Dee Dee Bridgewater, The Best Female Jazz Vocalist Now What song or tune is going through your head right now?: Dee Dee Bridgewater, The Best Female Jazz Vocalist Now
Tetsuro on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 05:39 am:

    I love her music, I love her blues and I also
    love her style. Her new CD Title is "This is
    New". Check it out! I think she is one of the
    very best singers in our generation. Her Live
    Performance is also great! Check out her tour
    date at http://www.hopper-


By Tetsuro on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 10:36 am:

By Emilie on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 04:45 am:

    hi ! my name is emilie I am french. I've just looked at dee dee's website and I found it so great! I don't know if anyone can help me but I would like to have more information about dee dee bridgwater. If anyone can also help me to search for phone numbers of her fans.How many fans does she have? What is the phone number of her fan club? I would like to register fir her fan club but I don't know how to do...A last question: does anyone kow about another artist that sings jazz but who is not already known? please give me their names! I am really interested in dee dee please help e-mail is thanks!! emilie

By Dinah Vinson on Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 03:57 pm:

    Wish to know more about her.

By Tetsuro on Saturday, May 7, 2005 - 11:58 am:

By V on Saturday, May 7, 2005 - 03:50 pm:

    ...we have more trolls than you can shake stick at,enjoy! Im watching "Buffie"...look,if "Sorabji" had more female vimpire slayers in it,then I would post more.