checkin in again. What are you doing here?: checkin in again.
Jenwren on Monday, April 23, 2012 - 04:37 am:

    it's been 3 years since my last check in. but i never forget sorabji. how is everyone?

By The Watcher on Monday, April 23, 2012 - 04:45 am:

    It's been quite awhile for me too.

    I'm still just as crazy.

By droopy on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 12:45 am:

    worse than ever.

    i remember you, jenwren. but not well. but when i
    saw your handle it made me think of someone who at
    least i believe once posted on sorabji. it was a
    teenage girl, as i remember. the one thing i
    remember was that she claimed to be working on a
    book called "the book of clam." like the story of
    a mollusk told like a book from the bible.

    it probably wasn't you. and when i did a search
    for it, nothing came up. but i swear i remember
    it. it was just something that captured my
    imagination. i once read a short story told from
    the perspective of a tapeworm as a
    religious/philosophical work. i've never been able
    to find that, either.

    perhaps i'm mad.