We all know that I was very close to my Grandmother before she passed away. I was the one who took care of her. I was the one who talked to her. She was my best friend. While she was in the hospital my parents decided to take all of her money and put it in one of their accounts. When she passed my uncle asked them to put the money in a money market account since it would be a while til things were settled and her money could be passed out to her children. My uncle asked for a copy of the bank statements and copies of all of the bills that were paid and money received (a general accounting of the money that is supposed to be passed out among the family). No big deal, right? Each persons belongings that were inherited, were to be shipped to the person with the money coming out of their share of what they were to receive. My parents have separated the physical belongings and put it in the basement of their house, and paid a couple of bills, but that is all. Yesterday (my parents 29th wedding anniversary) my uncle calls upset because he has not received anything, not an accounting of the money, nor his belongings. He gets into it with my Dad who is making excuses about why the "couldn't do it" (they both work, they are taking care of a 16 month old, they are dealing with my sister, they had to help us during the ice storm). He gets pissed off and hands the phone to my Mom, who gets into another fight with my uncle. They pack up all of his stuff and she takes it to work to be shipped to him (she works for a trucking company and it will be shipped for free). So my Dad calls me from work to tell me all about this and asks if they are calling me about it. I said they weren't (my uncle doesn't want to drive a wedge between my parents and myself, so he doesn't say anything other that what he has requested or what he has seen and do I know anything about what is happening). He asked what I would do if they did call, and I simply stated that I am 1,000 miles away and do not have any information regarding the money or the account and he is the one who has everyone's stuff so I really don't know anything, and that is what I will say. He said that I should tell them not to give me some Waa waa story. Isn't that what he just did. I am willing to bet that I will hear from my uncle within the next week. My aunt will probably call in one of her drunken/stoned off of her ass stupors to bitch about how horrible my parents are. For some reason I am always the one they call when they are pissed at each other. |
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