Interim Superintendent Angelo Petrone ordered underlings last week to remove all decorations that go beyond a vague "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings," the Associated Press reported today. PTA member Marla Hurban said teachers scrapped lesson plans involving Christmas and Hanukkah decorations and took down bulletin boards loaded with children's artwork. When word of the order began to spread, "anybody who heard it thought it was a joke at first," said Amanda Pendleton, who has a daughter in fifth grade. "Then they had to literally tear everything off the walls." Christians are furious that New York City's costly but wretched government schools allow display of the Muslim star and crescent and the Jewish menorah but not the nativity scene. "It's outrageous," Catholic League President William Donohue says in today's New York Post. "We tried to talk to them nicely, but we got nowhere. So we're suing." The lawsuit notes that the city and the so-called Department of Education convey a "message of disapproval of Christianity" while "coercing students ... to accept the Jewish and Islamic religions." Display of Muslim and Jewish religious symbols sends a message that Christians are "outsiders" and "not full members of the ... community." The city's educrats claim that they are following Supreme Court guidelines and that the Muslim and Jewish religious symbols are somehow "secular." "We have a very inclusive policy here," insisted mouthpiece Margie Feinberg. |
Don't like something? SUE. I don't understand. |
For the vast majority of US Students, the menorah and star and crescent may as well be secular symbols. How many could even identify teh star and crescent as a religious symbol in the first place. I'm not saying that the actions of the teachers was right, but a lawsuit is not the answer. Lawsuits are what started this whole religion inschool mess in the first place. |
Anyway, suing in this case is silly. However, the people who came up with the "no Christ in Christmas"/"Jewish and Muslim imagery is secular" plans are drooling idiots. |