Okay there's this guy on the Internet that is like stalking me and yay for me he lives like 10 miles away (NOT YAY!). He found my number through my sisters icq info, (Because my sisters dumb and puts our number for the world to see). anywho.. so he calls me and talks to me for like 8 hours (I was really bored that day) He sounded cool at first but then he was like 'would you ever date me?' And I�m like 'no. That�s not really a possibility, because I don�t' want a boyfriend right now.' He kept dragging it on and talking about it. For almost 2 hours... and he was like 'but I�m just wanting to know if there's a possibility if you would date me... if you would ever consider it...? And I�m like 'no. It�s not!!!! Blah blah on and on.� telling him that I don't want a boyfriend over and over.. He�s all 'but why don't you want one?' And I�m like 'too much shit to deal with.. etc etc.. And I don�t' want to deal with it now!!!... I�m busy concentrating on school.. ' Plus I hate it when people continue to badger me on a topic after I�ve said no five million times!!!! So anyways... he finally dropped it but kept bringing it up over and over... if we'd have something in common he'd be like 'see, I think we'd make a good couple..' And I was like 'but I don�t' want that.. It�s NEVER going to happen..' (Again hating every moment of this conversation) So anyways.. I finally just had to hang up on him because he wouldn�t' shut up...it was like we were married and fighting over something so trivial that I couldn�t� take it anymore! He literally drives me INSANE!!!!! Well, we stopped talking for a while and he found me again on icq with a different nickname (because I had ignored his previous one).. He got my email address off of my icq info (which I have taken out) and added me to the msn messenger thing...so anyways he added me to the msn thing and started talking to me... not much really he'd just say hi every once in a while.. But then he brought up the meeting thing the other day and I was like 'not today, I don't feel good'... trying to be nice and see if he'd get the hint (he tried finding my house before.. which scared the shit out of me!!!)... So then he's just been asking me that the past few days and I�m trying to not be mean to him because I�m not really like that at all and I guess I just hit a breaking point with him today (he brings things up so often and so repeatedly that it makes me want to puke!!!!) my blood pressure rises just thinking about it ... he does remind me of my dad though, he talks about the stupidest things for hours and he NEVER drops anything!!!!...Him and my dad have got to be the STUPIDEST human beings on this earth when it comes to 'getting the drift'... so since he has failed to understand normal human language I just had to tell him basically 'FUCK OFF'...because I really don�t like him.. He�s annoying as hell and I can't take it anymore!!!!! and believe me, there ARE messed up guys out there! he's living proof! girls aren't always the fucked up ones! UGHHHH IT PISSES ME OFFFFFF!!!!! hopefully he doesn't message me or email me anymore, i'll slam him on ignore every time!!!! he annoys me to no end... blah my rant is over.. i just needed to let off some steam... forgive me if i sounded stupid! peaaaaace