"Sweet Holm Alabama"

sorabji.com: What song or tune is going through your head right now?: "Sweet Holm Alabama"
By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 05:56 pm:

    ...by Lynyrd Skynyrd,look,you need to hear this before you die,right?...its like sooo awesome,if your on the road before 6 a.m. most days like v,turn it up full blast,"blows your head clean off",as Clint Eastwood used to say.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 06:23 pm:

    ...for me, that tune is the essence of America...unless you know better...git back.

By droopy on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 06:34 pm:

    why, exactly, is it the essence of america (or specifically the united states)?

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 06:40 pm:

    ...mostly droopy,as droopy is the only music expert on line...

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 07:42 pm:

    droopy,v translates from Yiddish/Russian/Lithuanian/Polish/Hebrew to American...thus,to be American is in Yiddish, CHUTZPA,that word means Bastard,fire in the belly,damn you to hell,I will allwas win,....no insult intended,v just posts what he translates for you,nothing else,you ask,v gives...droopy,v just translates for you,v dont take sides.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 08:00 pm:

    ..3 postings back,you slotted in,no problem,but v trusts you did not misunderstand my train of thought.

By milt on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 08:13 pm:

    v, i do believe that your computer is releasing radioactive particles, and that those radioactive particles have completely stunted your ability to formulate ideas and opinions.

By Nate on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 08:15 pm:

    v is polish,,,v is only sane person here. leave v alone. v is as welcome here as any other turd.

By milt on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 08:16 pm:

    i maintain that v is a bore. you too, nate. you're not providing much in the way of worth at the moment. you and v belong together, tied by your silver umbilicus, forever forever, into the great beyond.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 09:41 pm:

    NATE,v is 25% Polish,and v is proud of that,the Polish happen to be the best people in the world,as you well know.

By Spider on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 09:42 pm:

    V is Lithuanian, no?

By milt on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 09:49 pm:

    how can poles be the best people in the world?

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 10:30 pm:

    milt,you know v uses his big fuck off English dictionary lots,and your tag/handle comes up as fish sperm in my book.,how do you explain that? ..take a tip,milt,dont fuck with the Polish,or Lithuanians, or Russians,v is all three.milt?what do you want for new year? virus??? v has 4 types on hold right now,2 from Ukrain,1 from Russia,1 from Cambodia.If your computer screws up,you know why it happend.milt,v will screw your computer,but v wont tell you when.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 10:45 pm:

    Spider,again v posts,v is 25% Polish,25% Russian,50% Lithuanian...v must have posted this 50 times allready.

By blindswine on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 10:55 pm:

    what the fuck is that?
    "sweet holmes from alabama?"

    you having sex with willie brown up there?

    jesus christ.

    and why is nate talking to himself?

    fire the bartender-- y'all don't need alcohol.

    you folks need pharmaceuticals.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:03 pm:

    ...to define it even deeper,all the Poles I meet are nice people,most of the Russians I meet work at a university in Moscow,and the Lithuanians are smart,well dressed,and tend to be snobs,a lot like the Swedish or Germans.

By Nate on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:10 pm:

    you think, swine?

By Iv on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:12 pm:

    I SEE A TROLL DRESSED AS A BLINDSWINE,(the real blindswine died of a S.T.D. years back.)

By semillama on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:12 pm:

    One of the guys that lived on my floor in the dorms during
    college was of Polish ancestry, and he was uncomfortably stupid.
    You know, like how you want to argue against a stereotype and
    along comes someone how exemplifies it.

    How well did he exemplify it? his chosen nickname was "Polack."

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:21 pm:

    Nate,its your turn with the light sabre.

By V on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 11:36 pm:

    SEM,look,the Polish are great people,just go out and meet some,shake hands like I do,meet,talk,eat,drink,just get out more,if v likes all the people I meet, so can you.

By Nate on Friday, December 29, 2006 - 12:24 am:

    if i remember correctly, sem swings a kielbasa betwixt his polish thighs.

    that reminds me, i'm sorry spider. you'll know why when you know why.

By heather on Friday, December 29, 2006 - 04:16 pm:

    that damn shrine again?

    i don't need pharmaceuticals i need the real thing

    vancouver is freakin cold

By Spider on Friday, December 29, 2006 - 07:11 pm:

    Wait. What? Why are you sorry? When will I know why? What? I...I don't...what are...huh?

    I am so giddy and warm right now. I just laughed my ass off trying to play "Catchphrase" with family members of varying degrees of controlfreakishness and neurosis. I don't think they appreciated me laughing at them, but, OH, it was good! I forget sometimes how much fun it is to watch people flip out.

    Nate, you think I'm a control freak, boy, I tell you what, you don't know from control freak until you've seen some of these folks in action. I'm downright languorous and insouciant compared to these poor anal-retentive, massively insecure madpeople.

By Nate on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 12:24 am:

    oh, hit up all our touchpoints of communication and you'll figure it out, spider.

    i don't think you're a control freak so much as i think you obsess over things of which i find no consequence. inconsequential things, i guess

By ... on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 02:38 am:

    "massively insecure" sounds like an oxymoron. like "jumbo shrimp"

By Spider on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 04:26 am:

    "majorly insecure"?

    "grossly unstable"?

    "if their psyche was a house, its foundation would be made of fern and set in sand"?

    Nate -- I see. I see a lot.

    Surely you see that the things I worry about are of consequence to me.

By Nate on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 05:35 am:

    i'm sorry spider.

    and, sure. but, outside of my realm of thinking there is nothing. it is black and white for me. even the grey areas aren't really grey. they're just shifting between black and white.

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 04:23 pm:

    nate,use the light sabre,now..nate,v happens to like you,,use the Star Wars Kid site if you have to.

By Spider on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 06:54 pm:

    Everything is grey and black to me these days. (Why, even you! Heh.)

    One thing is white: my cousin's dog Junior is the cutest frakkin' thing I've ever seen in my life. He's a mini pinscher, and he's fat. His little body is shaped like a plump potato, his neck is thick, his eyes are round black buttons set in a tiny face, his limbs are spindly, and the slope of his shoulders is rounded like a bulldog's or a muscle man's. He's so cute I could roast him and eat him for supper.

    Everything else: grey and black.

By Spider on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 07:16 pm:

    Ooh, I found an old picture of the little dog. And my brother. The dog's a lot fatter now, and my brother has a mohawk.

    Well, he thinks it's a mohawk, but it just makes him look like Rickie on "My So-Called Life."

By jack on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 07:37 pm:

    nate, that's some good advice from v. use the light saber. use the star wars kid if you have to.

By droopy on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 08:13 pm:

    maybe "precariously insecure". i like "massively..." because it suggests weight. to paraphrase baudelaire: if you would not feel the massive burden of insecurity weighing on your shoulders and crushing you to the earth, be drunken continually.

    woke up a little before six this morning. the first thing i noticed was that my cat had deposited some kind of vomit hairball at the far end of my mattress near my right foot. after cleaning that up, i went outside for a second to get some clean, cold air. i noticed that one of my neighbors had left a lot of trash strewn about from their party last night. there was a "twenty-four + 4" case of samuel adams lager just sitting out on the grass. ever hopeful, i checked inside; it still had 20 beers inside it and an unopened bag of corn chips. it is now in my refrigerator.

    i got a fender acoustic for christmas. i haven't owned an acoustic guitar since my drummer left the last one i owned out in the rain in 1994. thanks to this thread, every time i pick it up i have to play at least a bar or two of "sweet hole alabama".

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 09:27 pm:

    droopy,if you can play a bar or two,I bet you can can play the whole lot if you try,my last acoustic warped its kneck,and strings would bust at 6 a.m.,on the dot,,,JAAAAAAAAAAAANGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!,sounded like the beginning of "hard days night" 6 A.M.!...and I wish I could play the guitar side of "dueling banjos",but my fingers tend to bleed,,,yeah,an its "sweet holm Alabama",not "sweet hole Alabalma"....part from that,I can post one of jacks vids online http://ebaumsworld.com/starwarskidclones./html

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 09:48 pm:

    ..odd,got a vid of Saddam being hanged,why?...all I did was a check??? ...Jeez the web has gone wierd tonight.

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 10:25 pm:

    ...fucking sick,Saddams head at 45 degrees to his body? W.T.F. is going on? and you see him drop as well?...v had no intention to post that,no way.DONT click on the yellow.

By milt on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 10:44 pm:

    yeah droopy, it is sweet holm alabama, not sweet hole alabama.

    or, i think it is sweat mole alfalfarama.

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 11:51 pm:

    droopy,I think that tune was inspired by "Werewolves of London" 1978,by Warren Zevron,"Sweet holm Alabama" must have come out in ,72/73? A-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!,"WEREWOLVES OF LONDON!,,,,,,wish I could find a site so I can hear it again...look,why dont they play REAL music on the radio anymore?,all I get is that black rapping bullshit.,look,just give me a fix of Steve Miller,Eagles,Guns an,Roses,Sex Pistols,Hendrix,U.2..etc..

By lapis on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 11:53 pm:

    ghost town blog.

By V on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 11:56 pm:

    ...watch out for the tumbleweeds...

By milt on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 12:06 am:

    everyone is laughing at you, v. not with you.

By V on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 12:23 am:

    ...like v says,you translate milt to English,comes out as fish semen.Hows your fan club going?...still 0 members?

By jack on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 12:47 am:

    aewoi4r a8t heazr89 asfd4w asdf werthu 434wh9 dhs 48gh safjk4 atjta9 asjh49 sadh43 hsa ahds hasd tg4t gwbd jduf hjerut hdsuih bhd hsdfj, shdfuew gafd gfgg, awfuisd, abd aufse.


    afgjgh dgh ghd84 qle qoi fjgdg. afuta thsuet wetbhg ghwuewi, and tweoitg0 fjdsi wkjd whe wehn. askdj i aew 2w3e 0 sof #*$LE FHF( #(#(. AF0 28 42508 HSFOIH AFS0934.#*$% $(%*@# @_ks akfhi wuhw, a f2ows woei. sfko ww lklk oi09 lkf2 lkaf. asf3 e4wj hsdjh cmn mnc sxaohi. sxoi vjiowav ocx. sfvio oidv aoivh voi.


By milt on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 01:24 am:


By jack on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 01:44 am:

    ok, i just read some of this thread and damn! how is it that i didn't get called a bore? you fucker! nate and v are bores and i'm not? how do you figure that?

    jack = a bore
    jack = bore
    jack = bore-ing

    how bore-ing? really bore-ing!

By milt on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 02:16 am:

    it is the dark glass through which we view you, jack. you are intriguing in your obscurity.

    fish sperm

By Spider on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 02:23 am:

    Jack, was that some sort of Zodiac Killer-esque manifesto? Should we be concerned?

By Nate on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 02:57 am:

    jack's gibberish used to make sense to me. i think he changed his cipher.

    speaking of changing ciphers, i've been experimenting with my diet again.

    plus: mania. hooray mania.

    jack, we're all bores here. everything floats. i don't know why any of us bothers anymore.

By jack on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:07 am:

    no need for concern, though your thoughts are always more than welcome, spider.

    jack's manifesto:

    jack = bore-ing!

    i don't know about that dark glass obscurity shit, milt. look, jack is fat and gay. and he won't admit it.

    so. new year. what's everyone doing?
    i was seriously thinking of proposing a bar crawl to mt but then got invited to something worthwhile....maybe next year.

By Spider on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:09 am:

    Because we love the suffering?

    God knows, I do love the Baileys. I've had two tumblersfull tonight. Has anyone tried the caramel edition? I was warned away from the mint, but the caramel sounds good.

By Spider on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:12 am:

    Oh, that was for Nate.

    I find New Year's Eve to be the most depressing day of the year, so "celebrating it" is like a torture. But my favorite aunt and I have plans to go find some high place and watch the fireworks over Las Vegas.

By jack on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:15 am:

    oh, yeah. nye is almost always something to be endured rather than celebrated.

    sipping on the bailey's, eh?

By Spider on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:36 am:

    I was. :)

    What exactly is a serving size of Baileys, anyhow? My folks always served it in one of those tiny liqueur glasses -- you know, like shot glasses but with a stem? Those. But lately, I've been seeing folks pour it into tumblers. I think I've had the equivalent of an six- or eight-ounce glass (there were ice cubes involved, so factor that in).

    Eight ounces sounds like a lot to me, so I don't know if that's right.

    I like white russians, too.

By ... on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 03:56 am:

    New Years is my favorite holiday. No politics, no religion, just an arbitrary day that everyone can agree on. Jack, an LIC/Blissville pub crawl? Do my eyes deceive me? Are you flirting? You fat gay paunch-slapping tease-poke!

    I am spending New Years with the same mass of alcoholics with whom I spent much of the last 3 years. I like them and they don't seem to mind me.

    I am blasting out Rachmaninoff's 3rd Symphony (his whiniest) on my new iPod (thanks Mom, you really surprised me) and I want to make a case for being the boringest bag of hammers out here. Rachmaninoff is buried up at Kensico in Valhalla (same as Ayn Rand) and I might drive my dad's car up there the next time I climb out of bed before 1pm.

By Spider on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 04:35 am:

    I am blasting out Rachmaninoff's 3rd Symphony (his whiniest)
    Oh, you. :) When you call Rachmaninoff whiny, I believe you.

By droopy on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 04:11 pm:

    i might go scottish this new year's eve. i've been reading about "hogmanay" ("any suggestion that it means 'all men drink like hogs' is Sassenach slander") in the british online papers. here's a description from one:

    Hogmanay is about darkness. It is a ceremony based on the three "Ds": the dark, the devil and the dram. That is why a proper Scottish New Year does not start until midnight. The previous hours are spent lining the stomach with heavy food and non-alcoholic beverages, such as wine, so that the innards are fortified against the onslaught of the whisky bottle.

    Then midnight strikes: the blackest hour, when the forces of darkness dominate. How to repel them? Strong drink, strong men, who go in procession from house to house, bearing bottles of whisky and lumps of coal. The darkest-visaged is chosen to put the first foot across the threshold, so that, however black the features, it will be a friendly first foot — and not Satan. The first foot's lump of coal is a harmless addition to the domestic hearth, not fuel borrowed from the infernal furnaces.

    So Hogmanay may have some tenuous links with Christianity. It appears to draw from the two elements which the Scots always found most inspiring: hell fire and the devil. In the spirit fired up from eternal conflict, the Scots spend the first six hours or so of the New Year keeping the de'il at bay with their equivalent of a crucifix and garlic: whisky. The word "whisky" is a corruption of the Gaelic for the water of life: its vital function on New Year's morn.

    After a rest for sleep and rehydration, Hogmanay resumes around lunchtime on January 1, just to ensure that the devil has been kept off the premises. In recent years, January 2 has also become a virtual holiday in Scotland and one can understand why. It is not actually known as liver-function resumption day, but that is the general idea.

    This is not to say that there will be no hangovers in England this Tuesday. But there is a crucial difference. A hungover Englishman is merely a victim of overindulgence. A Scots hangover is a war wound, mightily earned in a desperate combat with the hosts of hell.

By Antigone on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 04:49 pm:

    This new years Marci and I are taking care of her sister's children. My mom and stepdad are having a jazz combo party. They've invited old jazzers from the Dallas area to come over and improv. Should be fun. We're going to drag the kids over to give them some music edumacation.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 08:50 pm:

    Antigone, I was in Mesquite for our Christmas Vacation, well it was windy on Christmas day, and then it rained other days ago, My brother in law took me to his work where i can go around the aircraft, took a closer look at the engine, walked under the wing! I never been around the aircraft. He said they are inspecting the aircraft whatever if it is safe to fly again.
    But it is so crowded to go around Dallas. But, I was alright when I went back to Tennessee to see other relatives.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 08:52 pm:

    V, thanks for the gross clip of Saddam. They couldn't show it in the network ,fear of conflict of revenge.

By Antigone on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 09:12 pm:

    We spent 31 hours going from Knoxville to Dallas. (Storm canceled our flight on the 29th. Ended up going Knoxville->Atlanta->Birmingham->Dallas) The capper was when we got back and were trying to pull through the parking gate at DFW terminal B. The gate wouldn't open. Wouldn't accept my parking ticket, but worked fine for others. A guy from the airport staff had to come out and open the gate. Took 30 minutes.

By V on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 11:16 pm:

    Dr,Pepper,happy new year...it was just wierd the way Saddams kneck being busted came up on line,we must have been some of the first in the world to see that,I hope you were not offended?...all v was trying to post was "werewolves of London"..Warren Zevron,1978.

By V on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 11:39 pm:

    jack,if v & Nate happen to be the "most boreing people on line"...how come we have a thread a mile long?,and you dont?....jack,most nights you just post like the gay boy pervert you are,admit it.

By ... on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 02:22 am:


By V on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 09:33 am:

    ...If you dont care.piss off.

By jack on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 02:12 pm:



By Dr Pepper on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 06:52 pm:

    Antigone, sorry, I forgot to tell you, I was so glad to eat Mexican food at ElFenix. I loved putting butter on corn torilla. yum yum, that tacos , yum yum, cheese(melt) on chip with jalepenos, yum yum. uhmm

By Dr Pepper on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 06:55 pm:

    V. Happy New Year, I was some what curious but, do not want to have anything to with it about to see the Video.

By V on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 07:27 pm:

    I also have the video.

By blindswine on Monday, January 1, 2007 - 08:59 pm:

    a few weeks ago a form came across my desk with the words "CONSENT TO CARE" in bold type for the header.

    consent to care.

    it's both ridiculous and completely appropriate.

    filling out a form to request consent to care.

By sarah on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 01:59 pm:

    Dropped acid, Blue Oyster Cult concert, fourteen years old, and I thought them lasers were a spider chasing me.

    On my way home, got pulled over in Rogersville, Alabama, with a half-ounce of weed and a case of Sterling Big Mouth

    My buddy Gene was driving, he just barely turned sixteen.

    And I'd like to say I'm sorry, but we lived to tell about it.

    And we lived to do a whole lot more crazy, fucked up shit.

    And I never saw Lynyrd Skynyrd but I sure saw Molly Hatchet, with 38 Special and the Johnny Van Zandt Band.

    One night when I was seventeen, I drank a fifth of vodka, on an empty stomach, then drove over to a friend's house.

    And I backed my car between his parent's Cadillac's without a scratch.

    Then crawled to the back door and slithered through the key hole, and sneaked up the stairs and puked in the toilet.

    I passed out and nearly drowned but his sister, DeeDee, pulled me out.

    And I never saw Lynnyrd Skynnyrd but I sure saw Molly Hatchet.

    And the band that I was in played "The Boy's are Back in Town".

    Skynnyrd was set to play Huntsville, Alabama, in the spring of '77. I had a ticket but it got cancelled.

    So, the show, it was rescheduled for the Street Survivors Tour.

    And the rest, as they say, is history.

    So I never saw Lynnyrd Skynnyrd but I sure saw Ozzy Osbourne with Randy Rhoads in 82 right before that plane crash.

    And I never saw Lynnyrd Skynnyrd but I sure saw AC/DC With Bon Scott singing, Let There Be Rock.

    With Bon Scott singing, LET THERE BE ROCK!
    With Bon Scott singing, LET THERE BE ROCK!
    With Bon Scott singing, LET THERE BE ROCK!

By droopy on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 02:02 pm:

    that post should be set to music, sarah. if you don't do it, i will

By sarah on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 03:14 pm:

    dude. Drive By Truckers.

    most important new band of the decade.

    (sorry swine. TVOTR might tie for that spot.)

    droop, email me your mailing address. someone just gave me a copy of one of their best live shows from 2004 at this bar called Ziggy's. it's not a soundboard copy, but it was recorded by the band's light guy. i'll mail it to you. you must have it. must.

    btw, i'd love to hear you play your new fender. you ever consider nylon instead of steel?

By droopy on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 03:35 pm:

    i was unfamiliar with drive by truckers. a quick googling says their a psychobilly band - sort of like reverend horton heat with more guitars. good enough for me.

    i don't know your email address. you can email me.

    never really considered nylon. the blues sounds better on steel. i might get a second classical guitar, though.

By sarah on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 06:46 pm:

    i'm such an ass. i'm sitting here googling images of the dbt so i can make a cover for the CDs, and all this time i have like 50 photos of them that i took myself when i saw them at Tipitina's in new orleans a couple years ago.


    anyone else want cds? dave.?

By agatha on Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 11:52 pm:

    I love that song. I think we have every Drive By Truckers, but I'll let Dave answer for his own self because I'm too lazy to check. I don't think I'd call them psychobilly. They are more like classic rock a la lynyrd skynyrd or creedence.

By sarah on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 04:34 pm:

    agatha and dave...

    Patterson from the Truckers is doing a solo gig on september 6th in seattle, at the Tractor Tavern.

    he'll be here for ACL fest. i hope i'm still on my feet by then.

    crowes are coming september 5th. i don't want to be overly optimistic, but i so want to get tickets, even though it's general admission. i'll be 32 week pregnant for the crowes and 33 for ACL fest.

    am i crazy?

By agatha on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 11:41 pm:

    No. I went to see L7 and the Lunachicks when I was about 8 months pregnant. People will be respectful as long as you don't try to get right up front near the mosh pit.