More More More - Andrea True Collection What song or tune is going through your head right now?: More More More - Andrea True Collection
By Nelly on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 10:52 am:

    specifically, the lines

    "get the cameras rolling, get the action going"

    and the part near the end of the instrumental break where the horns drop out and it's suddenly just piano and percussion.

    It's all I can do to keep from dancing in my cubicle right now. Help me.

    Anyone notice the prevalence of thread titles of 70's disco tunes under this heading?

By HaHa on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 12:20 pm:

    I thought you were refering to that one Dr Pepper jingle, "Give me more, more , more, of the Dr pepper taste I've been looking for..." That stupid jingle gets stuck in my head every time I hear it. Oh, great there it is again. GET OUT OF MY HEAD, AHHHHHHH! I'll be alright.

By Chosen One Returns on Saturday, December 18, 2004 - 04:42 pm:

    Andrea True was a far better porn star than she was a singer!ehehe She exuded raw sensuality at every SHTUP!ehe -D, NYC "I think of music as Jewish because it's dramatic, it's intense, it has a certain passionate lyricism to it. I can't imagine it written by a Goy" - AARON COPLAND ("Dean of American Composers" - umpteenth sweet, legendary Jewish composer from NYC)

By V on Saturday, December 18, 2004 - 07:14 pm:

    Hi from v.