Have you ever...
: Have you ever...
Have you ever been enchanted?
May 25 - 03:05 pm
Have you ever gazed upon the face of the Boognish?
March 9 - 02:08 pm
Have you ever had the experience of using a bidet?
November 27 - 02:41 pm
Have you ever vomited on a public servant?
December 23 - 04:42 pm
have you ever made something fabulous?
August 26 - 10:41 pm
Have you ever gazed into the eyes of Ronald McDonald?
September 18 - 02:17 pm
Have you ever made sounds with your armpit?
March 24 - 10:19 pm
March 11 - 12:55 am
Have you ever had such bad flautulence that you gave yourself a headache from it?
January 9 - 03:47 pm
Have you ever tied your socks together on a trampoline with 4 other people and made your legs form a star?
March 11 - 12:42 am
been screwed by a "lawn service?"
September 2 - 12:56 pm
ran for mayor?
April 8 - 03:28 pm
Have you ever been so get-down horny that you get fever chills and your skin itches???
May 31 - 02:08 pm
Have you ever been so get-down horny that you get fever chills and your skin itches???
July 23 - 06:23 am
peed out of a school bus doing 80mph?
April 23 - 03:20 pm
Have you ever?
May 8 - 09:27 pm
been robbed?
April 5 - 07:25 pm
May 30 - 10:58 pm
been to the White House?
August 29 - 06:37 am
pissed into a bus going 80 from a car going 95?
July 4 - 05:03 am
...lost a foreign object up your anal cavity?
July 9 - 07:19 am
brushed your teeth in the shower?
December 6 - 03:52 pm
...heard a ghost?
April 7 - 06:57 pm
been a stupid stupid stupid girl....
June 5 - 04:32 am
Had a menage-a-trois? Was it good? Bad? Do tell...
June 30 - 07:12 pm
been shot at by some toasties in Harlem?
July 1 - 07:29 pm
high school reunion
August 13 - 02:12 am
Seen this page??
September 15 - 03:35 pm
had a complete stranger completely alter your day for the better?
October 6 - 06:08 pm
gregg braden
November 14 - 04:49 pm
Gone to a strip bar with your boss?
December 16 - 11:29 am
had an epiphany?
December 20 - 01:55 am
thought about what our time will be referred to in the history books?
January 18 - 01:44 pm
wondered why stimulants are used to treat people with ADD?
February 17 - 01:59 pm
lost love before you knew you had it?
April 28 - 01:36 am
July 15 - 03:55 pm
entertained thoughts of suicide
September 18 - 11:27 pm
Entertained Thoughts Of HOMICIDE.
September 20 - 05:34 pm
felt and heard a sonic boom?
October 24 - 05:24 pm
stuck your finger in someones asshole?
February 21 - 10:02 pm
March 4 - 04:31 pm
wondered if the Dali Lama is really a big fake?
April 7 - 12:52 am
...been stung on the neck?
May 3 - 06:53 pm
Wondered what the hell Czarina is doing in this pic?
May 23 - 12:04 am
gone through all these old sorabji posts from three or four years ago?
July 20 - 04:00 pm
August 16 - 12:42 pm
Felt strange calmness in the face of utter destruction?
September 10 - 02:49 pm
brushes with celebrity
September 28 - 03:09 pm
Been mortified?
October 9 - 05:27 pm
wondered about those times you come across the "user name-password"
January 18 - 08:43 pm
Erotic Strangulation by Marina Pia
February 2 - 08:17 pm
are YOU going crazy?
March 7 - 01:39 pm
Have you ever been a complete waste of organic matter?
March 10 - 10:32 pm
Seen something you wish you hadn't
March 18 - 09:37 pm
March 20 - 08:54 am
Have u ever killed a swamp donkey or a dirty yard ape or even a jungle bunny
April 12 - 03:07 am
Lost a toe?
May 10 - 01:59 pm
May 22 - 02:50 am
i'd love for some lady to strangle me
May 25 - 03:12 am
flown with asiana airlines?
August 6 - 09:43 pm
given ketchup serious thought?
August 18 - 03:35 pm
Been busy ?
January 27 - 04:18 pm
Have you ever
July 30 - 11:35 pm
Sought peace in the unlikely places of your home.
September 11 - 10:29 pm
wondered if your "friends" are complete assholes ???
October 23 - 10:34 pm
played Barbies?
December 1 - 03:08 pm
got an email from Ted Danson?
December 23 - 07:05 pm
been to a Faith-Based Park?
January 16 - 06:44 pm
visited alabama
June 7 - 06:04 pm
ruined a relationship by being bad on the phone?
August 21 - 12:57 am
remembered stuff Droopy said?
July 16 - 03:55 am
had your pet arrested?
April 24 - 04:55 pm
March 18 - 01:12 pm
full metal panic
May 15 - 11:14 pm
been bittin by a black widow
November 24 - 08:14 am
fed a dog oranges
April 26 - 02:35 am
Felt like you had the weight of the world on your shoulders?
June 14 - 06:06 pm
Feel weird about the perfect weather?
March 18 - 03:10 am
forgotten something important
April 13 - 10:41 pm