I am looking for other work. But I don't even get to interview stage. I want out, the Pandyr told me to just quit tonight - I should get about $5k for resigning (due to super contributions), but I can't be jobless, its too scary. I have no idea what I want to be. Actually, I want to be at home. Where other people can't bloody make you feel like shit for being good at your job. I invest so much of myself in pretending that everything is okay, that her grunting in reply to my 'Good Morning's' or 'Can you help me with this' or 'How was your weekend' is not affecting me, when it fucking well is. My boss thinks I am too sensitive, and that her attitude isn't a problem. My co-workers all know that she is picking on me and that she bullys me. She tells me off for things I didn't do, informs my boss on EVERY LITTLE THING I do in error, talks over me in meetings and generally treats me like I am invisible. She did it to another girl who was there (and who left shortly after I came on board), and now I guess its my turn. I'm over it. Big companies may give you good benefits, but they sure as hell don't give a fuck about good employees. |
i hear ya moonit. When i got fired (STILL SAD!) from my job with the charity, my very first thought was "Thank god I'll never have to see that miserable bitch again... oh yeah, I need a new job." The day before I had finally snapped at her during lunch and expected to get a stern talking-to over that anyway. I resolved that I would be taking all my breaks and lunches outside from then on anyway, even in winter, just to avoid her. it's hard |
needed to. Then I'd write down everything she says or does and when she says or does it things that seem insignificant and not related to work. Then take that list and summarize it into a few paragraphs that explain how it affects your ability to work. Tell your boss that you are not being too sensitive and that this woman is creating a hostile work environment that affects your ability to do your job well. If your boss won't listen, go to her boss or to the department that handles these kinds of gripes, if you have one. I know it sounds all Dear Abby-ish, but it might work if you handle it in a "professional" manner. At the very least the boss should talk to her about the work specific things. Something like, "I do not need you to discuss moonit's work with me." and "I would appreciate it if you would not talk over other employees in meetings." Or, put her email on every pagan, wicca, harry potter, boyband, heavy metal, etc. listserve or email list you can find and let the fun begin. My friend Simon (Boston Simon, not Atlanta Simon) used to do this to people all the time. I guess there was this one Britney Spears page that would just dump tons of e-mails overnight. And, when you get a new job, I give her a good asswhupping. |
Last night it was another co-workers birthday, so we all went to a bar by work, and the bitch came. If I was talking she'd stare off into the distance, she wouldn't reply directly to me, or even look at me. How fucked up is that? A friend of mine who used to be a HR Manager says that I should be documenting all behaviour and that if I was really evil, I could engineer her to treat me worse - and then we could sue the ass of the company. I am not that kind of person. I hope when I leave, they hire someone who is. That was evilhungovermoonit speaking there. Now I'll return you to hungovermoonit. |
<grunt> |
Either that, or you've got to learn to ignore her behavior. Inhabiting the middle, where you simply suffer for suffering's sake, is self indulgent. If you live there you deserve everything you get. In other words, if you sit on the fence, the picket up your ass is your own fault. |
and not related to work." That should say, "when she says or does it, even things that seem insignificant and not related to work." carry on |
and get the pandyr to take photos. |
One is at an insurance company, and I kinda thought it might be a bit boring. The other is for a tourism company and looks pretty varied and exciting and new. Guess which one I want. I'm a bit freaked now, the insurance one is prolly better money and better benefits, but the tourism one sounds like fun. And jeebers knows I could use some fun :) |