By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 12:19 am: |
Talk about feeling completely violated, unsafe, and jaded towards the world. I suppose I was foolish and gullible for thinking it was perfectly safe for me to be walking around after dark in my own neighborhood. Damn fucking hoodlums! My heart still hasn't stopped pounding feverishly and it's been over three hours ago. *sigh* |
By La on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 02:41 pm: |
never had a face-to-face encounter which resulted in someone taking my stuff, but i did have my car window broken and our carefully concealed purses swiped, apparently only moments before I had shown up and moments after the guy who was watching the parking lot (at a club, John Cale appearing) had gone off duty... i was suspicious of that guy, but what can you do... and i was shaking... and so mad I drove all over the place looking for whoever might have done it and checking every trash can to see if the purses might have been discarded (after they found out the wallets weren't in 'em). $100 for new window. months and months later, the police called to say that some papers (which had no value) of ours were discovered in some abandoned building. The fact that some low-lifes had read through all the junk in the purse weirded me out more than anything... but the thing i really wanted to get back, the purse itself, a true art object, unique and something i'd paid a lot (to me) of money for, was never found. |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 07:35 pm: |
However, I concede the aftermath of both, when you are thinking about people with your stuff, is very creepy. Either way, FUCK those bastards! |
By Nate on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 08:57 pm: |
That sucks that you were robbed. A lot of freaky stuff has happened to the people I associate with in the past two days. |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 11:29 pm: |
BTW, I don't blame this on you. Unless of course you were lurking in my neighborhood... *grin* Mostly it's my fault for being such a fucking maroon. But then there's the parenage of the fine specimen that robbed me. I am now officially done whining about this particular episode of my life. P.S. ARGH! How should I have coded the above Nate? |
By PetRock on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 06:38 am: |
Too bad that Jim lives in D.C. where they have very strict rules regarding the carrying of firearms. Basically, the rule is that only cops and robbers may carry them. But not the unwashed masses like our friend Jim here. P.S. that isn't a comment on hygiene Jim.... P.P.S. that IS NOT an ad for the NRA, who I despise. I generally think that ANYONE carrying a gun (except for cops) is a bad idea and can only lead to people shooting each other. |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 07:50 am: |
By R.C. on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 11:51 am: |
Believe me/I'm nobody's NRA supporter either. But I know that if more avg. Janes & Joes were trained to shoot & armed when they went out/ the criminal element wd definitely have some cause to pause. |
By Nate on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 03:37 pm: |
In addition to learning how to use your piece, I strongly suggest learning your rights. Cops aren't required to inform you of your rights, so you need to know them. This includes never conscenting to anything. If they ask you if they can do something it means they do not have probable cause to do it. And always shut up if your rights are read to you. They will ask you if you understand your rights, you will say "I cannot understand my rights without my attorney present." That said, if you have to take an aggressor out you will probably get parole and lose your firearm. And a night in jail, since they will want to hold you for awhile before your intial trial. Oh, and Jim... How to add links to your posts. |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 07:30 pm: |
Thanks for that tip Nate! I bookmarked it for future reference. ;-) |
By Blindswine on Tuesday, May 12, 1998 - 12:28 pm: |
once every two months... the last time on 4/4 (the 30th anniversary of MLK's assassination-- how appropriate) by some drunken-asshole cop. shit like that happens on a regular basis-- which is why i would never walk around packing heat... if i had a gun i would've probably shot that bastard. |
By R.C. on Tuesday, May 12, 1998 - 11:51 pm: |
that's The American Way. And you know as well as I do that if anyone does try to rob or shoot you/5 will getcha 10 it will probably be a Homie. That is also The American Way. I'd rather be standing in front of a judge explaining why I used an unlicensed gun to shoot some skell with a rap sheet a mile long than have my mother & father burying their one & only girlchild. |