six years behind the times on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 11:38 am:

    That song is going thru my mind right now too.

    "Oh my goodness"

    This song fucking cracks me up like a motherfucker.

By semillama on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 12:33 pm:

    A year between posts.

By agatha on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 07:35 pm:

    that'd be two years, sem. dork!

By semillama on Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 09:00 am:

    I'm making up for all the people who though last year was the beginnning of the millennium.