Total random stranger totally lifted my otherwise very depressing day.....I believe these things happen for a wife in partucular has had some strange but rather interesting cab rides like this, one I have witnessed. Sort of a angelic character walking the earth reminding the living not to forget about living..... Have things like this happened to you? Oh and also one of my random po dunk customers called from Augusta GA, asking if he could purhcase books using a Shell (gas) card.......that got this whole office stirred up into a frenzy...........from such a bleak and internally violent morning to a not so bad afternoon. i wanna go home and work on some pictures...i feel good, i have a lot say |
I think I posted the one similar experience I have had...but in case not...during the summer, my father and I were taking a walk around our neighborhood, and I stopped to pick a wildflower. I carried it with me about half of the way and then dropped it by the side of the road. The next morning, we found a whole bunch of those wildflowers on our doorstep. I have no idea who put them there. You're right, it's like you've been touched by magic or something. Just thinking about those flowers makes me feel good. Now those "practice random acts of kindness" bumper stickers don't seem so annoying, do they? :) |
After the ride, he had no good suggestions about what the noise actually was. I'm starting to dislike my 11-yr old car. Oh, and it's "Dumb drivers day" in Idaho Falls, so drive defensively. |
About the best total stranger thing I can relate to are the couple of times kids i had never sen before came up to me and said they really liked my band. I'm not sure I have ever been more suprised. |
(Sorry about that, but that was a Homicide-quote moment.) |
Mr. Sunshine |
i've got sunshine in my ass |
dibs on that for a song title. |
I'd be all for the relentless babbling, but I wouldn't want to annoy people any more than I already do. |
last i checked you don't annoy anyone rhi, your are a complete sweetheart around's seems hard to annoy here becasue you have complete freedom to ignore anyone and move on, |
"Sunshine in my Ass"...that makes me think of "Ain't No Sunshine," the old Michael Jackson version. Is this close to what you had in mind, Droopy? |
my favorite bill withers tune is "use me." |
This is from my mother, who's Much Much better with diplomacy, facts, and all things native than I am. She's an expert in native culture (I'm so proud of her - she just got her status card), as she's been studying it for manymanymany (god, many) years and relearning the culture SHE was denied for too long, as well. She's almost finished her PhD (mainly working in genocide and native culture), and did I mention I'm very proud of her? Okay. This has turned into a "look how great my mommy is!" rant. Basically I showed her what Waffle wrote and asked her to reply. Just read what she has to say (everyone) and all questions/comments/dirty words will be forwarded to her. I'm sure she'll reply. geeze. Her mouth is waywayway dirtier than any of yours ever were. ~ Madame, There is no such thing as an Injun princess. There are a lot of people who claim to be descendants of Cherokee pricesses but (1) most of the records for the Cherokee who lived in the eastern USA were destroyed by fire so anybody can claim anything; (2) the Cherokee were "relocated" (like most of the Jewish people in Europe during Nazi times) in a process called "The Trail of Tears" - again more confusion and lost records. Also, the Bureau of Indian Affairs kept really bad records. Injuns didn't need to since they already knew who they were through kinship systems and clan systems. There was no royalty at all among any North American Aboriginal groups; in fact, for some tribes, the chief had to eat and drink last so that the others would survive. If this person doesn't believe me, I can give you a quote from a genuine, academic, published Injun (Vine DeLoria, Jr) who says there is no such thing as Injun royalty never mind an Injun princess. It's a lie used by wannabes or people who are mistaken (note that I did not say This person was a liar or a wannabe). I won't bother speechifying about Injun cultures but there was no hierarchy (ranking) and even being chief meant very little since Injun societies were collectives (run by the people). Yoda ~ |
But was/is there a special term reserved for these upper-level Indians? The chief's daughter wasn't referred to as a 'princess'/nor his wife as 'queen'/but did they carry some other title to denote their special status? |
Princess and chief of course wee terms carried over form European Systems of government, especuially those thought to be appliceable to the systems encountered in the new world. If anyone knows, I would be interested in the entymology of the words "chief" and "tribe". |
meetings and such where dads were supposed to hang out with their daughters. i remember making snakes out of bottle caps, and the day my parents forced me to finish the yogurt i was eating before we could go. i was totally full, my stomach hurt, running around the house trying to make room for the damn yogurt. and i didn't even want to go. |
i was never a cherokee, but i played one in my back yard. killed heap many palefaces. |
~ Madame: This person specifically mentioned the Cherokee which is an Indigenous North American group or tribe or nation (depending on how p.c. you want to be). No Injun would ever say that there were hierarchies among North American Injuns. As for the elaborate burial sites, it is quite possible that the person buried there was "honored" because of his/her accomplishments (killing the most moose, buffalo or deer, etc. or doing something that benefited the entire tribe) rather than because of his/her "rank" at birth. If he is an archaeologist he might be familiar with the term "ascribed" and "achieved" - most Injuns would say these sites were achieved (by doing something) rather than ascribed (by just being born into a particular position). It is also possible that the sites in question contained all this stuff because the person died in a dishonorable way and all his/her stuff was buried with him/her to eliminate not only any memories of the person but to distance oneself from the possibility of having the dead person's spirit come back from the spirit world and "hurt" them. I can't imagine an archaeologist believing that last part but it is part of the Injun belief system. Also, some tribes (like the Dine'h which is what we are) had some unusual ideas about death and bural practices. They never touched a dead person, burned the dead person's home and possessions and cremated their remains. As far as the eastern woodlands go, I know enough Injuns from there to know that even the most arrongant ones acknowledge that there was no real hierarchy among them. Your friend might want to look into Wendat or Huron societies or even Mohawk or Oneida (all of them part of the east) to see that this was the case. Like I told you, hereditary chiefs had no real power and could do nothing without the consent of the people or the council. In some cases, a chief was elected and if didn't do his/her job - out he went. As for Central and South America, I know very little about that other than that the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans might have been structured somewhat differently. However, since Injuns do no believe in borders (as in the border between the USA and Canada) there might have been some overlap among the "northern" Central American Aboriginals and the "southern" ones. In many ways, it is almost futile to talk about them since the Spanish wiped most of them out anyways (genocide). In any case, from what little I've read, even the Spanish who ultimately killed most of them admitted what a remarkable and flexibile society these groups had. But like I said, I don't know too much about tribes in Central and South America. Your Mother ~ Droopy - I'll show my mother the site you listed. I think she'll enjoy it. Margret - If my mother wins that scholarship (likely) she's almost garunteed a spot at the university of colorodo, but she's applying to a Lot of schools and I think she's most excited about Yale (I'm so proud) because they have a genocide studies program, and that's exactly what she's working in. RC - I'm gonna ask my momma about that. I love my mom. |
And of course, Indians are perfectly capable of having hierarchal societies, such as the cCentral American empires, and modern tribal governments. Now, these govts were introduced by the white man, but a lot of Indians jumped at the opportunity to gain power in a hierarchy. As an archaeologist, I like to look at what the material evidence says. If we just went by what people repeated as age-old beliefs, we'd still think that slaves had no autnomy at all on plantations, where as current research has shown a great deal of intersystem freedom in making certain lifestyle choices on many plantations, such as house construction and community arrangement, the ability to purchase commidities and own firearms. This is information not even mentioned in written documents of the period, so I don't always trust word-of-mouth accounts of how it was. |
Yaataheh (spellings on this in this alphabet vary, so I hope I done did it close enough). Yale is cool. New Haven is cool. Yale didn't accept me, as an under-grad. I've always felt vaguely inferior as a result. Their graduate schools are among the best in the woooooorld. They have awesome pizza in New Haven. Go, Gee's mom. |
I got the letter saying that the best they could do was wait-list me on my birthday. I had known all along that if you weren't a legacy or minority it was practically impossible to get into the best of the ivy league schools, but I cried anyway. |
~ Jim As far as I and any Injuns I know there was no such thing as an "upper level Indian" at least not in the sense non-Injuns perceive it. Even the title "Chief" is somewhat misleading because the Chief also has/had a council (made up the "common people") who gave him advise. If there were any "upper level Indians", it would be the children since most Injun groups considered children to be their greatest gift. Medicine women (and men) were also held in high esteem. But every person in the tribe had a role that he/she had to carry out to ensure the survival of the group. I have yet to have a spirit vision but the medicine woman and one of her helpers have and that's how I found out who my spirit helpers along with my "sacred" name were. In the sweat lodge I did see, hear and feel things which I told you already. When you go into a sweat, you never know what is going to happen. All this is a process and a rather lengthy process too. If there is such a thing as a Cherokee princess then I'm Queen Amadala herself (instead of being my usualy Yoda). Mumz ~ Sem - My mother is going to Love replying to your comments about buffalo. =o) |
Friendly, still waiting for your address...and airfare......yes I am that "brash" |
Yale... I didn't get into Yale either, but then, I didn't think I would. My favorite professor is from Yale. I had him two years ago for an ancient Roman culture class I took. He is one of the most refined men I have ever met. He was really young and delicate looking. Once, I ran into him walking around campus at night when it was raining, so I offered him my umbrella, and I realized that if we happened to be set upon by thieves *I'd* have to be the one to protect *him*. His wife is also a Classics professor, and I used to imagine them talking about Juvenal over a light pasta dinner, and that image would warm my heart for some reason. |
aren't you supposed to be working? |
try this: Professional Trainee--Clandestine Service The Central Intelligence Agency's Clandestine Service has entry-level employment opportunities for recent graduates possessing either bachelor's or master's degrees with solid academic credentials and at least a 3.0 GPA. Any substantive degree is acceptable; however, qualified candidates with degrees in the following areas are preferable: International business/finance/relations Economics Physical Science Nuclear/biological/chemical engineering Competitive candidates will also possess the following credentials and characteristics: Good oral expression Ability to write clearly and accurately Well-developed interest in foreign affairs Impeccable personal integrity Strong interpersonal skills Ability to handle ambiguity Ability to take calculated risks Foreign language proficiency Work experience is useful Requirements: U.S. citizenship is required. Maximum age 35. All applicants must successfully complete two personal interviews, thorough medical and psychological examinations, a polygraph interview, and extensive background investigation. (Processing generally takes between 4-6 months.) Entrance salaries range from $31,000 to $38,000. Applicants accepted into the Professional Trainee (PT) Program will be assigned to Washington, D.C. for 2 years. During those two years, PTs will spend one year each working at two disciplines--Operations Desk Officer and Collection Management Officer. At the end of the two years, PTs will be assessed and evaluated for movement into the Clandestine Service Trainee (CST) Program, the traditional pipeline to serving overseas as an Operations Officer or Collection Management Officer. To Apply: Send your resume (including your college GPA) and a cover letter explaining your qualifications to the address below. Professional Trainee Program PO Box 12002, Dept. INTERNET Arlington, VA 22209-2002 An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force. Return to CIA Web site at if that doesn't work for you, you can always try for the chemical warfare analyst position. |
Wanted. Alcohol monitor and occasional companion to professional SWM, 35. Sobriety only necessary while in the company of employer. Capability for etiquette/courtesy not required. Unrealistic sense of entitlement encouraged. Salary commensurate with ability to alienate. |
Come on people of Sorabji land dig deep, give 'till it hurts.....board total to date is $1.68 I'm willing to fly out of Des Moines IA, Cedar Rapids IA, Quad Cities IA/IL, Chicago IL, or St. Louis MO. (possibly Omaha Neb...if you throw in parking and a room at the Embassy Suites...The $198.00 room) |
Re: Sem & Margret' comments - I don't show my mother my posts, so some things get repeated. Also, even though I've told her Semillama's name, she seems to have more fun just calling him my "chum". ~ Jimmeh This one is for your archeologist chum: First, maybe you should tell your chum that part of my academic background was in the un-trendy area of anthropology - sorry about that. I know that a lot of contemporary Aboriginals (and other folks) tend to romanticize "the good old days". HIstorically, it would have been suicidal for Injuns to have killed too many buffalo. It is not romanticizing to say that we needed the buffalo along with whatever other animal, bird, fish and plant life existed in order to survive as a group. Part of what nearly killed all us Injuns was the disappearance of the buffalo which is what happened after more advanced shotguns and rifles appeared. I've heard that Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump thing along with the alleged disappearanced of the white pines forest here in Ontario (supposedly by Injuns). In my opinion, the truth is that nobody knows exactly what happened at Buffalo Jump. There have been speculations that the buffalo did it themselves, rather like when a group of whales decide to beach themselves and then die. Others say it was the result of some other phenomenon like fire, etc. but your archaeologist chum would know more about that than I would. Maybe some Injun kid decided to cause a stampede (although unlikely). It is also possible that Injuns, for some unknown reason, decided to drive all the buffalo off a cliff - Injuns can get a bit loony too BUT it would not be logical for an Aboriginal society to systematically kill off the food that sustained it. Where would they put the meat? In the freezer? We've been told that you never take more than you need not only for reasons of sustainability but because it goes against the Original Instructions given to us by the Creator - that animals give their lives to allow us humans, who are far weaker than the animals, to survive. As for the Injun view of time and space, I really don't know much about that except for the phrase "running on Indian time" which means that we are late for everything. What little I do know about this wouldn't apply to systematic buffalo killing. I have no disagreement at all with your chum's statement that: ---------- And of course, Indians are perfectly capable of having hierarchal societies, such as the cCentral American empires, and modern tribal governments. Now, these govts were introduced by the white man, but a lot of Indians jumped at the opportunity to gain power in a hierarchy. ---------- Unfortunately, this is true at the present time. Injun or rez politics can be much worse than anything the President or the Prime Minister (any of them) ever did. Consider that among the Wendat or Huron, missionaries and merchants would not deal with the women who were in charge of agriculture and "trading" but would only deal with the men. At the time, this caused a lot of shame among Wendat men and ultimately resulted in a complete change in gender roles - the first step towards the incredible amount of spousal abuse that goes on in Injun communities. The historical arrangement of women/agriculture and men/hunting wasn't hierarchical but it was a system that enabled the group to survive. The Europeans changed all that although a lot of Injuns are trying to reclaim their historical systems of politics, economics and social interaction. As for slavery, all I have is the opinion that slavery (stealing Africans mostly) is that it was necessary to have slavery in order to maintain the American (and Canadian) economic system. Slaves built North America after the English, French and Spanish took it away from us. It also interests me that the Underground Railroad went north from Canada to south to the USA. Mostly, I think all "evidence" is subject to more than one interpretation. I'd hate to think that anything I said was blindly accepted (well, maybe not). Recordkeeping was not the best in those times and most of our Injun learning has been passed along verbally - since most Injun languages had no written form, how else could language, an important part of our culture, be taught if not verbally. I know lots of stories got told to anthropologists that were bizarre lies and the anthropologists believed them!!!! But physical evidence is also open to interpretation. Maybe your archaeologist chum would like to come to York and talk to the students. To your other chum, Margret - yep we are half Dine'h and I know there are a lot of spellings for it (Dine, Dineh, etc.). Yep, I'm also thinking of trying Yale if I can figure out the instructions for the Fulbright award. I'm also trying the U of Coloraddy (hehe). I can't imagine Yale accepting me - a middle-aged, Injun female. But now that I know they have good pizza, I must make a point of getting good letters of reference so I can "get in". Did Gee tell you why I was excited about Yale? Mumz ~ |
beav, i'm totally bored with this stuff. carry on if you must. |
I love the office cam. |
I know we live roughly in the same area. |
however, The evidence is pretty strong for human involvement at HSI and other buffalo jumps. Lots of cut marks from stone tools on the upper layers of bones, what seem to be constructed drives off the cliffs. What we have to remember is that we aren't talking about Historic Indians here butfolks who lived in a much different environment than even the guys back in 1491. We're talking lots of mega fauna here, and apparently the resource was so vast that folks could (probably) use kill methods like game drives. Plus there's all the big game anilmals that never made it to get wiped out by the white man, such as the north american camels, horses and mastodons, and giant tortoises as well. Of course, it's not clear what the impact North American cultures had on these species extinction, although there's some pretty good associations with increasing human activity and decerasing animal populations in this. Like I said, though, this isn't my area of expertise. If your mom wants to know about iron making or copper mining or settlement patterns of European Immigrants in the midwest after 1850, well,... |
love and skins little big deer |
love and skins little big deer |
can anyone elaborate? what else are we missing? |
It's like this among Native American cultures: There are hierarchical cultures. There are communal cultures. There are patrlineal cultures. There are matrilineal cultures. There is a patrilineal, matrilocal culture in Canda, in which one of the primary important kinship relationships is the mother's brother/ sister's son relationship. There are cultures in which those born physically different were revered. There are cultures in which those born physically different were killed at birth. Many of these cultures were wiped out. Many of them are still here. But it's not like you can look up one historical record of one group of people and say "Native Americans did this" So that's my $.02 |
~ Jimmeh When I speak about Injuns, I'm referring to the 50,000 years ago (some say 100,000 years) and the contemporary sense. If your chum is talking about pre-history then I can't even go there. Also, unlike your chum, I like the "real heavy politics". Most of what passes for history among today's Injuns goes back before Columbus and like I said, it was traditionally done verbally - the oral tradition. I'm still not sure that I agree with your chum about the "human involvement" about the buffalo but then I'm not an archaeologist. Phrases like "evidence suggests" and "it might be that" tend to make me think the person (not necessarily your chum) are speculating in much the same way anthropologists do (and even us lowlife environmental types). Maybe your chum can provide a rationate as to why any human or humanoid species would deliberately drive a herd of buffalo off a cliff when they depended on these buffalo to sustain themselves? Could the buffalo have been diseased? Unlikely but possible. Could the buffalo have been a threat? Again unlikely. Maybe a "rival" tribe drove them off in order to diminish the food supply of their "rivals" but again I think this is unlikely. Injuns just didn't wage war like that. Remember that film about the Lakota who, when they waged war, only touched their opponent but didn't kill or hurt him (before the really heavy colonialism arrived)? It was counterproductive for Injuns to kill either each other or animal, plant, insect or fish life. This doesn't even take into consideration their/our beliefs in our Creation stories. One thing .... I didn't know there were horses indigenous to North America - something your archaeologist chum mentioned. Most of the literature says horses were "imported" from Europe. That was interesting. Maybe your chum and I are talking about two different historical times. But I think discussing and even disagreeing on a "professional" level rather than a personal one is really great. Maybe I've even learned something. If he wants to talk about European settlement patterns in North America after 1850, I'm willing. Just expect an Injun response =) Mumz ~ |
i imagine they created a cloaking device, and now reside in the hidden reaches of mud lake. |
they explain everything |
~ Jimmeh: Well, if the wife of Waffle is a Cherokee princess then I must be the Queen of England. He might be interested to know historically that us Injuns didn't have profanity in our vocabulary but I think I might be able to find the Dine'h word for "bottomfeeder". Where do you dig these guys up - does your archaeologist chum ever find relics like him when he's on a dig (no offense to the archaeologist chum) or do you just turn over a piece of shit and out he crawls. Besides, those who can - do; those who can't talk about it on public bulletin boards. I'd just ignore this guy - he's an attention seeker. PS: I doubt his tomahawk is little more than the size of a small needle (the kind we used in the past to make l'il Injun clothes). As for his being a warrior - hahahaha - is he willing to join the Micmac in their struggle for fishing rights. Meesa no t'ink so. Lucy: It is quite true that not all Aboriginal cultures are the same although there are a great many similarities. It is true that some are patrilineal, some matrilineal, some patrilocal, some matrifocal but the common threads are mainly respect for the land, respect for each other (we needed each other to survive) and respect for Creator (God) although he/she goes by different names according to each tribe or nation. From my limited time in anthropology and my eternity as an Injun she is correct that some who were born "different" are seen as blessed (e.g. scizophrenics by the Dine'h) while others are seen as being touched by the Dark Side. There are Aboriginals all over the globe and it would be wrong to say they are all alike. That's my two cents CDN worth about -$10.00US. ~ Like mother, like daughter. =o) |
Dear Gee and/or Gee's mum... if the use of cultural jargon constitutes racism then i suppose I am a "racist", however if you wish to politically (corectly I might add) padlock this world and make everyone afraid to say anything of humor in reference to other cultures, i suggest you keep it within the borders of your cold canada....otherwise life is too short to be caught up on the use of the words such as the ones I sarcastically used above. Let me guess you feel the use of Atlanta Braves, Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians and so on is a racists too? I never said my wife was THE Princess, I said she had family lines connected to a Cherokee princess, lets not mince words....... .......whether or not my wife's claims (which is simply information passed from 3+ generations)has any historical background or not, I could careless, it's a tale passed from her great grandmother.....whether or it's true or not, is irrelavent. Obviously history can be blurred after a 100 years or so, especially on the small scale of one small family. As a non archeaologist, non native american historian and so on....I tend to thing like Sem does, in which he admits there are plenty of possibilities, there are no absolutes when it comes to this type of history. "He might be interested to know historically that us Injuns didn't have profanity in our vocabulary but I think I might be able to find the Dine'h word for "bottomfeeder"" Well NO! I am not interested, I don't care, I haven't made any claims here other than that of personal family matters, of which you have felt compelled to divulge your great knowledge. Thats really super and all but please leave my penis out of this.... "PS: I doubt his tomahawk is little more than the size of a small needle (the kind we used in the past to make l'il Injun clothes). As for his being a warrior - hahahaha - is he willing to join the Micmac in their struggle for fishing rights. Meesa no t'ink so." god you as childish as your daughter........hoser! (is that racism? it is cultural jargon?) oh and Gee, I believe I have seen the text "Fuck the French" come from your posts.......can we be an ymore "racists" ...... lets git in the cage you and your mum......2 BIRDs with one magic whip of the tomahawk!!!! |
she's calling you an idiot. |
I hope Swine is happy. That's the second time I've sworn at someone. (is "sworn" a word?) Off to school!! |
Sometimes you make me laugh so hard I hurt something. Today, though, I am sick as the proverbial dog (maybe the White Dog of ceremony) with what gives every indication of being strep (no, I don't have health insurance so I had to go with the french fry, ketchup, salt test...and I failed). I believe my sense of humour may be in my tonsils somewhere, festering. In any case, and this is just a nit, the french are not a race. They're. Just. Not. They're a nation with a pretty long history and pretty semented culture, but they are not a race. Sigh. |
-i make personal statement about my wife's family history. -gee disputes it and/or the use of the term "princess" -i correct and suggest that in native american cultures there were indeed hierarchal systems whether or not they were "princesses" per se is irrelavent. we are hung up on cultural practices not vocabulary. -she brings in her mum who has obivously studied indigineous cultures....she disputes my claim -sem comes in and minces words to support that there in fact may have been hierarchal systems in the various native american cultures, specifically those of the southeast (i.e. Cherokee). -the two of them toss the ball back and forth. -i come in and make an attempt to humorously tell all that i wasn't so interested in the details, all the facts in the world cannot prove or disprove someone's personal family history, it's not so black and white. -Gee makes some dumb assed stament involving the word racism, her mum comes in outta left field and crafts a cute little insult with a potpourri bow on top for me and my wife, as if her knowledge grants her a pass to be an asshole, -I respond that they both seem like as childish as the other. I am attmept to reiterate... Your facts can all be debated, NOTHING is black and white as far as history as concerned, a passing statement about my wife's personal family history has all become of such fucking interest, and thats fine you can debate it all you like, the ideas, facts etc are all interesting, just don't be an ass about it and if you don't get joke that isn't directed towards you biute me and move on......and Mrs. gee's Mum, i am not seekiong attention, i get all i need, thanks for the psychoanalysis, but I have a psyche major for a wife, i get all the analysis i need...... thank you! please sign out and leave the visitor badge with the guard and don't let the door hit to hard on the way out |
and J, thanks for the sentiment.....i feel some mother jokes coming on |
so i will provide a synopsis her German heritage arrived in New Bern NC in the 1720s.....from that point on a sort "genealogy" book was started when they arrived. My wife has seen and read portions, her father has read it entirely. This book is located in the New Bern Library. The Richenbach family history (300 years later the name is Rivenbark..same family) In the book there is documentation of their settlement further west in NC, there is documentation of their encounters with the Cherokee in western North Carolina and one of the settler even went on to marry a daughter of a wife has seen this all with her own eyes in a crusty old fraile dusty's not something that can be disputed's in black and if someone in the family was lying somewhere along the way and fibbed in the book, obviously that is near impossible to prove/disprove. All of your study, all of your archeaology, etymology what have may make profound judgements about cultures before us but it is in no way absolute. So while you mom may be right Gee in a broad scale, she certainly doesn't have the localized knowledge about my wife's family heritage, and that's were she fucked up, so back to my rock to wait for sem to find me........ |
this is simply the old-fashioned, European-implied name for her. What I believe waffleboy was saying, was that someone we met saw, somewhere down the line of my general mutt-ness, that I had Cherokee features and I explained my lineage. What I find more fascinating is, how did waffleboy's general conversation bring about such snippy retort? It seems some are quick to judge one of trying to pass off false record; frankly, what would I, my family, or for god sakes a rural town in NC gain from making up something like this? I give full and due credit to those who have spent much more time and thought studying societies prior to our own, but as most can agree, information about these peoples prior to the 19th century is scarcely recorded. I would think this would be an interesting addition, rather than a source of debate. Now if anyone wants to see my pottery.....(haha) |
It takes a certain class of human to use penis jokes as a response, but alas I do not join this site often. So to do as the romans do: 1) I pity that your only comparison is to a small needle; 2) and hands-down, waffleboy has the largest ahem that I have ever seen, in person, book, magazine, or hieroglyph. To quote his long-time buddies in brooklyn, "Willll-burrr" (said in Mr. Ed's voice) |
french is as much a race as indian... "race" has come to mean "culture of origin" or somesuch, these days, as literally we are all of one race. to which i say, FUCK THE FRENCH. i have nothing against any individual french person, but the French, as a group and country, have pissed me off in their past actions. for that matter, FUCK THE AMERICANS. actually, FUCK ALL HUMANITY. there you go. i'm a racist. this arguement is stupid. i had too many beers at lunch. FUCK THE BEERS! actually, FUCK DEBEERS! they're warehousing diamonds and raping the poor. those goddamn cocksuckers (goddamn, to contrast with regular cocksuckers, of whom on an individual basis i have no issue with, but as a whole, as encompassed in the rest of humanity, i dispise.) I AM A YETI. eat me. |
gee is female. i know this. we were at Stoddard's, a brewpub in Sunnyvale. we were all dressed nice so we decided to act like important people. and the sales guy said "hey, if we talk business, i can expense this." so they drank 18 year old scotch and I tried everything they had on tap. except for the ciders. and i doubled up on the porter. it was good. the ESP was ok, the pale was rather bland, and the Alt was tasty. but i didn't have room for another Alt after the second porter. i also had a meditranian chicken salad. |
"la da-da dee, la dee-dee da. and the beat goes on..." a new virtual cage will be built in the cyber-wilderness to accomodate all contenders' relatives who are in-absentia but still desire to enter the fray. now excuse me while i subtract 500 points from my personal scoreboard for having the bad taste to qoute a sonny and cher song. thank you and goodnight. motherfuckers. |
OH WOW!!! they are playing Eggs and Unrest on the radio....must be DC Teenbeat record hour! Right on.... |
people up north have taste. people down south have attitude. this is why there should be two californias. |
I was listening to my old WGNS Gots No Station compilation recently (which has Eggs' "Evanston" on it). Whatever happened to 9353? Or Edsel, for that matter? I love Edsel. They put out an EP a couple years ago, but no word since then. They have/had really clever lyrics. |
Simple Machines is dismantled, from what I know (that was Jenny Toomey's label, right? If not, whatever was her label is the thing that is no more). Tsunami is also dismantled. I think. I was reading somewhere recently that Jenny is really arrogant and very possessive of her boyfriend. I don't know what this has to do with anything musical she does...but...whatever. I always liked her voice. Unrest/Teenbeat -- I don't have a clue. What a lucky dog you are. You should have stayed with Eggs. Did you ever hear (of) a band called Soul Side? That was 3 of the future Girls Against Boys boys (with the 4th doing the engineering) and Bobby Sullivan. Last I heard, Bobby was in a band called Sevens...but he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. I liked his voice too, for some really strange reason, because it's not that great (to say the least), but there was just something I liked about listening to him. |
Well, when i wrot eto Rob of Eggs, he said thewy would be looking for a new drummer for a temporary thing, at this time we were deciding if we were going to move to DC to Atlanta (from Raleigh)... he said in his letter that Andrew is considering asolo project and Eggs may not be a thing for much longer.....he did say if i did move to town to give him a call he would be able to help me out one way or another, either with Eggs or someother project.......we moved to Atlanta, and we created and even more fantastic band there and were quite successful around town until we came here....SIGH i miss my old bassist, we made crazy mad love in the studio palying music together... |
I'm not letting my mother play anymore either. She deserves better. |
Play. Play. 'n' stuff. |
gee, please do not deprive us of your mom. |
i would openly show my complete and total hatred for your groundless pretense and constantly jab sharp sticks in the sensitive fleshy spots that remain exposed despite the heavy armor that bitchery provides. when i summoned up enough energy to give a shit, i would covertly sabotage your hopes and dreams and then hunt you down in your private place so i could point and laugh as you sob and cry. i'd turn your closest friends against you and have them get a collection going to raise enough money to pay a big 250 pound bull-dyke latino lesbian to kick your ass and make you her fist-bitch for a weekend. or two. when you were passed out i'd dose your water-bottle with enough LSD to give tim leary a bad one, then tattoo "JEWISH PRINCESS" on your forehead and put you on a greyhound bus to bumfuck, alabama. after you recovered and came back home from the psych ward, i'd find you at the next party so i could sincerely apologize for my evil deeds, deftly regain your love and trust, and promptly do it all over again. so when are we going out? |
I talked to my prehistorian colleague, who knows a lot more about bison kills than i do. He says that if Paleoindians weren't running the bison off of jumps on purpose, then they were follwoing the "fly pillars" which would indicate the location of a mass bison suicide (which sounds just as ludicrous as a supposedly environmentally conscious group of folks running a herd of bison off a cliff...), and that they would be scavenging rotting flesh. (A "fly pillar" is aa awesmome image: a great black cloud of flies stretching up into the sky above any scene of mass death). Re: camels and horses and giant tortoises: WE had these creatures here in NA, which became extinct within a short period of time after the arrival of man in their habitats. There are still camels in South America: Llamas, Vicunas, and their relatives. Horse were reintroduced with the Spanish raiders back in the 16th century. Re: Mastodons. Apparently, a grouop of Japanese scientists are working on cloning one and reintrocing the species back into existence. I say, go for it. Re: Mr. Ed's Penis. Nothing compared to a Yeti schlong. |
yeah antigone, we should play! play hard! and try to kick as little sand in each other as possible, but some folks take something lighthearted and make it an issue, screaming brats thinking they know more than the next. some hold out long enough to only say things that make themselves look good, cliq-ish, meanwhile life is passing you by...........all of you, despite what you may think,you would be delighted to know me and my wife in person, if we met in a bar, conversation would be tops, either that or we wouldn't give you the time of day, but for some reason, folks like to challenge little things I say, overall thats not a problem, i'll talk back cause i am that way, but conflict can be avoided more often than not. I have no enemies in real life, except that fucker that almost raped my wife, that 7ft big mutha fuckin coke dealer, cheap sonofafuck!. he showed his face at the bar last night after 4 months of abstinence, he was up to his old routine, peeps walkin out of the bathroom and making frequnt trips outside, rubbing their noses and fidgeting with their cigarettes, he came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and started to apologize AGAIn for doing what he did to my wife, before he finsihed his sentence i told him to get his fucking hand off me, he said "what?"...i said "DON'T TOUCH ME MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" he said, "i see how it's gonna be" and walked off. that bitch mother fucker took advantage of my wife, while she was picking up a comp, from when he dicked me hard.........he is 7ft, tall lanky, basketball superstar wannbe, she was taking care of me because he juked me one time, i should have louisville slugged his knee caps when i had the chance, he grabbed her, picked her up, pinned her to the bed, my wife is smart, psyche dgree kicked in, she didn't scream, she didn't thrash about, she started to cry and said in a calm soothing voice "your scaring me", "you have to let me go, you are scaring me" about this time, i called her cell, i was at the darkroom, i was unaware she had taken a cab over to his place to pick up this package, angry sam even advised her it would be ok for her to go, he wasn't thinking, he is single, his 37 years on this planet should have told him that was a no no ..never leave your women alone with a 7ft coke dealer, it's bad, their are all the devil.....jes git your shit and run.....when i realized she was gone, and i called her cell phone and she told me where she was, my heart skipped, my face flushed, i KNEW what had happened before she could even tell me in the car.....i told her to leave the house nad wait in the street, then he wasnt going to give her what he had promised, telling her well if it's gonna be like this than forget it, she pleaded and said he was being an asshole and he had already fucked up, she assured him i would hear about this and he had better becareful, he blocked the door, but said she "pitied him", he moved like the monkey he still is..........that night we waited out side his place, but he never left, or he went out a back door, me and angry sam had a plan for him, that 7ft super bitch was never gonna throw another basketball again, at least not standing up....... we were destined to send him to the special olympics, we were scared shitless, we were very scared, we didn't have a gun and i didn't think he did either, but you can never be sure, he didn't know where i lived, nor did he have my phone, we let it go until last night, what would you do? how would you act? Simon? Beav? Dave? Nate? Swine? would you act? what would you do? Seriously? no swine jibber jargon, no answers involving truck mounted deer racks or weird pharmacological concoctions...seriously think about it, seriously contemplate, put yourself in that position........what would you do? |
Yah know? Amd I can tell you what I'd have done. Aren't you even curious? |
I probably would realize that i should only buy coke from 98-pound weklings with rescue inhalers. Then again, I don't even buy drugs anymore, people just give them to me. |
What's a security door? |
Hey waffles, is your mom's sister Aunt Jemima? Jsut wondering. ( you see waffles = syrup and... never mind) |
thats the best advice i have had all day |
do the humpty-hump. |