them to perform certain functions or shall I say role performance.The spouse becomes the maid; he or she cooks, clean, wash clothes, runs errands, feeds the animals, takes out the trash, ends up watching the children most of the time, and so many other servant duties. I personally find marriage to be a legal form of slavery. You end up being held accountable for all of their faults and short commings but of course you will get praised from time to time but the majority of your time will be spent offering servant "maid" services to your spouse. You may even end up with a spouse that wants you to pick up the parenting where their parents left off. This type leaves your home a mess or often moves you in with his or her parents; remember she or he doesn't want to grow up. He or she can be 50yrs. still living at home with mom and will move in with yours if they'll make their life real easy. These are only my opinions but I believe that others will agree more than disagree. My opinion is marriage is a legal form of slavery just look around at the married people you know and tell me if marriage doesn't set you back more than it does freeing you. |
spouse is in to legal slavery of the mind; demanding you act one way in public and another at home. This is madness, some evev beat up their spouse if they don't do as their told. That's right if they get out of line they get smacked or any other cruel punishment. Remember their spouse doesn't respect nor value their opinion or them. It's all about do as I say or feel my foot in your butt. This is only my opinion based on things that I've seen happen in other peoples marriage. Slavery is wrong get so self-help or outside help if you find yourself with a master instead of a spouse and for God sake don't accept it even if you're not married and are a live in couple. They don't change for the better, their behavior worsen with time. Even though they'll tell you that they promise things will change, good luck if you fall for that one. been there and done that and I refuse to go back. |
So kill yourself already. |
feeds the animals, takes out the trash, ends up watching the children most of the time, and so many other servant duties." Well, the fact that you allow that either the husband or the wife could be the slave with your "he or she" suggests that you believe there is some flexibility in the roles in marriage. So how is it that the slavery aspect is a given? Anyway, John Stuart Mill said it better when he said the family is a school of despotism. |
My mother and father.... I don't know what to make of thier marriage. Dad is afraid of mom, he never stands up to her, but she never be-littles him, at leaste never that I have ever seen. My dad loves her, of that I have no doubt. I remeber one day when I was like 16 or 17 years old, it was a chilly saturday in late fall, my folks were down stairs, and I remember my dad saying "It is cold and I try to snuggle up with you, and you run out of bed like a scared 8 year old". I left the room because it was not propper for me to be listening to that kind of converstation between my folks. I think religion was killing thier relationship. Or at least her interperation of the bible. Then there's eri's folks. He is scared of her, she is NASTY to him all them time. He does not seem to think that there is anything wrong with it being that way. Thank god our relationship is taking it's own course. And it is getting better each day. |
This does not mean that they can not change them. Or, that cercumstances will not change them. When my wife and I got married she cooked, I couldn't even boil water. We cleaned. and, I took out the trash. Today because of her MS I do it all. So the house looks like a dump. And, the grass doesn't always get mowed. And, meals are what ever I can come up with. Big deal. After 28 years, I couldn't imagine life without her. And, I don't want to. |
BTW, my mother had her own problems that contributed to the unhealth of her wasn't all my dad's fault. What I thought she did wrong was not feel lonely, but wait so long to say "I'm lonely," and then say in the next breath, "and I'm leaving." I thought it would have been better to say, "I'm lonely, and unless we work on X, Y, and Z, I'm leaving." Give my dad a chance to change before kicking him to the curb. |
assasinated by the CIA. beat up women. i've heard. |