KISSING Have you ever...: KISSING
By Biro on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 03:55 pm:

    Have your ever watched a movie where two people are kissing and you think to yourself, that is so fake - many major stars have yet to master the art of kissing on screen. Case in point, Harrison Ford, his kissing seems very uncomfortable to watch, Keanu Reeves is another washout in the smooching department. Kissing is so intimate so I guess its hard to fake it on screen. Who out there kisses with a passion that you actually feel it? Cant think of anyone can you? Kissing is not just a prelude to sex, with the right kisser it can be sex in itself. Too much mouth, too much tongue, too little of both. Its a personal thing to each of us. I always get a kick when I see a male/female with big lips kissing someone with non-existant lips, how do they do that, in Chandlers words, it gives true meaning to "chewing each others faces" - my favorite kisser is someone who starts slow and easy, doesnt stick his tongue down my throat on the first kiss, thats a turn off to me. Whats your thoughts?

By Antigone on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 08:53 pm:

    Tongue me like a frieght train and I'm yours.

By Cat on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 10:20 pm:

    I'd be willing to give Harrison Ford a piece of my tongue.

By And on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 10:49 pm:

    Exemplary movie kiss:

    Spike Lee and Rosie Perez in "Do the Right Thing"

By Jay on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 11:36 pm:

    how bout that opening scene in KIDS?

By Zephyr on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 12:09 am:

    Oh god! I loved that movie (kids)

    I also think that how you kiss depends on with whom you are kissing. If you really have deep feelings for that person, then you'll kiss them "good" (for lack of a better discriptor)...and even if you don't really have emotion to back up lustful feelings, you can still kiss well, or badly, I really don't know...lust and hormones do wonders.

    I just wish that I really could be in love. That would be nice. And I could find out what a real kiss is like.

By Isolde on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 12:32 am:

    How about the scene in Scary Movie with the girl and the guy in the bed where they tie their tongues together? That was pretty good.
    Ugh. Tongue is a total turn off for me. I can get into it if we've been doing other stuff for a while, including minimal tongue stuff, but I hate people who attempt to deep throat you with their tongues within thirty seconds.

By Antithesis early A.M. on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 04:39 am:

    Can already see that I'm gonna be shooting myself in the foot by posting to this thread, but the temptation is too strong. (Cue ominous dark side music.) I have a friend who is famous for swallowing his partners' faces whole. Kissing is all about nuance and subtelty. Force certainly has it's place, but kissing really is tactile communication at it's /best/. Your kissing shows how you are approaching the other person: The face swallower is really clingy and obsessive; but there are also those people who are afraid to "get involved," they have these plastic lips, no warmth, no movement... I wish everyone would just remember that a first kiss is THE ultimate first impression. anyhow. personally: I like to go by "Dangerous Beauty"s rules: use your tongue lightly and teeth sparingly. I'm addicted to lips. Sad but true.

By Bell_jar on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 12:02 pm:

    i like kissing. i like biting. damn it. i want to kiss someone. well... not just anyone. someone who makes me laugh in between kisses. who gives passionate kisses as well as sweet kisses. someone who knows that kissing doesn't mean fucking.

By Isolde on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 01:57 pm:

    Yeah, really. I've never been into the kising scene, myself. I suppose, in the right mood, one can be, but I get accused of being frigid because I don't express enough interest. At least I'm not a human vacuum cleaner, I suppose. Maybe I enjoy the things that go along with kissing more than the act itself, but it seems like people are so mouth-centric that it's all that ever happens.
    Hello. Kiss. Fuck me?
    Maybe I'm just hanging in the wrong circles.

By Biro on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 06:53 pm:

    Bell_Jar you said it best. Antithesis also has the right idea, I love kissing but shoving ones tongue down my throat on the first kiss, you have no chance with me bud. I like biting too, its kinda sexy and intimate.

By Biro on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 06:55 pm:

    Cat, Harrison Ford is very sexy, just his on screen kissing I dont like, but like you, he can plonk one on my lips anytime he choses. YUMMY.

By Biro on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 07:05 pm:

    Use your tongue lightly and teeth sparingly, good line Antithesis, I too am addicted to lips. My first look at anyone is their lips, my eyes just gravitate there. I used to have this really bad hangup of having huge lips, my girlfriend had tiny little lips -she married someone with HUGE lips, I digress, anyway, comparing hers to mine made me feel like mick jagger, I now realize that my lips are pretty small too, not THIN LIPPED - which reminds me of Kenneth Branaugh who has no lips at all. Now what about tongues, big or small? Does it matter? I need to get off this puter and get a life........... LOL

By Isolde on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 07:48 pm:

    Being small, I tend to like small mouths to scale. I do the lip thing too--looking at people's lips when I see them, but usually I don't do it consciously--I just realize that I'm doing it. Wierd. I think everyone has some part of the face/body that they focus on unconsciously for some reason. I wonder what causes it.

By Jay on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 09:16 pm:

    i dated this girl once and she had this really active tongue. we would be kissing and her tongue would be going all around my teeth and shit. i was like damn girl what are you doing looking for some lunch in there.
    another time i was going on a first date and noticed that my ears were dirty. not filthy but a little dirty but i had no q-tips so i said fuck it. well later on that night we were making out and the girl started probing my ears with her tongue and i was really bugging out thinking she was getting a mouthful of grime.
    looking back i hope she did.

By Kalliope on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 08:25 am:

    have you ever noticed that after you date someone for awhile, the kisses tend to get less passionate. i mean, nothing ever totals up to that first kiss. that first time, when you're sitting there trying not to make eye contact and wondering if you move a little closer, if he'll move away, and when he doesn't, and then your arms start touching, then next thing you know, your faces brush one another and then...boooom

    and that first kiss is always beautiful. even if the person has no skill at kissing, they can trick you into believing they do.

    i agree with you guys bout' the tongue thing. i hate drool. i mean, go ahead, make the kiss a little wet, but if i have to wipe my mouth afterwards, it's just not cool. i hate those teeth kisses too. when the mouth is just pressed up against you and the lips are stiff and you can feel the teeth and its like kissing a miniture MACK truck. overly active tongues suck too. oh and the sucking the tongue thing. its cool once in awhile when done gently, but why guys feel the need to draw my esophogus into their mouths, ill never understand.

By Biro on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 02:05 pm:

    Maybe waxy/grimy ears were her turn on. First kisses are the best, that butterfly feeling when your heart skips a beat. The build up is so intense. The sweetest kiss was just a friend of the family we were at a party and decided to see who could kiss the longest without a break, he won. I was 15 he as 16 we never dated but always remembered that long kiss.

By crimson on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 04:22 pm:

    my first real kiss came from twin brothers. i made out w/ both of them at the same time, in the same car. i was in grade school. they were in their late teens or something. i concluded that one of the brothers' tongues tasted like bubblegum & the other tasted like marlboros. it stopped being fun when the brothers started arguing about which one would drive & which one would kiss me. they didn't seem to think it was odd that they were passing me back & forth. they'd stop the car & switch sides, over & over. i gave them both serious boners.

    somehow, this event finds its way into my writing again & again.

By Biro on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 04:26 pm:

    whoopee, sounds like heaven. So then what happened?

By crimson on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 05:25 pm:

    so then i teased the hell out of them & left them high & dry w/ their boners.

    the twins were religious kids; they ended up feeling extreme guilt for getting aroused (this whole event happened as they were giving me a ride home from church one night). anyway, i freaked them out. they didn't want to speak to me anymore. they decided that i was evil. they got angry w/ me for messing up their purity...they initiated the whole thing, but got mad at me for saying "yes". this confused me, but still, i learned one thing: i liked being able to freak men out & make them feel helpless. they were afraid of me, in a sexual sense, & i liked it. there they were, quite a bit older than me, but i had some kind of weird power over them. isn't that fun?

    i went home & played jacks out on the back porch & thought of more ways i could do nasty things w/ boys in cars. it wouldn't take me long to find the next victim.

By Biro on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 06:47 pm:

    you go girl!
    I knew this weird neighbor kid, we all had a certain bush/tree we used as a hideaway, whenever he turned up it ruined our day, he was definately going to turn out to be the local pervert. His sister moved out of the neighborbood zipperdy quick, wonder why? It was in our hideaway that I had my first kiss, not with pervertboy, I was maybe 9 or 10, I digress, as usual, pervertboy tried to grope me and I yelled for my brother, pervertboy got out of there so fast his arse was on fire. Big brothers, gotta love em. I told my mum about it. Never saw pervertboy in our hideaway again. Some things are sacred with kids, that was mine.

By Wavydave on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:10 pm:

    I started kissing on girls when I was 5 or 6 years old. There was this girl down the block named Kelly and we'd always go find some secluded spot - behind the air conditioner, in the garage, in her playhouse - to kiss on each other. We experimented with the tongue thing, but it was little more than sticking a tongue in the other's mouth and leaving it there for a bit..

    ahhh youth...

    Probably the shining moment of those years was when Kelly and her friend both liked me - I was sitting between the two of them in Kelly's playhouse and they were having a contest to show who liked me more. So one would kiss on me, then I'd get grabbed by the other for some smooching.. then I'd kiss on the other..
    On and on and on.

    Why don't girls fight over me anymore?

    I don't really like too much tongue (not that I've had a LOT of opportunities to experiment lately...)

    But I do like to do a little gentle nibbling and biting. Especially earlobes... I love that little soft spot right between the earlobe and the neck. Seems it's been pretty popular with the people I've tried it on too...

    I've been told more than once that I'm a weird kisser - instead of prolonged contact, I do lots of little kisses and work different parts of the lips.

    Okay, enough on kissing

    for now

By Mavis on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:36 pm:

    i want to kiss someone all tingly and silly and sexy

    pent up sexual energy is a powerful thing.
    now if there was osmeone splendid with whom to share it.....

By semillama on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 08:51 pm:

    I kiss my cat on the head 'cause she's fuzzy.


By Cat on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 09:19 pm:

    I miss being a teenager, when you would just kiss for hours and hours on end until your face swelled up.

    It was during one of those marathon tongue sessions that my first boyfriend had to explain what an erection was. I thought it was just his belt.

    Now that I've got the logistics of erections worked out, I love to kiss during sex...really warm, breathy, hungry kisses.

    My lips are getting lonely just thinking about it.

By Wavydave on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 09:48 pm:

    I remember some marathong kissing sessions during spring break of 8th grade. Kissing on Kristin Jones all afternoon long in my bedroom - until there wasn't a drop of saliva left.

    I'm kinda jonesing for a little smooch session myslef now... Any one live near Idaho?

By Kristin Jones on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 10:06 pm:

    Give me back my saliva

By Antithesis on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 10:11 pm:

    Ack. Idaho. that brings back memories. Don't suppose you're in Sand Point?

    First kisses are nice. Wonderful. but there's something to be said for second kisses, as well.

    I remember this girl I kissed, just once, not a really intense kiss, just sort of a "is this going to happen?" thing. Never did get another, but I sure have thought about it... Like having a years worth of anticipation. If I ever get that second one, I'll be sure to record my feelings for you folks. Which will probably weird said girl out. completely.

    Biting: nah. I was into the occasional nibble until I dated someone who was really *into* biting. OUCH.

    Not sure about marathon kissing sessions, though. Even in high school, wasn't really into that. Kisses are presents. Like flowers and cards snuck into work and lingerie. There's so much more to physical lustwork than lips and breasts and ass and crotch. God, I love tummies. More than almost anything. That's the first part of people I notice, in a sexual-type way. They don't have to be perfect and flat, or anything... roundish tummies can be fun, too... but they're just such neat things. Okay. now I'm starting to sound weird to myself.

By Biro on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 11:37 pm:

    You missed the point - it was a poignant moment in time, we were trying out, testing the waters, it still ranks up there.

By Isolde on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 01:34 am:

    In fact, sure.
    I like surprises at work. Those are the most fun. When people/objects randomly turn up, I get stoked. I remember when I was working way out far away in the boonies, and someone came and visited me at work. It was really exciting. I can't remember what we did, but I was so thrilled that he turned up.
    Tummies. That's an odd one. Maybe because girls are self-conscious about their tummies, it never occurs to me as an area to check out. I look at people's eyebrows. I don't know why. I just do. I think they're very expressive, and everyone underrates them.

By Gee on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 02:30 am:

    Semillama, you're so cute.

By semillama on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 08:22 am:

    That and a buck-fifty gets me a cup of coffee.

By Kalli on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 11:59 am:

    im kinda self concious about my tummy. even though its not a big tummy, it's not a completely flat tummy. it's one of those tummies that looks all skinny and buff when im standing up, but when i sit down it gets kinda bulgy.

    i got a tattoo on my belly a year ago and didnt even think about what would happen if i ever got preggers.

    i guess ill just never have babies.

By Wavydave on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 01:44 pm:

    I'd venture to say that I like slightly-rounded tummies better than flat, taut tummies.

    It's all about skiiiiiiin......

    Anthithesis - I'm in Idaho Falls. Since I can't say anything nice about it, I won't say anything at all...

By Jay on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 01:58 pm:

    i think most peoples tummies do that bulge thing when you sit down. sort of hard to avoid unless you're ethiopian.
    i think the tattoo would look cool all tweaked out from being pregnant. sort of like those little toys you get and soak in water and they get big.

By Rocket on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 02:19 pm:

    what's your deal with ethiopians?
    that hasn't been funny since 1983.

By Isolde on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 08:03 pm:

    You should ask if pregnancy would permanently warpt he tatoo, or if it would spring back into place, or what would happen...

By Celia on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 04:06 am:

    Yes, I think the tattoo would look cool if you got pregnant too. Maybe just me. I think it should er, shrink back after. I'd be more worried about stretch marks, though.

    I'm not that self-conscious about my tummy. I'm a lot more concerned about my eyebrows. They look funny, that's why I hide them slightly under bangs.

By Antithesis on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 04:38 am:

    Eyebrows are also a good one. I like the weird and funky eyebrows... I know WAY to many people with unibrows... that could just be because of where I live. One of my eyebrows has this upward twitch at the end. I was always embarrased about it, 'cause it makes my glasses look lopsided. The pregnant tattoo issue is one I've never thought of. I have a feeling it wouldn't go back exactly. Where's the best place on his body for a really skinny guy to get a tattoo? I've wanted one for ages. Why? What makes tattoos "cool?"

By TBone on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 11:28 am:

    Why does everyone look at me like I'm an asshole when I say that I want to get a barcode tattoo?

By Mavis on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 12:12 pm:

    i don't know. i think tattoos are great, unless they say "like a rock" with the chevy symbol.

    a great place for any guy to get tattoos are the arms.
    my roommate and i agree that we both can't help staring at guys with arm tattoos....makes you want to touch them...

    i'm the only lady i know with a naked lady tattoo.

By Jay on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 12:28 pm:

    barcode tattoo would be cool. i'd get one but my friend and i talked about this issue about ten years ago. it involved the devil and the fact that in the bible or something it says that evil will come in a form to fool the masses.
    he was convinced that the barcode is the sign of the devil because it's on absolutely everything and no one thinks twice about it. he was a talented storyteller/salesman and made it sound really scary and plausable. i've never looked at the barcode the same since.
    think i've seen a barcode tattoo that was taken from an album. Deftones? i can't remember.

By TBone on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 12:39 pm:

    What do you think?

    Barcode on one arm, binary digits wrapped around the other arm...


    And my mom thought the earring was something.

    I'm tempted to get a penguin too.

    Did I ever mention that until recently I drove a falling-apart truck with penguins painted all over it? Had a really big one on the good, one on each door, and smaller ones all over.

By Bell_jar on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:21 pm:

    eveyone always laughs when i say that if i get a tattoo it will be of a banana behind my ear. i want something that is somewhat hidden, and behind the ear seems like a good place. the banana will go with the shape of my ear. i could make up some interesting stories about what it stands for.

    i know a guy who had a barcode on his arm. he wanted to remind himself of something he hated so he put the barcode of a pack of cigarettes on his arm. i think that's the story... of course it could be a banana and i wouldn't know

By Wavydave on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:36 pm:

    I gave myself tatoos on each ankle my Sr. year in high school. Both of them are blotched and faded a bit, and it's embarrasing to tell people what they are when they notice.

    Thing is, they hurt SOOO much going on, I really have no desire to get them covered. Besides the fact that I can't think of anything good to put over them.

    My advice to youngsters: dont make a homemade tatoo gun and mark yourself after you've been drinking cheap whiskey and trying to show off for your friends.


By Jay on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 02:28 pm:

    i don't think getting a bannana behind your ear would be worth the pain of having it put there.
    but you know, do what you like.
    i talked to this guy who knew a guy during vietnam who didn't want to get drafted. he got "Fuck You" tattooed on the side of his hand so whenever he would salute it would face out. i don't know if he got out of being drafted or not.

By Dougie on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 03:34 pm:

    Get a boyfriend, let him put his banana behind your ear. Or in it.

By Isolde on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 04:32 pm:

    At work, we have these little translucen bar code stickers to put on packs of stationary. I took one and put in on my neck. People actually thought it was a tattoo. Very nifty. Make it stand for something interesting, and ask the people at the supermarket to scan it for you.
    I've been meaning to get a tattoo for ages. I'd like to get calligraphy, and I have a character picked out, but I realized suddenly that everyone and their sister is getting calligraphy, and so it would me misinterpreted.
    Maybe I should get a big tattoo of a naked penguin on my left breast.

By semillama on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 06:43 pm:

    Tatto little legs al around one of your more prominent moles.

    then everyone will freak out because there is a bug on you.

    Must get to Seattle... need pain of tattoo....tempered afterwards by adrenaline, good beer and mind-blowing pot.

By Isolde on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 07:08 pm:

    I only have one mole. And it's in a place people shouldn't be looking. But it's an interesting idea.

By patrick on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 07:51 pm:

    i know its not your ass. maybe its in your ear???

By Wavydave on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 09:15 pm:

    Can I kiss the penguin, Isolde?

    Someday, maybe, I'll think of something that I like enough to draw on myself permanently.

    Until then, I have my two tributes to drunken male bravado, covered by my socks.

By Fetidbeaver on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 11:48 pm:

    I'm going to get a Tattoo across my ass that says, "WARNING! Severe tire damage, DO NOT ENTER!

By Isolde on Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 08:12 pm:

    Um, sure you can. My penguin will appreciate it.
    And, actually, it is on my ass, although you can't see it int he picture I sent Nate...speaking of which...Nate...what happened to those pictures? It's shaped like a star.

By Spider on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 12:00 pm:

    Did you hear the joke about the two penguins? Two penguins meet each other walking across an iceburg, and one penguin says to the other, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo." And the other penguin says, "Maybe I am."

    I love that!

    Anyway. Carry on.

By semillama on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 06:01 pm:

    That's really funny. I must remember that. thanks, spider.

    Yeah, Nate, what's up with that? and how does your fiance feel about strangers sending you pictures of themselves nekkid?

By Spyder on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 06:42 pm:

    I'm sure you tell jokes better than I do, so this may be unnecessary, but you have to be careful with how you say the "maybe I am." I find it goes over best when you say it kind of innocently surprised, rather than defensively. But that's just me. Aaaah, whatever.

By semillama on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 01:16 pm:

    That's how I thought the penguin would say it, like it was one of the prime existential questions of penguin existence - whether or not one is indeed dressed in formalwear at all times.

By Wavydave on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 01:57 pm:

    Why did Tiger go into the restroom?

    He was looking for Pooh!


    ahah...cough... uh, carry on.

By Kalliope on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 02:19 pm:

    Does Mark ever read this stuff?

By Gee on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 04:57 pm:

    I recognize that. it was a Twin Peak's joke. I could never remember the punch-line.

By Link on Thursday, October 3, 2002 - 11:42 am:

    Toungue is the best in the world, I like to get tounged more than anything. But i usually do the tounging

By D on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 12:20 am:

    I love to kiss I get so horny and hot even though
    I'm a girl I love to kiss girls Yes I do like
    toung too. I love to get so horney and out of control