Me and Mr. Hohner What song or tune is going through your head right now?: Me and Mr. Hohner
By J on Friday, January 29, 2010 - 03:10 pm:

    Another song my husband doesn't remember and I can never forget is Me and Mr. Hohner by Bobby Darrin.I was thinking that would make a great rap song,then I thought that WAS a great rap song.I could only find a band that did a cover of it on YouTube,but I hope this clip from Amazon works
    Here's the lyrics
    Me and Mr. Hohner

    Standin’ on the corner

    Not doin’ nothin’ to no one.

    When a squad car stops

    And out jump cops

    You one of them, if I ever saw one.

    Wonder what I said

    As my face turned red

    Up against the wall, says the tall one.

    That’s a cute mustache

    Have ya got any hash?

    I’d like to make a buy, says the small one.

    Now da whole thing’s silly

    But I’m starin’ at the billy

    Quietly askin’ myself now will he …

    Use that thing

    To make my eardrums ring

    It’s all a bad dream

    And I’m in South Philly

    Now tell ‘em, Mr. Hohner …

    Me and Mr. Hohner

    In Yuma, Arizona

    Tryin’ to hitch a ride to Denver.

    Well, out of a toll

    Comes the highway patrol

    To check up on my gender.

    Is it her or him

    Or maybe Tiny Tim?

    Now up against the fence, says the dense one.

    You have picked a bad spot

    To smoke your pot

    Whatcha gonna do two against one?

    Now da whole thing’s silly

    But I’m starin’ at the billy

    Quietly askin’ myself now will he …

    Use that thing

    To make my eardrums ring

    It’s all a bad dream

    And I’m in South Philly

    Now tell ‘em, Mr. Hohner …

    Me and Mr. Hohner

    Relaxin’ out at Kona

    Hawaiian sun can be groovy.

    When a pair of MPs

    Yell out, freeze!

    And I think I gotta part in a movie.

    Hey! I’m talkin’ to you

    Tell me what did I do?

    You’re a draft card burner, says the thin one.

    We can tell by your looks

    That you read too many books of wars

    And that’s because ya ain’t been in one.

    Now the whole thing’s silly

    But I’m starin’ at the billy

    Quietly askin’ myself now will he …

    Use that thing

    To make my eardrums ring

    It’s all a bad dream

    And I’m in South Philly

    Now tell ‘em, Mr. Hohner …

    This pretty much sums up 1969.

    It never got much radio play,but I liked it.I was too young to know Mr. Hohner was a harmonica.

By Danielssss on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 - 12:46 pm:

    ah 1969, graduated high school and left for Indiana, what an interesting year. Got drunk every day that summer, dated a girl named Cindy who scooped ice cream 6 miles from my house, thought I was in love. Started college the furthest away scholarship I could get. Met my wife to be the first days of college and didn't date her for another three years. Drank consistently to stay warm in northern Indiana.

    And I tried and failed to play the harmonica. Mr. Hohner eluded me. I think it was the booze or perhaps the lack of musical talent or both.