throw some hoodoo around these parts Why I oughta...: throw some hoodoo around these parts
By kazoo on Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 05:08 pm:


    Get bad vinegar, beef gall, filet gumbo with red pepper, and put names written accross each other in bottles. Shake the bottle for nine mornings and talk and tell it what you want it to do. To kill the victim, turn it upside down and bury it breast deep, and he will die.

    (I can't deal with politics today so I'm throwing around a little folklore. And I'm thinking that perhaps, I could get a job as a conjure woman when I'm done with this degree.)

By Bob Evans Sausage Boy on Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 06:59 pm:

    "To kill the victim, turn it upside down and bury it breast deep, and he will die."

    Do you impale the victim breast deep with the bottle? Or breast deep in the dirt? How does that work? Is that a normal sized breast, or an Anna Nicole breast? I've got to know because I've got somebody on my shitlist and am thinking hoodoo's a good way to go.