Sarah's going crazy from the separation from her island and her boyfriend. Patrick's going crazy for mysterious but possibly maritally-related reason. I'm going crazy because it's my Semi-Annual Crazy Time (TM). How are the rest of you doing? Let me talk about my craziness. I'm depressed. I have bizarre emotional experiences with little or no stimulation. I'm having obsessive, intrusive thoughts. I feel like I want to hide in a dark closet with clothes thrown on top of me for a week or so. This sucks. Weigh in with YOUR mental problems here: |
It weighs on my marriage indeed. But I should have expected this. But possessing the expectation doesn't necessarily mean you are properly equipped. Yeah I KNOW that tornado is coming, but hiding under the couch doesnt mean my house is going to be untouched. Its literally month to month for us. Unfortunately we started this business at a time when our personal debt wasn't exactly minimal so a chunk of the makings from the company (more than we'd like) are going to our personal payouts each month which in turn is straining an otherwise successful business. Short-term outlook is tough. The long-term is good. The sweaters are moving. The new items are even stronger than that current ones so I expect even more to come. I have so many feelings that this was meant to be. I don't want to jinx it, but damn if Im not confident. Otherwise, Im going crazy on a week to week basis because of the many little worries that I have a bad habit of making into bigger worries. I worry and stress alot. I was raised with a strict sense of fiduciary responsibility and on those days of the month when it seems like we may not be able to pay rent or what have you, i freak on the wife, she freaks on me...we unlove for days and i get depressed. Today was a good day to start this thread as I can look at it rationally, partly due to the fact that marital relations were WAYYYYY up on several occasions last night. AHEM. |
Come on, throw me a bone... |
I am not crazy. You are. |
being crazy has its plusses. i mean, what a rush! |
I'm going to see "Ice Age" saturday morning, I hope to see "Men With Brooms" saturday night, and Sunday I'm going shopping for clothes (yay!) and having a little Buffy marathon with chocolate. and then it's only one week until Wrestlemania, and less than a week after that is Niagra Falls. Plus I'm moving at the end of the month and I already have most of the stuff I need for MY APARTMENT. what else? Well, I'm cute. I have a copy of the "Moulin Rouge" soundtrack, an "air of confidence", and a best friend who substitutes nicely for a pseudo-boyfriend when I'm feeling lonely. Everything is good. except for that dark shadow looming on the horizon, that is. :) |
Tuesday: A sober client leaving an early morning AA meeting stops to pick up a drunk hitchhiker who literally walks into the path of her car, on her (my client's) way to her 8:30 appointment with me. Turns out the drunk had been spotted day prior but got lost; this time the police escorted her into protective custody. Crazy. Wednesday: one of my favorite bipolar drunk pothead battered woman lies to her group about being clean, another is passing clods of shit through her veins, and my least favorite sociopathic narcissist insists I write a favorable letter to court encouraging his release from 120 days of jail. I can say nothing good about the man. He insists he is the model client and his $190,000 worth of felony thefts are all bogus. Crazy. Thursday: Client who adamantly denied reeking of booze on Tuesday when she blew 0.056 on breathalyzer 30 hours after drinking two pints of whiskey, tries to convince me the little bugs crawling under her skin are real. May be not crazy. I can't go on: enough of qualitative descriptions. MY problem: it's crazy that someone somewhere pays me to help these crazies. Like I could. |
I want to live in her world. You never have to pay bills, but have a nice house to live in, and good meals on the table. You never have to take any responsibility for your own actions (if you don't want your kid beat him up and let someone else raise him for you). You don't have to work, just sit on your ass all day and trash the house and someone else will clean it for you. Your s/o could be off working their ass off to make a fresh start and you can take the money they earn and buy new clothes and shoes and hair extensions and DVD's and CD's and other unneccesary shit. And you can do all of these worthless things and if anyone doesn't like it they will be condemned and degraded for not letting it all roll of their backs and treating you like you are a saint. Must be nice to live on Planet Annie. Thank God we moved to Texas. Distance is a blessing right now. Grandma must be rolling over in her grave. |
where do you live in texas? |
spider, what are you obsessive and intrusive thoughts? care to share? cuz i'm curious... |
It's not happening right now. Actually, this current period is a lot less disturbing than other times in the past. (BTW, I do not mean period in the menstrual sense....I think this is totally unrelated to hormones.) The worst time was last May, when it was pretty severe and lasted almost all month. Anyway. |
It's a pain in the ass. |
This happens to me from time to time. I don't think thats so crazy. The best thing to do when you recognize this coming about is to just politely avoid them, let it pass. There's no logic but you know we arent entirely logical creatures. You're not crazy, but for the sake of the thread, I'll pretend you are. |
Oh, yeah? Maybe you're just crazy too. :Þ |
I have never hated random people. It just isn't like me. I don't hate people. I don't know why, I just don't. Maybe, I am the crazy. My latest cause of insanity. My kitties. I have three. All came down with some little cold when we first got here. 2 got over it, one didn't. Also one had a little drainage from the eye, like a cold and then the next day his eyeball was all red. Went to the vet today. I get to give Sidney (the one with the cold) Mikayla's old baby medicine and just change the doseage for Sid's weight. Punkin's eye is another story. He is on two different medications now. He has an ulcer in his eyeball beneath the retina. It can push the entire retina out of the eyeball. We are trying to save his eye, and won't know anything for a week, to see if he can improve at all or not. Otherwise the old man (he's 14 now) has to go in for surgery. Damn, he can't do anything cheap!!!! The vet visit was more than a trip to the Pediatrician for the kids. If it costs $60 for today, what will a frickin surgery cost? Ugh. I hope he can get better, for his own sake. I need a shot!!!!! |
spider, it kinda sounds like a form of social anxiety and/or agorophobia or something. i don't think that's too unusual, but it sounds upsetting. i'm sure you never do anything bad. and anyway, you can't be accountable for other people's feelings all the time. |
I've been told it's a form of OCD, but since I don't have any compulsions (unless you count whispering "I'm sorry" a compulsion), I'm probably okay. I have mild social anxiety all the time, so maybe these periods make it flare up or something. Except for that time last May, the periods usually last no longer than a week or two, and they usually come about only twice a year, so I've never felt inspired to get professional help for them. I'd rather spew here and wait till my spirits lift. :) |
months. I saw a "councillor" a few times since then. I talked to my doctor too, now i have 3 weeks worth of Paxil in my dresser drawer. I don't think i'll ever take it. I don't think i could bring myself to. Any craziness in me right now is due to my uncertain future, and that stress and fear spills over into everything else in life. I can't calm down about things if they upset me, and my usual super-worrying nature goes into overdrive and i start plotting out bad things that are going to happen, months, years in advance. But i've been freaking myself out like that since i was a kid. It's just really strong in times of stress. It's not good. It affects my relationship with the boy. These things always sound so much more nutty when you type them out or think about them later; but last night i was just thinking about him for a bit, (like his face, eyes, laugh, etc) and i didn't get the usual warm fuzzy inside feeling that goes with thoughts of love. So i started to panic and think that maybe we're falling apart and this means i don't love him anymore and oh my god 'the honeymoon's over' and i'm a bad person and how could i do that to him (much like what Spider (said), all in the span of a few minutes. Then i snapped out of it and went to bed. Things like that. It's all bullshit of course. We're normal. But there is no "normal" right now. Vacation? what's a vacation? I haven't had a "vacation" in 4 years (almost 5! woo-hoo!) But stress is killing both of us, we haven't had sex in...... nevermind how long. A long time, for us. It's so weird. I'm hating all of this. And i don't know when my life will get back on any sort of 'track' so i have nothing to look forward to, no real goals, no reason to buck up and change my socks even, some days i think that way. *sigh* and sometimes, i'm feeling okay. the Krispy Kreme helps. me not having a cigarette in 5 months does not help. |
(1) quit your job/school/responsibilities (2) smoke...alot, anything you can get to burn (3) sell your body....cheaper the better (4) become a junkie (5) lower your standards which will lower your stress |
I have been feeling like I am in self-destruct mode lately. All of FB's advice up there have pretty much been thoughts that I've had within the last three months. I've felt like running away on more than one occassion. But I know there is no answer in any of those. I just want to be able to pay my bills and take care of my family. The job I have now is not enough. Not with my husband's salary. We don't make enough and I feel like I'm drowning half the time. I keep getting myself into situations that I shouldn't. I am a married woman, and I love my husband. I should not be in these situations... I feel like I need to just stay at home and hide under the covers or something. That it would be the only way to keep myself out of trouble. Lately, trouble just seems to keep finding me. I feel like I'm going crazy b/c I start thinking about the mess we're in financially and I can't even breathe. I know this is all stuff that a lot of people go through, but I still feel crazy. |
Agoraphobia is the fear of going outside your home, and may or may not be related to anxiety. Too much is made of social anxiety disorder (it certainly exists) and too many times it is just confused with general angst over not having enough money time sex cigarettes friends kitty litter. We live in a time of angst, a time of very fast living, a time that is nearly out of control... and even healthy folks (????) have a good dose of generalized anxiety. After all, when was the last time YOU experienced airplanes flying into buildings? Not that it hasn't happened before, just not to you and me. Anxiety is debilitating, long lasting, chronic, resulting in health and social problems. What works for me is a sober support system, a group of people with whom I can reality test; time alone in the woods and nature as a healing force; acceptance that everything is as it should be right at this moment; knowledge that I am not in charge of anything except my attitude and behavior; determination to not screw up things anymore than they are.... which may mean simplifying my life, selling my belongings, logging off, buying a smaller condo on the beach, trading the BMW for Mazda, living properly one relationship at a time, dedicating myself to honesty, ignoring my critics, reaching out to others, serving others in a way to get outside of the muck of self, and dancing with my shadow whether I want to or not. hmm, logging off? |
Flat out mess today. I fought with my boss in the middle of a meeting. Kinda smoothed things over, then at the end of the day went into his office to talk about something unrelated and ended up fighting again. He said, we'll talk about this tomorrow, and I said, yeah, you'll need your strength, and then walked out. WHY. What have I done? |
Dave, you lox, you know you love me, too. Say it. SAY IT. |
stop bothering me. |
Work was making me mad, so I went across the street to the church there so I could collect my thoughts and calm down. When I was there, I thought about an old friend of the family, Rose, who passed away last Monday. Rose was like my surrogate grandmother -- my mother never got along with her own mother, and Rose took her place. She was a really cool woman, and I miss her. I started crying in church, and I went into to the bathroom to calm down and wash my face. The bathroom is a one-room, single-sex, deal. It took me a while to calm down, and I was in there for maybe five minutes, when someone bangs on the door. I say, "someone's in here." A man answers and says that there is a woman outside who would like to use the bathroom and could I hurry up? And this stuns me, because, you know, I'm in the bathroom, and for all he knows I could be in the throes of a stomach ache or something. And who the fuck pounds on a public bathroom door of the opposite sex and tells the person inside to hurry up? If the woman was in such a hurry, why didn't she knock for herself? Was she a little crippled old lady? I had the water running, too, so you could hear that there was someone inside. In fact, you could probably hear me crying, in which case, the guy was a complete asshole for asking me to leave. So I leave, and I see an able-bodied middle-aged woman talking to the man. I hold the bathroom door for a moment, so as to gesture that she can enter now, but she keeps on talking. I don't say anything and I go back to my office. Even now, I can't stop thinking about how rude and embarrassing that was. |
go see "Secretary" the movie. it will make you feel sane by comparison. maybe. |
Unless you want to fly to DC and see it again with me. :) |
yeah, total perv. women are totally known for going to theaters alone, for similar pervy reasons. we once saw a showing of Body Double and had to constantly shoo all the single women away. i have a backlog of *whatthe fuck are you talking about* expressions id like to unload. Id almost consider flying to DC to do so. |
Can we please direct our indignation back to the guy in the church? I didn't bring this up to talk about my pathetic friends, my sexual repression, etc. etc. etc. Blah blah blah. |
what about the guy in the church? he was an impatient dick. moving on... I see this at the top of this thread: "Patrick's going crazy for mysterious but possibly maritally-related reason" heeeee im such a whiny weiner sometimes. im sure i must have been self loathing somewhere here. im not crazy though. |
Yesterday afternoon I had a nice talk with my boss, who had noticed that my work was crushing me. Things might be getting better soon. We have a new Big Boss, who might help streamline things to reduce inefficiency. I'm still saying "might," because I lack hope. I love that word, serene. I like austere, too. I think it's the e-consonant-e pattern that appeals to me, especially in austere, since it softens the R sound. If I have a daughter, I might give her Serene for a middle name. It's too big a burden to use as a first name, as is Hope. |
I can't figure out the rule for censoring "damn." Sometimes it's written out, and some times it's written as "d---." It seems to be okay to say "a damnable shame," but not okay to say "damn him" or "that damned dog." But there are exceptions. Odd. |
thanks for asking |
This is in contrast to a book I once read published around 1880 (I had found it at a flea market, so it's nothing famous) that was also about an odd marriage of convenience, in which the husband and wife barely spoke to one another. In the middle of the book, suddenly the wife is pregnant. That was a bit of a shock -- for all the reader was told, they'd never even smiled at each other over breakfast. |
I am also glad I saw "Secretary" by myself -- no WAY would anyone I know have reacted favorably to the movie. I can just imagine them coming out of the theatre saying, "Eeewww, that was so disturbing." It was not disturbing. It was the opposite of disturbing. I have difficulty expressing myself well -- take this parenthetical phrase from above: "(I had found it at a flea market, so it's nothing famous)." Now, why did I use the word "so"? How does not being famous follow from the state of being sold at a flea market? I need to edit before I post. My four-day weekend was very restful, but I feel like I'm going crazy again. I really need to do something to reduce or reorganize my workload. The first step would be to stop posting here, but this is what keeps me from exploding. |
I felt so uncomfortable seeing his name in the To field I had to log out. It just came flooding back to me, how I had a huge crush on him, and how strange and awkward he was, and how awkward and uncomfortable I usually felt around him. What a weird experience that was. Since I've quit my job I haven't had any of the random anxiety/craziness I started this thread about. PMS, spiritual crises, and misanthropy caused by external events -- yes. I hope the next guy I really like is single and has mutual feelings, because otherwise, the awkwardness is viscerally painful, and I'd rather not have to deal with that ever, ever again. |
i gained 10 lbs. during the last two weeks i wore a patch i had heart palpitations, high blood pressure, depression and wishing i was dead thoughts, irritibility, inability to function at work. etc etc etc. i ripped the last one off 3 days early. within two days i peed out 5+ pounds of water weight i had been holding for months and months. my appetite returned to normal. like, i can eat three meals a day and feel satisfied. i don't crave sugar or need to eat every 2 hours. i'm calmer, more relaxed. my god. i almost lost it completely this time. it took me too long to recognize the pattern. the patch was the last thing from my mind, since it had been working like a charm for so long. |
i've given up trying to quiet hormonal shitstorm. all i can do now is try to develop better coping mechanisms. |
im still going crazy. even crazier. in fact, im the craziest i've ever been in 29 1/2 years of my life. |
Lack of routine makes me crazy. Injury makes me crazy. Silence makes me crazy too, but that's the thing I have the most control over and I find myself getting quieter and quieter. I cried on Saturday out of frustration and loneliness. With the bandages biking is painful and all my housemates went to a housewarming in southeast. So.... urm.... Spider, how is the JVC thing going? pezlapis is out of the loop. |
I am also crazy. Pregancy test was negative. Period has not come. Six weeks late. Fucking stupid doctors. |
Hmmm.... that was .. deep-ish! :-) |
i dislocated my shoulder on saturday near the end of a crazy ass kayaking trip down the blanco. 16.7 miles of kayaking on a stretch of the river that is only navigable when the water flow is between a specific range. i didn't see the doctor until this morning. i've injured this shoulder before, 3 years ago, and they took xrays, gave me some vioxx, and said, go home and rest it. so i figured i'd just save myself the doctor bill this time. except that it hurts like a motherfucker and seems to be getting worse, not better. i'm having an MRI next tuesday. so we'll see. the point is, they weighed me. 166 lbs. when i moved to austin i was 150. at 142-145 i'm a size six. 150 i'm a size eight. when i saw the gastroenterologist on february 9th, 2004, i weighed 153. my blood pressure was 120/80. my blood pressure hasn't been over 90/60 in five years. my heart rate was 78. my heart rate hasn't been over 54 in five years. so yeah, what the fuck. what. the. fuck. is the it the patch? i'm beginning to wonder. i don't know. i do know that i am one very unhappy camper right now. it's not that i can't lose weight. i know how to lose weight. it's that i can't control my hunger. hungry all the god damned time. nothing seems to help. i had an appointment to see a nutritionist, but my insurance won't cover it, and it's going to cost me $150.00. for the kind of money i might as well join the Quick Weight Loss Center. which i very well might do. i am very upset about this. more upset about this than about the currently unfortunate state of my relationship with senor. |
The gauze is gone but things are still painfully healing. No time to recuperate much due to work (work work work, she'll never get her dress done). Big move still unpacking. Wedding cross country trip was canceled for PezLapis. Bought a computer instead, which does not work with wireless DSL for some reason. grrrrr. The time is now, we are the ones. helmet zoobomb love |
Hi, Lapiz. HEAL! |
This time you really were bad, bad, bad? Lapis Pezuli, my JVC thing hasn't started yet, but I'll be heading out on August 3. And actually, they were supposed to have sent me info on what to pack and how to prepare, but I haven't gotten it yet. Eep. |
But I didn't really put much thought into it. |
August 3? Where did you end up? Do you start immediately? HEEL! |
add that to spider's trend of abstract sorabji class photos |
Though a scab-o-gram would be a great idea. There were ffotoes taken of bikeskids and the dead mousemet that turned beautifully. |
i weighed myself this morning. 155 lbs. i've lost 11 lbs since going off the patch. i'd say half or more of that was water retention, which you all can clearly see for yourselves in my memorial weekend photos. is that crazy or what? and i feel so much calmer. did i mention at that same dr visit my blood pressure was 120/80? which seems fine right? except my b.p. hasn't been above 90/60 in about six years or more. i'm not moody, i'm not constantly hungry. my god. goodbye forever to birth control. i really really really mean it this time. |
What happened with your MRI Sarah? |
Are you one of those blessed with no claustrophobia? |
Lately I've been suffering from phantom sunglasses-on-my-head. |
the MRI was fine. easy schmeazy. the tech was actually this very hot older man and the head technician there. i asked him does he always work nights? he said no, just on tuesdays, as a way of being a good "team player", trying to keep the other techs happy so they don't quit. the tube had the word PHILIPS etched on the front. i said, "philips. don't they make screwdrivers?" he laughed and said, "that's funny - i hadn't heard that one yet." i think he was lying. he was real nice and won me over right away by asking me to put on the blue scrubs (as opposed to the pink ones or the teal ones) because they were the smallest size. he gave me headphones and asked me what radio station i enjoyed listening to in the evenings. i had him put on a.m. radio so i could listen to the astros game. afterward i got him to show the pictures. it was so fucking cool. you could see everything! the skin, the blood vessels in the skin, the muscle tissue (he said i had a lot of muscle :), the joint and socket, the connective tissue, and the pockets of fluid "a result from trauma" he said. i asked him, "can you tell what's wrong?" and he said, "i can tell, but i can't tell you." as it turns out, after seeing the results of the MRI, the first orthopedist i consulted with (who wouldn't prescribe me any pain medication, but sent me home with free packets of arthritis medication... bitch) ended up needing to refer me to a shoulder specialist who "focuses only on doing shoulder surgeries". and i'm thinking, who said anything about having surgery?? fuckity fuck fuck. NO MORE SURGERY. i can't take any more fucking surgeries, arthroscopy or otherwise. my appointment with the specialist is on wednesday. "in the meantime", the nurse told me this morning, "we've called in some pain medication for you". without me needing to ask. yay darvocet! it ain't vicodin, but it'll do. just in time too. i took my last valium and my last percocet yesterday following a late afternoon emotional meltdown of apocolyptic proportions. one good thing about being broken up is, you lose your appetite *and* you get to binge on pills. and alcohol. |
Wishing you well. |
i keep magnets on my refrigerator to hold photos to it. my refrigerator partially is made out of an alloy of elements that are magnetic. my body, however, is slightly anemic and probably quite low on iron. and while i admit i am no expert on anatomical atomic magnetics, i haven't uncovered any scientific evidence of magnets repairing torn connective tissues. therefore i am going to hold off on magnets for now and stick to darvocet and perhaps consider physical therapy, but thanks for the suggestion. |
anyway, k offered to give l a pill that she takes for her migraines but said not to take the whole thing because they're very powerful and will make her feel loopy if she takes too much. l broke the pill into quarters and took one of the fragments. within about 20 minutes her pain was gone and she was acting all goofy, just like she'd been warned about. the pill was one of the fake birth control pills that come in the package of 28. |
I get migraines. You know what infuriates me? OTC pain relievers with the word "Migraine" tacked on to the end of it. Motrin Migraine. Excedrin Migraine. If you compare the active ingredients and their dosages to regular old Motrin or Excedrin, what do you find? It's the same fucking pill! I've got one of those nifty injectors for when I get 'em. |
so, you know, it's different. stop with the critical thinking already, mr literal. |
I've been suffering needlessly. |
Actuallyk, I haven't gotten any such headaches since I quit my job, so I wonder if they weren't just stress-induced. I have had one ocular, or acephalic, migraine -- that's when you see halos and temporarily lose your vision, but feel no pain. I remember I was in my public library when it happened, and it freaked me out! I suddenly couldn't see in the focal point of my vision -- I could see peripherally, but it was just, like, blank in the center. And then the blankness spread out until I couldn't see at all -- it was just white everywhere. And then it went away. |
The aura I get before a migraine is a blind spot in the center of my vision, like you experienced. The brain's ability to fill in the blanks is incredible. I don't usually notice it unless I'm trying to read or look closely at something. After a while, I get flashing, zigzaggy lines in my peripheral vision. Then that all fades away as a lump of cold, heavy pain slides up the base of my skull. I don't get them very often though. |
I've been told that they could come from food allergies....just a thought. :) |
my skin is looking better. i've been washing my face with bar soap. well, kiss-my-face® olive and aloe soap. but the skin improvement could also be from the sun. |
i am going crazy again. don't think i've ever been so stressed out. senor's mom is sick, stressful enough. it started getting bad literally right after natalie was born. it has become critical, and now i'm facing about two weeks at home alone with the two kids, nay, BABIES, and back to work full time starting last wednesday, while he goes to st. louis to move her into assisted living which she can't entirely afford so we are going to have to come up with the difference. and i have an appt next week with the same surgeon who repaired my right shoulder and now this time it's my right knee that has been hurting like a motherfucker. i'm trying to lose the extra baby weight as fast as i can (the stress is helpful in this capacity at least) to rectify this knee pain situation, and taking prescription naproxen. then there's the emotional stress of being away from my baby to return to work. and trying to take care of a family with two children under two years old at the same time working full time, that my friends is no easy task in itself. it's all just too much right now. i feel like i'm going to explode. senor is handling it all so well, almost too well really. he's losing some sleep, but he's been able to keep his cool. i have not. |
i can empathize. try and take a breath and step back and tell yourself youre doing a lot of caregiving right now. it will clear up. at the risk of going off topic ive been thinking a lot about the day to day once the baby is born in feb. how our lives are going to be topsy turvy... on top of how nutty they are now with school, work, loving my woman, taking care of my house etc. throw in a hungry, needy baby....holy shit its overwhelming to think. no doubt ill be in the weeds soon always gets better. that said, youre in the weeds right now sarah. it will get better. it always does. unrelated.... you guys have any more dialog about the carolinas? |
Can't you see the sunshine Can't you just feel the moonshine Ain't it just like a friend of mine It hit me from behind Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind Karen she's a silver sun You best walk her way and watch it shinin' Watch her watch the mornin' come A silver tear appearing now I'm cryin' ain't I Gone to Carolina in my mind There ain't no doubt it no ones mind That loves the finest thing around Whisper something soft and kind And hey babe the sky's on fire, I'm dyin' ain't I Gone to Carolina in my mind In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina Can't you see the sunshine Can't you just feel the moonshine Ain't it just like a friend of mine It hit me from behind Yes I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind Dark and silent late last night I think I might have heard the highway calling Geese in flight and dogs that bite Signs that might be omens say I going, going I'm gone to Carolina in my mind With a holy host of others standing around me Still I'm on the dark side of the moon And it seems like it goes on like this forever You must forgive me If I'm up and gone to Carolina in my mind In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina Can't you see the sunshine Can't you just feel the moonshine Ain't it just like a friend of mine It hit me from behind Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind Gone to Carolina in my mind Then I'm on to Carolina in my mind Gone to Carolina in my mind Gone - I'm gone - I'm gone Say nice things about me 'Cause I'm gone south Carry on without me 'Cause I'm gone |
Sarah, I feel for you. When Sem announced he might have 3-4 weeks of fieldwork in Massachusetts I told him I was moving to my mother's (also in MA), which is where I am now. If I had full time daycare, it might have been different but there was no way I could take care of just the one baby, edit my articles for work, and meet my next dissertation "deadline" without some help. Good luck. Do you have a friend that can come over and sit with the kids for an hour or two? |
thanks. i totally don't blame you for going to Massachusetts with the baby, and i wish i could do something similar but that's not an option. i have a friend's sister that may be able to help out, but she's a flaky stoner so we'll see... my boss is being a total ass about my request for a modified schedule while senor is out of town. to top it all off today i totally blew my knee out as i was running, literally, because i was late to meet up with someone. i feel sick to my stomach. it seems like we're hitting a bad luck streak and i have this awful feeling that things are going to get worse before they get better. |
Bad stuff here... 1. Whole family got sick, lingering cough for three weeks. 2. We had to put our dog (my best friend) Truck to sleep because he was suffering horribly from stomach cancer. 3. My mom fell and was in the hospital for a week. 4. Our "new" dog Kitty that we got a year ago has a liver that's shutting down. It's quite possible that we'll lose her too in the near future, although she seems to be responding positively to the sixteen different kinds of pills that we have to shove down her throat twice a day. 5. We're really broke. |
we're not talking, really: no new emotional bond has formed between us. we have started emailing each other talking about ukuleles. crazy. |
that is crazy. patrick, forgot to mention -- the reason senor isn't moving his mom down here for assisted living is because he's pretty sure we'll be moving in the next few years and doesn't want to have to move her down here and then again whenever we move. i know he seriously is considering the research triangle. we just have to wait for a good time to come out and take a look. that could be a while. | |
the xray of my knee revealed a "lesion" on my femur, completely unrelated to the injury and pain i was feeling. the doc said he was 99% sure it was benign but that the lesion alone was all he needed to see to want to have an mri done. he didn't even bother to ask me how i had injured my knee, because the mri would tell him what he needed to know. the lesion turned out to be nothing, a non-ossified something something something. basically a growth inside the bone that does nothing and causes nothing. ? the mri revealed a torn up meniscus, no surprise there, though he said it wasn't caused by my exercising mishap. said it looked more like it was caused by years of wear and tear, and that it had finally just started to bother me. the injury from last saturday was something else entirely. strained ligaments and bruised up cartilage. i was told to rest and avoid deep squatting. sigh. i think senor will be coming home wednesday. he's been able to get enough done for now, though things with his mom continue to be unpredictable, and she'll require more day to day care than first anticipated. the girls have been amazing. natalie's decided to grow into a perfect 3-naps-a-day schedule early (she's not even 4 months old yet), and a predictable bed time. we've had a few rough nights, but mostly things have gone well. the garbage got taken out, the house is still standing, and i've managed to keep everyone fed, bathed, rested, and alive. except the dogs, i put them in the kennel - i just could not deal with taking care of four babies all by myself. in any case, i'm doing it, i'm getting through it. but i'm exhausted and emotionally worn out. |
i hoped you don't mind me asking you a question. how old are you? cause of some concern about knees issues. sometimes people feels uncomfort with their knees due to the cold weather. |
Ian has just started crawling - not that good at it, hasn't got off his belly yet. What this means is that I have a lot of work waiting for me when I get back to Columbus in trying to babyproof a 90 year old house... |
it's hard to believe, but some time has passed now and things are getting worse. now that i'm faced with the black on white here i can't even find the words to explain it in a way that's not inane. there's nothing i can do to fix it. i've asked senor to away for several days in december since he's got a week off. i'm thinking of taking the girls to hawaii as opposed to sitting around and drinking my way through the holidays. it couldn't be any harder than... than staying home. |
And I think a trip to Hawaii is a really groovy idea. |
Compared to excitement, beach, sand, dogs, sunshine, island (any). Moma got da blues. Moma not happy, nobody happy. |
it aint' momma that's got the blues, it's daddy. and that's why i can't fix it. |
rx blues = beach |
the turducken got the flu. puking nonstop yesterday from 5 a.m. til 5 p.m. it was everywhere. we had to throw away our 9x12 living room rug. today a bit better. still feverish but she hasn't puked since about 4 a.m. is 2009 over yet? |
I have been taking care of the carpet especially cleaning off the dogs' hair ... and now, my nephew got rid of his bedroom rugs, not sure why. I think he is changing cause, he is no longer a teenager realizing that he is already a grown man. He have been attending community college and took several course, including website programming. |
I destroyed our rug last year. Good times that was. |
i lost a dear friend on Sunday. his name is Val. he and i were kayaking buddies. he was there the day i dislocated my shoulder. and he was the one who took charge and helped me. he took me out to dinner that night and reassured me that it'd be okay. twelve weeks ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer. and that was that. he was 46 years old. not yet 40 when i first met him. his girlfriend hates me, but i'm still attending his memorial this weekend. love you, Val. gonna miss you, man. |
The other weeks ago, on the train,the lady had a "tourette syndrome", she repeats this, as she pucker her lips and said "what", this was repeated during her 34 minutes ride on a commuter train. |
Sorry SaRAH. Remember you are thought of often by many. I looked at Fire Pond the other day. Magnificent still, |
Louise, she's all right, she's just near She's delicate and seems like the mirror But she just makes it all too concise and too clear That Johanna's not here Val's memorial was yesterday morning. it was really hard. i wrote that Val's girlfriend hated me, and maybe now, after marriage and kids, i don't blame her. Val was one of those people who i loved instantly. in no particular order heather martin val amber vanessa keith kevin matt joan paula eric and or course, senor. twelve. i guess that's a lot of people to love instantly in one lifetime. i kick a rhyme drinkin moonshine i pour a sip on the concrete, for the deceased but no don't weep we showed up to the memorial only fifteen minutes early. all the seats were taken, and i didn't recognize anyone at first. not until after the memorial begin. the master of ceremony, he looked a hell of a lot like a dude i work with. except hip, wearing a hat with a feather, and talking in a way that resounds. then i noticed in the back row someone who works in the office next to mine. next to her, is a campus principal, next to him, a teacher i know. but i can't make the connection. in my mind, i'm with val, i'm in the river, we're in his truck listening to trance. here's how it resolves. after all these years or marriage and pregnancy and babies, turns out i've been working with Val's brother. and there he is, on stage, paying tribute to one of his four other brothers. the youngest, my friend, my love ... deceased. all these years and i never made that connection. Val's girlfriend, she hated me, and i now i can't face her. and now, after all this time, i guess i don't blame her. i loved Val the moment we met, for reasons i can't explain. i loved Val well before i dislocated my shoulder, well before he took me out to dinner, well before he saved me. it was the moment i laid eyes on him. love at first sight. it can happen. love at first sight can happen even when you are only a disembodied figure. and maybe one of the most important lessons i've learned in my life is that love is at once so mysterious and so concrete and unquestionable. If a man urge me to tell wherefore I loved him, I feel it cannot be expressed but by answering: Because it was he, because it was myself. |
it's just a ride and we can change it any time we want |
hold your heart courageously as we walk into this dark place Stand, steadfast erect and see that love is the province of the brave |
He did a popper on Thanksgiving night back in 2007,gave him a minor heart attack.That poor baby was trying to tie a shoelace to help him lift his foot up.Still trying to avoid the hospital because of his deception with the IRS. Anyway we found out right after that that he had lung cancer. His mom who moved right next door to him would not help him,to this day I resent her.I remember when she kicked him out of her house when he told her he was gay.We were just kids then. What I'm trying to get at is he had a good death.He went out on his terms and rather quickly.Czazina got that through my head and she was right.I loves her. |
damn straight. actually, it's not all serious. sometimes it's kinda funny. |
Sorabji Uber Allis!! |
ugh. my dear friend Maria's mother passed away last night. she and her husband are heading down to San Salvador for her burial and to be with the rest of their family, while her two kids stay here with us. i'm sad and nervous. these things come in threes, right? |
*hug* |