has anyone ever heard of this? i am curious to hear who has and what they think of it. maybe some bjork fans have heard it. bu then again maybe this will goabout as well as my other posts and no one will have anything to say. except about something else of course. then there is my challenge. come and talk completely off subject. or don't talk at all. |
that bit about being spoken around and not to happens to me too. fuck it nearly god, does that have stuff by tricky on it? i think i checked that out from the library recently. have you heard grassroots? |
unless you're patrick. then you have a response to just about everything. and that's ok, too. |
(kisses) |
lovely weather. lovely. get out of my tutu. no. don't eat the bacon. |
I will ask my music guru friend if she knows of it. |
dave clean the kitty box |
Sorry Kymical, I would speak to your subject but I don't know the CD you're talking about. But I can talk extensively about near God experiences. Of course, they were drug/alcohol/hormone induced so I don't think they really count. |
If A, please supply B. If B, please supply A. |
it ucks. but what i eant was check out track 2 and 3. i think the band i nearly god and it i elf titled. |
"if the ladies think i'm stuck up i tell em' shut the fuck up." it is a very beautiful song and i don't mean that sarcasticaticly or anything. it is really a beautiful song. it has bjork doing vocals...a nice sound. speaking lyrics...maybe you can help Mr. Biro. there is a lyric that goes "what i don't know about love technique, you can scribble in biro on the balls of your feet." what exactly is biro? |
up a little late last night? |
right as i came out this other guy was waiting to go in. now he thinks i laid the meat and potatoes smelling dump that has the whole place stinking. i wanted to say, "hey it stinks in there but i didn't do it" but what would he think of that. would he believe me. does it matter? thing is, if i had laid that smelly dump, i'd enjoy letting someone else walk in there after me to get reeked out. i wouldn't care if they thought it was me. maybe i don't want to take credit for someone else's stink. ya'll know where i'm coming from with this. don't deny it. |
the bathroom is a very peaceful place. cold porcelin, the sound of water. as fa as the c.d. is concerned. i will give it back to him if he notices it is gone. and since i will be living with him in a few months i figure i will put it back then and take some other c.d.s he has that i am interested in hearing. i am the greatest friend ever!!!!! |
i lived with a girl for about three months one time before i took a dump at her place. she had a nice bathroom to take a dump in to. little window to look out of, nice and cool. i used to work with this guy who stunk and was just an overall gross motherfucker. i hated thinking about his hairy ass sweating all over the toilet seat i was about to sit on at work. |
can anybody guess the total? |
but that's including markers (82) sharpies (24) uni-ball (37) pilots (35) gelly roll pens in assorted bright, glittery or matallic hues (32) and seven miscellaneous generic pens. i wish my name was biro... |
i have one that i've used for years now. it must have little fornicating ink elves inside it keeping the ink supply flowing. |
maybe i should change my name to ... PENny? haa ha haa haa! |
(insert evil evil laughter here) |
cockney rhyming slang puzzles me deeply. sometimes i understand it, in moments of extreme lucidity, but usually i feel frustrated and stupid. biro-i will send you a purple pen. email me lulibird@teleport.com |
how bout pen and teller? |
http://www.bio.nrc.ca/cockney/srchdict.html |
biro-you should tell me where to send this lovely purple pen.... |
i clicked on your name up there and nothing happened. mavis p.s. a pen and koalas, all in one?!!!! lulibird@teleport.com |
I've been using an old funky fountain pen from a calligraphy set. Currently, it has purple ink in it. I love it. |
so naughty! |
DUH....... am sitting in a wet bathing suit with the fan blowing on me...... must take a shower and get rid of the sand. Isolde, purple pens rule! I cannot write worth a damn with black ink biros, blue is okay, purple is the best. Blood red, nah, skip that one. Black pens are Allan Border, I now need to band of hope, do my barnet fair and boat race, then British Rail my brother. LOL |
are crazy for pens than most of us realize or admit |
when those gel ink pens were first around a couple years ago, i bought every color. the ones that are the most amazing have multiple colors inside each ink barrel, so each mark you make is a slightly different hue. i do a lot of letter-writing and journaling and drawing. a pen is a gal's best friend! black extra fine point pens have been my favorites for writing since high school. |
my bad. |
later in the dream, all these people were fucking and had these wads of paper clenched in their hands. it was awesome.... |
Everybody has a weird day Deal with stress in your own weird way I'm fine. If it weren't for mp3's I'd never have known the glory of Sifl n' Olly, and thus would never have purchased their CDs. And so, the cycle of nature is complete. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyPXwH6m8Hs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upQum89yKsU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fosRg8AC3-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N-Ovue5c_4 |