The security was so lax! How nice it was not to be patted down or strip searched. Perhaps that led to the nice vibes and the strong smell of ganja floating around all day. First up was Rooney, which was having electrical problems, but I really liked them. Nice throwback sound, kind of Beach Boys meets the Ramones thing. Then the Donna's, which I liked before the show, but don't really like anymore. They were aweful! They need to practice, or at least dump the bass player, who didn't seem to be on the same stage as them. They played "Strutter" by KISS and fucked it up badly. Definitly should be forced to play 2nd stage and let the Belly Dance Superstars take their spot. That shit was RED HOT! Amazing, sexy mutli-cultural erotic dancing is something I very much enjoy. Jurrasic 5 was next and really got the crowd rocking with great stage presence and props, including a giant turntable as a back-drop. High energy with talent. Plus, I know they went back stage during the dj'ing spotlight and smoked, then came back and rocked again. Totally great real old-school hiphop. Then Queens of the Stone Age, which the crowd went nuts for. Josh came out and slurred "Immm soo fukinnng druunk!" They rocked the place like it was the bowels of hell for an hour, with a special appperance by Mark from the Screaming Trees, who has an amazing stage presence. The new drummer is awesome. Then Incubus, which was nice, but mellow. The new bassist used to play guitar in the Roots. Very talented vocalist also, who got one of the biggest pops of the day when he took his shirt off. Then Audioslave. Holy shit! Amazing, amazing. Much better then the record, which I love. Chris Cornell had me singing at the top of my lungs the whole show.I was crying during parts of the set it moved me so much, like during "Like a stone" which they dedicated to the late Jeff Buckley, who played the Marcus with Soundgarden a few years ago. They covered "Super Stupid" by Parliment and "7 Nation Army" by White Stripes. Juanes Addiction was everything I wanted too. Perry pranced around and jumped off the drum risers in a silver suit. Dave was wearing purple robes and they played Ocean Size and My girlfriend, ending the night with 15,000 lighters extended and singing along to Jane Says. Wonderful times. Plus, you've never lived until you'vce heard that many people all say "Yaaaaah!" like the guys from Crank Yankers. |
I did go see Les Claypool again with my brother, and decided it would be silly of me to ever miss a chance to see him play ever again. My mega concert tickets for the summer are maxed out with the 2 Iron Maiden/Motorhead/Dio tickets I bought for August 9. Although now Kazoo is making noises like she doesn't want to go. Which will make me sad because I don't know anyone else who would go with me here. |
The new Metallica album doesn't really suck either. Not as good as the Voivod album,of course. |
I don't know how anyone can watch Dio, Iron Maiden or say...Halford/Priest and not laugh hysterically. Its so silly. |
I like the new Metallica songs, but wish they weren't recorded on a boombox with a cheap mic. P.S. My new band is covering "Breaking the Law" and it rulez! (Yea, I spelled it that way on purpose). |
Associated Press NEW YORK - One of Sharon Osbourne's dogs was eaten by a coyote - and husband Ozzy Osbourne managed to save another dog from a similar fate. Sharon Osbourne said her Chihuahua, Lulu, was killed when coyotes hopped a fence at their house in Beverly Hills, Calif., Us Weekly reported. She said they tried to get rid of the coyotes by throwing a barbecued chicken laced with poison over the fence, but the neighbors removed it. The coyotes attacked another dog, Pipi the Pomeranian, the one who was, ahem, dognapped last year. Sharon said Ozzy heard the screams and fought to get Pipi out of the coyote's mouth. Pipi had successful surgery, and now the Osbournes bring the dogs inside at night. Meanwhile, Ozzy Osbourne was a no-show at Saturday night's Ozzfest concert at the new White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Wash. There was no official explanation why Osbourne didn't perform, but front man David Draiman told the crowd, "Keep Ozzy in your prayers tonight. Let's hope he gets well soon." Osbourne, whose family life is the subject of an MTV reality series, "The Osbournes," was reportedly recovering from laryngitis, which had caused him to miss a few previous shows. The Ozzfest Web site said Osbourne's doctor had ordered him to rest his vocal cords. |
he lives a modest life with his partner in San Diego. They're really into the leather scene I understand. |
I wonder if he still has his dragon stage prop.* *the dragon stage prop was part of a tour in the eighties, where this dragon would come out on stage and Dio would fight it with a laser sword. |
the pixies? NO WAY!! if they did and it wasn't very good i might cry. i saw a BBC piece on them that was fantastic, even Bowie loved them and he spoke so eloquently. grr. |
its such an old hat. did the clash get back together when strummer bought the farm? im so skeptical. as i understood when the pixies broke up, frank black and kim deal could no longer DEAl with each other. a reunion is suspect. is deal still a junky? |
Kim was always my favorite Pixie. But if the whole band made music together I would be very happy. If we got sued for using E and F power chords, then you would sure have a hard time playing any rock or metal song, but that sounds like bullshit to me. Plus, were they the first band to ever use those chords? I don't fucking think so. Sabbath? Zep? |
and the Metallica thing is one of those internet jokes. |