you gave me a mountain What song or tune is going through your head right now?: you gave me a mountain
Phil Turnour - Melbourne Australia on Thursday, February 7, 2002 - 09:47 pm:

    I found this site whilst trying to locate the lyrics to this Elvis song. I used to play drums and guitar for an Elvis impersonator in Melbourne Australia (my home town) and I always dug this tune for its bizarre grandiosity. I did a search on Google and it brought me to the payphone project. I actually work for for an organisation that has a lot to do with the provision of payphones in Australia (its actually a broad telco industry mob but my team is directly involved in payphones) so I found the link interesting. The link was to a page about payphones used by Letterman. I "got my head on" Letterman whilst standing outside the Ed S. Theatre in 1995, so the coincidences keep on piling up. Australia never saw Letterman when he was on NBC but I had a look at a book of his top 10s from that period and they were much better - the one I remember is from a list called "The Top 10 things that would have been different had Ken Burns' Civil War series been on NBC" - "General Sherman arrives in Atlanta in a car that talks to him".
    By the way, if you want to know more about payphones and me, please email me at