I loves me some "Farscape".
A says he's glad to be here
B's chasing storms in the lightening state
where every day above ground is a good day
and life is great
A's got cocaine body
B's got a benylin brain
A knows he's gonna be somebody
B don't believe in fame
and all our time slips away
and all our time slips away
A's got a girl for each season
B's got a mail-order bride
A knows he's headed for salvation
B's afraid to die
If Hell is in the detail
Babe, I'm a microscope
I know I'll live to see you swinging
Given enough rope
and all our time slips away
and all our time slips away
A's growing tired of conversation
he's ready for his final scene
B's wistling "Hotel California"
still living out the dream
here we are together
let's roll the dice just one more time
odd number says we walk away, now
even says we die
don't wanna die
and all our time slips away
and all our time slips away