Write half the big-ass psychometrics paper tonight Mon: Take the dev. cog. psych final. Do the English research Tues: Write the English paper Wed: Write the second half of the psychometrics paper (I need a day's break between all this psych) Thurs: Study for the Greek history final Fri: Take the Greek history final IT CAN BE DONE!! Here are my supplies for tonight (it's going to be a long night): *No chemicals of any kind, save those found in one can of diet coke. *Music to keep me awake: that would be Cop Shoot Cop's "Ask Questions Later" and "Release" (I'll whip out "Consumer Revolt" only as a last resort), Tom Waits' "Rain Dogs", The Stooges' "Fun house", Andre Williams' "Silky", Sixteen Horsepower's "Sackcloth 'n Ashes", Ninja Cuts 2 -- Funkungfusion, and the mother of all discordant cacophonous jumbles...Gallon Drunk's "From the Heart of Town". *Bright lighting *My fuzzy blue blanket because it's drafty in here *My psych sources, all labelled and organized in a neat pile *Motivation This last bit's the key. My psychometrics prof himself says intelligence is nothing if you don't have the motivation. I usually lack it entirely, but I got a big shot in the arm from somewhere today and I'm ready to go. I anticipate reaching the goal of half the paper by 4 this morning. At the risk of sentiment: I just remembered a scene from Margaret Atwood's "The Robber Bride" in which Tony, who amuses herself by talking backwards, is taking a disastrous sled ride with her mother. Her mouth is shouting "No! No!" but her brain is saying "On! On!" I so relate. Let's go. |
I'm pinning all my hopes for this course on the next term when we have a different lecturer. The prof. for this year is a really smart guy, but he's not much of a teacher. in my opinion. Good luck with your plan! I wish I could write papers in one day. (or two days) Seems like my papers get written at the rate of one paragraph per day. sigh. |
i am two days behind on my plan two days i don't have things need to be cut from the plan at least it won't matter after tuesday no matter what- it will be so over then- holiday leaving the papers till later- a frantic week in the future what is with the people that always seem to have everything done on time and get plenty of sleep? |
How cruel of me to rub it in. I'm evil. (suckers!) |
the only solution for my sad plans- no sleep |
New plan: Today: finish the rest of the first half of the psychometrics paper. Do the English research. Write the English paper. Tomorrow: Finish the psychometrics paper. Take the dev.cog.psych. final. Thursday: Study for Greek final. Meet my poetry prof. at 3 pm to discuss next semester's plans. Friday: Take Greek final. This HAS to be done. There is no room for procrastination. But just think how happy I'll be after the Greek final on Friday! NO MORE WORRIES!! Well, actually, yes, because then I know the minute I get home I'll be nagged at by my father about getting a job over break. Last year, he actually greeted me at the door by saying, "OK, now you have to look for a job." That makes me mad, but in such a way that I want to cry. You know? Sometimes anger comes in a rage, sometimes it comes in a dull sick frustration. Well, forget him. I have a week before Christmas. I can help my aunt bake cookies all week. She likes to make like 50 different kinds and send them to all our family members as presents. My uncle always builds these neat wooden boxes to send them in. It will be so much fun to help them. Heather -- I hope everything worked out for you on your project and you can relax now. Gee -- Yay! You lucky dog! Enjoy your vacation. |
In 26 hours, I will be going home. That is the thread that is holding me together. |
And I still procrastinate! |
Be expecting plenty of 3am posts these few weeks. Oh boy, my first college exams. the semester went fast... |
I wasted a lot of opportunities and resources in college. Gah. |
but i will try to learn from your experiences (unlikely, as i seem to have trouble learning from my own, at least in that area of experience) oh well, here goes. the big paper is due monday. |
So after I came home for winter break, I would still catch myself thinking, "OK, from noon to 1:30....oh, wait." It took a while for that to stop. |
what chemicals would these have been, spidey? |
good morning, dave. |
Plus, you know, aspartame, artificial coloring, bubbles... |
blah. i was hoping for some hidden spidey druglife. |
so in the hole i go........... |
it took an extra 24 hours, since i was falling asleep at the computer and asked for an extension so that i would be able to read clearly when i checked it to make sure that it made some sort of sense, grammaticaly at least. extension granted, i slept for 16 hours straight, like a rock according to my roommate... i feel like i already posted this, so maybe i did on another thread... or maybe it got deleted...anyways, i woke up at 10 and finished it, and turned it in. the journal that i didn't write in all semester and that was also due yesterday is not finished, but will get turned in when it is done, whenever that is. same thing for an overdue paper from last week. anyways, tomorrow i will study physics for my exam thursday morning. tonight i will work on my journal, then go to see a comedy improv group as a study break. |
We learn 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see and 95% of what we teach. Students and teachers of physics will relate from their experience that they learn by working problems. They must think to solve a physics problem. Learning requires thinking and the use of the computer can assist in the learning process. The computer is more than a super typewriter, a home based library or a super shopping mall. For the science major to use the power of the computer they must learn to program it. If one writes a computer program to do something one becomes the teacher (the 95 percenter). The book "Physics Foibles" by Melvin Goldstein probes concepts every physics, math and computer science student should know. What is Entropy? What is Godel Incompleteness? What is Heisenberg Uncertainty? What is Chaos Theory? Do we live in a deterministic world? Can a super computer determine what happens next? The book contains more than sixty Visual Basic programs with commented source code listings that examines the above questions and exercises one’s computer skills. Entropy is more than a melting ice cube. I see entropy when I look in my mirror, when I shuffle cards, when the dice roll, when coins are flipped, when I view the aftermath of a hurricane .... etc., etc. Godel Incompleteness, much to my amazement, is generally unknown by science majors. Godel showed that there are problems that cannot be solved by any finite set of rules. John Von Neumann said of Godel, "His achievement is singular and monumental - a landmark which will remain visible far into space and time". Godel Incompleteness is a major commandment in the Logicians Bible. Heisenberg Uncertainty results from the basic postulates of Quantum Mechanics. When the quantum physicists elected to endorse the wave property of a particle they introduced uncertainty, and in doing so could explain events where classical physics is deficient. Chaos Theory is a relatively new to the physics classroom. In the Newton era, analysis was king. All problems would yield to the calculus, given enough effort. Chaos predicts that complex non-linear systems are inherently unpredictable. Small changes in initial conditions produce widely varying and unpredictable responses, allowing the theorist to state, "A butterfly in South America flapping its wings causes tornadoes in America." Heisenberg Uncertainty, Entropy, Godel Incompleteness and Chaos Theory all put limits on what we may know. Understanding these limitations are important and helpful for the progression of all science. To see information on the book "Physics Foibles" please view the following web pages: http://web2.airmail.net/mgold/tst2.htm http://physicsfoibles.com http://www.trafford.com/robots/03-0139.html email questions to the author: bonum@physicsfoibles.com |
"Chaos Theory is a relatively new to the physics classroom." But at least edit a bit before you cut 'n' paste. And I don't think chaos theory asserts unpredictability, just that systems can become very complex, and hence difficult to predict. I haven't studied it for a while, though. I could be wrong. |
I've got 12 hours to put together a design portfolio, and i haven't used Adobe Illustrator in nearly 2 years. I have 3 Zipdiscs FULL of previous design work but they're in MAC format and I don't have a Mac and the guys in my house who do have Macs don't use Zips anymore because no one does. And how the hell do you show off Photoshop ninja skills, when the whole point of photoshop is not being able to tell when something is changed? Also, all my office clothes are rolled up in a ball, in a box, in a closet. I have 12 hours to find a Zip drive or make new work, print it, shower, eat, iron clothes, and lay the fucker out in the god-sent empty portfolio i found under my desk. But its for a salary job. A salary job!!! !!! |
You can do the rest. I trust you. |
I'm right there with you, Wisper. I feel like Rhiannon in the first post up there, micromanaging my time and knowing that I will fail to meet my desired outcome before I even start. Plus, I couldn't just write a paper for this final project. NoOOOO, it has to be a frickin website. Which I don't know how to make. And I hate FrontPage. That is all. |
http://www.mediafour.com/products/macdrive5/ btw, FUCK moneygrubbing mac app developers. that is the most expensive desktop os EVER. |
Actually, the Mail Boxes Etc. across the street had an ancient Mac Zip drive. The guy looked at me funny when i asked to use it. Thank you dave. That will come in handy one day. I ended up getting 10 pages off of the Zips, not bad at all. I had forgotten how good i used to be at Illustrator. *USED TO BE*. It's like riding a bike, i suppose. Agatha! My sistah! i would give my right arm to whip out a webpage right now. I could go to bed early. Front page is ASS! I feel your pain. I use Dreamweaver and Imageready. I will have to bribe someone around here with food or cigarettes to iron my clothes for me.... ...as i apply drop shadows to layer after layer. Everybody loves drop shadows. Yes. Drop shadows are impressive, they are the secret.... drop shadows and layer masks.....hehehe |
Really really well. More later. p.s. It only took me 3 hours to remember that Photoshop is MY BITCH! pss. See how the bottom of the Y fits right into the space between the white blocks?? And the shape of the two red leaves echoes the shape of the Y?? =Compositional orgasm. Total. |