Silk Road What song or tune is going through your head right now?: Silk Road
Carrot on Monday, March 22, 1999 - 02:13 am:

    Silk Road by Kitaro.

    No one I know listens to new age music.

    Come to think of it, I'm the only guy on the floor, in the dorm, or probably on the entire dang campus that would even consider listening something that could be described even semi-accurately as "Air Pudding." It would offend their delicately tuned palette, which consists of recycled alternative slop and other various neuron-frying volume-enhanced c-r-a-p. Not to be cynical about it... :)

    So I don my headphones, lean back in my chair, shut my eyes, and enjoy what everyone else is missing.

    No one likes it but me... which is a bonus.

By Gee on Monday, March 22, 1999 - 07:25 pm:

    I'm tempted to like it just to tick you off.

    I am just that mean!

By Megadeth on Monday, March 22, 1999 - 08:09 pm:

    I'm not a guy, but I'm an uberWENSCH (macho to spare), and I have listened to and enjoyed Silk Road. I went through a Vollenweider (sp.?) phase, too. I finally settled on Jarre as my fave (ZooLook kicks much ass).

By Ugh dumby on Tuesday, March 23, 1999 - 03:15 am:

    Jarre.... Nope
    uberWENSCH... Nope
    Silk Road... Nope
    Vollenweider... Nope
    ZooLook.... Nope

    anyone feel like translating???

By Pedant on Tuesday, March 23, 1999 - 12:02 pm:

    (1) Jean Michel Jarre, a "new age" musician
    (2) uberWENSCH = feminist play on Nietzsche's notion of the overman, der ubermensch
    (3) Silk Road, an album by new age musician Kitaro
    (4) Vollenweider = new age musician Andreas Vollenweider
    (5) Zoolook = one of new age musician Jean Michel Jarre's albums (he is best known, I believe, for his album "Oxygene."

By Trevor Hickson on Thursday, May 20, 2004 - 07:20 am:

    Hi Friends! I would like to invite fellow Kitaro & Jarre fans to visit my own home page. I hope to release my first public album in October. I don't intend to copy these Masters, yet I'll not deny that I am greatly influenced by their sounds. I hope you will see my work as similar, but with it's own qualities and appreciate it as a seperate entity. Check it out at: