so she finally takes a shower gets all mde up wich took so long that all the food ahd to go back in the microwave to be heated!wich didnt make me happy due to the fact id been trying to hurry her up all night! but i didnt say a fucking word i was calm and cool even though i feel that it made the food taste not as good might as well ate a tv dinner! anyhows i got done and got up i wanted so bad to go turn my computer on and play some counterstrike but knowing from past experiances that that got me nothing later in bed! so I started cleaning up! we were done with dinner and went into her room where imidiatelly she starts asking if i knew the name to this rod stuert song which i haver no idea i listen to metal! so she goes to her computer and starts speanding time trying to find the name of this song all the time im just sitting there! so then she thinks her computer has a virus so she starts telling me she doesnt know how to fix it but it needed to be done right then I tell her dont worry about it come over here where i was sitting on the bed she still kept on fucking with her computer. so i told her just turn it off and turn on the radio cuz this isnt fun or fair that im just suppossed to sit here and watch her tweak on her computer for who knows how long! so i say again just turn the motherfucker off! she turns around and starts going off saying stupid insulting shit to me so i get up and walk into my room ! after cooling down for a while i came back into her room and got into the bed and watched her taking pictures of herself ! she admitted this morning she knew what i wanted and was waiting for but she would be damned if she was gunna get up and do something that would make me happy! aNYHOW i ENDED UP FALLING ASLEEP AND GETTING NO PUSSY WHEN I WOKE THIS MORNING I TRIED TO PLAY WITH IT ONLY TO HAVE MY HAND PUSHED AWAY!THIS FUCKING COMPUTER OF HERS IS MAKING ME SO SORRY I EVER HOOKED HER UP WITH IT! I was wondering , I want to get even with this bitch for insulting me and thinking she xcan do what she wants butif i want pussy i need to behave and do what she wants while she does what she wants too! help me and tell me how can i sabotage her computer to look like it was just one of those things happening? or how can i find a virus i can sneek into her computer that would destroy this fucking pain in my ass? |