been to the White House? Have you ever...: been to the White House?
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 03:56 pm:
    I'm just curious how many of my fellow Sorabjites have been to the White House. I am embarrassed to say that this native Washingtonian has never been there. Oh, and spare me the Bill Clinton cracks ok?


By PetRockLobster on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 04:15 pm:
    I've been to the White House but I've never been to me. As least not yet I haven't.

    (points if you can name that tune)

By Sorabji on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 06:37 pm:
    I've Been to Paradise (But I've Never Been To Me), by Charlene. Rediscovered by Tampa radio station Q105 sometime in the early 80's.

By Markus on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 06:38 pm:
    Yeah, a friend of a friend was a Secret Service agent, so I and my then girlfriend took a real tour one night around midnight just before Christmas. The Reagans were on the Left Coast, but a full time staff was in the basement cranking out decorations made of pine boughs. We went upstairs into the Oval Office and suroundings. I was surprised at two things, primarily: in the conference room across from the Oval, Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize was casually sitting on the mantel mounted in a small piece of plexiglass. But then again, I guess, who's going to steal it? Also, the stage in the media briefing room over the old WH pool was incredibly narrow. It looks much wider on television when that crone Helen Thomas is hectoring away at the parrying flack du administration in a mutual insiders' game.

    A few years later, I went back with a different girlfriend and her young son and his friend for the Easter Egg Roll thing on the lawn. Got the tickets from my boss the Congressman, as his kids were grown. Hillary was wearing an unfortunate green dress, and that was the first time somehow that I realized that Bill's hair was completely gray.

    Never done the stand in line in the hot sun starting at dawn with Walt and Mabel and the kids from Weehatchwaka, Ala. to get tickets for the dog and pony tour thing. You see nothing at all on those tours. Here's the Red Room, here's the Blue Room, Dolly Madison and the brutish British, blah blah get the hell out. So don't feel embarassed, James, any more than having never ridden the damn trolley tours.

By Sorabji on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 06:40 pm:
    Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life
    You're a discontented mother and a rich lamented wife
    I've no doubt you dream about the things you never do
    But I wish someone had a talk to me like I wanna talk to you

    Oh I've been to Georgia and California, anywhere I could run
    Took the hand of a preacherman and we made love in the sun
    But I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free
    I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me

    Please lady, please, lady, don't just walk away
    'Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today
    I can see so much of me still living in your eyes
    Won't you share a part of a weary heart that has lived a million lies

    Oh I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece
    While I sipped champagne on a yacht
    I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed them what I've got
    I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things
    That a woman ain't supposed to see
    I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me

    Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie. A fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be. But you know what truth is? It's that little baby you're holding, and it's that man you fought with this morning, the same one you're going to make love with tonight. That's truth, that's love

    Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children
    That might have made me complete
    But I, I took the sweet life and never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet
    I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that cost too much to be free
    Hey lady, I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me

    I've been to paradise - never been to me
    (I've been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run)
    I've been to paradise - never been to me
    (I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece
    While I sipped champagne on a yacht)
    I've been to paradise - never been to me
    (I've been to cryin' for unborn children...) (to fade)

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 6, 1998 - 11:57 pm:
    Markus- I've been trying to get tickets from my Congressman to do the non-stand-in-line tour but unless you are from out of the DC area you're screwed. Does your friend still work there?

By Markus on Sunday, June 7, 1998 - 01:13 am:
    I haven't been in touch with him for years, but if he was there for the Reagans, he's been long reassigned to other duties. The Congressional tickets are for the same tour, you just don't stand in line for them all morning. But if you still want to get some, call a friend or relative living elsewhere, and use their address to write for tickets in your name, claiming to be a constituent of Rep. Venalovich.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, June 7, 1998 - 08:32 am:
    You mean the congressional tickets are the same as the "You see nothing at all on those tours. Here's the Red Room, here's the Blue Room, Dolly Madison and the brutish British, blah blah get the hell out?"


By Pete on Sunday, June 7, 1998 - 09:28 pm:
    Thanks for putting that song in my head Mark....would you like to jam a screwdriver in my ear and twist it around while you're at it? btw, that song is on the soundtrack for The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert, a great movie if you like Aussie drag queen humor.

Nick the Greek on Saturday, August 29, 1998 - 06:37 am:

    And what a cool song it is!!
    Well....despite the fact that is quite "cheezy",its still adorable...

    Any info about charlene by the way??