reliving my misspent cyber-youth. What are you doing here?: reliving my misspent cyber-youth.
Tom on Sunday, June 7, 2015 - 02:48 am:

    Reading this site again is like seeing an ex
    girlfriend after many years and realizing you never
    actually understood her at all. I haven't posted
    here since 2000, and I was never really central to
    the narrative, but it's still fantastically and
    somewhat perversely nostalgic.

By ... on Monday, June 8, 2015 - 01:01 am:

    i was a member of a dialup BBS in the early 90s
    -- ~1992-1995, I think.

    people said a lot of stupid things. anger,
    twitchy rage, hatespeech, putrid flames.

    the owners of the BBS were rabid drug addicts.
    one of them reportedly went from weighing a
    scrawny 115 pounds to something like 225
    muscleman bulk in less than a year, then
    deflated back to a normal 150.

    everyone on the BBS was fucking everyone (myself
    included). early adapte/ors. twitchy, non-techy
    types who somehow managed to configure Trumpet
    Winsock and screech their way on to the freakin'
    Internet before it was capItalIzed. no one had
    secrets in this environment because no one knew
    what "Internet" meant: NETWORK OF NETWORKS.
    none expected their erotic fantasies or detailed
    accounts of blowjobs performed on fellow BBS
    members screenname:x/y/z to go beyond the 12
    people who subscribed to the "Poetry" forum of
    the BBS.

    fast forwared 20 minutes and the Internet became
    mainstream. a lot of folks on that BBS lived
    (and continue to live) in genuine and well-
    earned fear that archives of what went on there
    will one day wash up on text files sites or
    Usenet or on the New York Times best seller

    some of the forums did land on text file sites
    but what shows up today is harmless.

    when the meltdown finally came the owners made
    what was to me a surprisingly poised executive
    decision -- surprising considering what freakin'
    cokehead nihilistic steroid inhalers they made
    themselves out to be.

    the boards were destroyed. annihilated as best
    could be done in ~1997, when the BBS closed. the
    owners ritualistically deleted every word, then
    physically destroyed the hard drives which
    housed them.

    i had no respect at the time for how those guys
    operated their BBS but i respected their move
    to simply destroy what trace of it they could.

    before insignificant cultural transgressions by
    insignificant people went "viral" these guys saw
    what reputations and professional lives would be
    destroyed if the content of that BBS reached
    beyond its intended audience.

    as well, this "poised" decision came from no
    lack of self-interest. lawsuits, public
    shamings, and reddit lynch mobs (even before
    they existed) lurked like ambitious zombies
    starved for insignificant brains.

    (if i had an editor this screed would contain
    fewer uses of "insignificant" but i should pile
    it on to reflect my disdain for the
    gratuitousness ease and unintended effectiveness
    of contemporary public shaming.)

    the owners of that BBS put their disdain for the
    paying customers aside, explicitly choosing not
    to loft said customers' stupidities into orbit.
    i have always admired that.

    discussion threads from those days occasionally
    barf up in appropriately confined contexts of
    those who (still among us) contributed to them.
    a lot of people have died or disappeared, and
    one day our reputations will no longer matter,
    and no one will care.

    until then, the secrets are safe. it is like a
    thickness of thieves.

    i hope the same stays true for whatever the hell
    went on here. like you, Tom, I was never central
    to the narrative.

By droopy on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 01:19 am:

    i had read this thread early this morning. now, at
    close to 11pm central time, i can't see any of the
    text. so i'm doing this from memory.

    when i started posting here--maybe around 1999--i
    just assumed that everything i wrote would
    disappear forever the next week, month, or
    sometime soon. i've never been particularly
    hateful or sexually perverse, as far as i can
    judge. stupid, of course; and i suppose it's
    possible that some sentence of mine somewhere on
    these boards could be tweeted, facebooked, or
    somehow transmitted across the world and ruin my

    not that there's much of a life worth ruining.
    which gives me a sense of security.

    i remember ...'s story about those bbs-ers of the
    ancient past who had manually deleted all their
    data and took sledgehammers (in my imagination) to
    hard drives. last night i had some strange dreams:
    a combination of illness, alcohol, and a radio lab
    episode on sleeping (and dreams). tonight i might
    dream a twilight zone sort of dream...this 21st
    century world in stark black and white...where the
    people of the earth start destroying drives, data
    and all memory of computers.

    not to be a luddite. i just have a healthy fantasy

    either that or i'll dream of bronze birdmen. there
    are about eight bronze statues by a mexican artist
    named jorge marin currently dotted around the
    city: in parks and squares and other outdoor
    public spots. one of them looks like he wants to
    carry me off. they just came here from dallas;
    antigone has probably seen them.